Bella: What's that?
Alice: It's a Bird!
Emmett: It's a Plane!
Edward: No, it's!... Ballet Obsessed flying around.
Me: Haha! Take that, suckas! Now I own Twilight!
*The four vampires look at each other, then up at Ballet Obsessed*
Emmett: No you don't.
Me: Darn it!
Summary: Ballet Obsessed doesn't own Twilight. She also can't fly. She just likes to think she can.
Author's Note: So, this is kind of a sequel to my other story, "With Summer comes Swimming". You don't have to read it to understand what's going on here. This is Edward and Bella's romantic week together – with the requirement that Edward can't spend any money on her.
Dancing in the Rain
I stared out through the car window into the pouring rain. We had just dropped off Alice, Jasper, Rose, and Emmett at the airport for their flights to their romantic week away. I was almost giddy with the thought of spending an entire week with alone Edward, as long as he stayed true to the promise that he wouldn't spend any money!
Carlisle and Esme had also decided to vacation away – Edward wouldn't tell me exactly where they were going, but he did mention something about an Island… (AN – Isle Esme!)
Pressing my hand against the window, I turned my wandering thoughts back to the rain. It fell heavily, like buckets of water were being thrown un-relentlessly down on us. A small smile played on the corners of my lips as I remembered how much I had hated the rain when I first arrived. Now it was comforting; a signal that Edward could be with me.
Edward squeezed my hand gently, pulling me out of my thoughts. He smiled that wonderful crooked smile at me, and I momentarily forgot that he was driving. Of course, it wasn't long before I let out a small shriek.
"Bella, love, it's ok. You know I can drive perfectly well."
I stuck out my tongue childishly and tried to pull my hand away. He refused to let go, his iron grip keeping my poor hand encased in his. As my frustration quickly ebbed away, I couldn't help but think just how much I would love to be that lucky little hand.
"Bella?" I was once again pulled out of my thoughts, and blushed slightly as I looked up to meet Edward's confused gaze, realizing I had been staring rather intently at my hand. "What are you thinking about?"
I looked down, embarrassed. "Nothing." I murmured.
He let the car roll to a stop before turning his full attention to me. I didn't even know where we were. I was too lost in his gaze.
"Bella…" he half-scolded, keeping me trapped in his piercing gaze. I sighed, looking down at our intertwined hands.
"I'm was just thinking about the rain. And how jealous I was of my hand at the moment." I mumbled, blushing a bright red.
There was a moment of silence; then a cold hand was under my chin, pushing my chin up so that his eyes could meet mine. A slightly smug smile alighted his perfect lips. He pressed those lips to mine for a second, then pulled away and smiled again.
"What about the rain?" He questioned curiously, playing gently with my fingers. I knew he was always so frustrated with not being able to read my mind, and that trying to understand me was often difficult.
"Just how I used to hate it. I used to resent the rain; loathing the fact that it was cold and a sign I wasn't in Phoenix anymore." I smiled shyly at my handsome vampire. "But now I love it. It's always so beautiful, and it means you can come out to play." We chuckled softly at my choice of words.
His eyes light up all of a sudden, and he quickly shifted the car's gears before pulling out and driving away. I was able to catch a small glimpse of my house disappearing behind the trees. Puzzled, I looked up at my dazzling vampire.
"Edward? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." He smirked. "I had something planned for my first non-money day," he looked pointedly at me here, to which I responded with a cheerfully laugh. "But we'll have to do that later."
Knowing I was safe in my vampire's arms, or car, I settled back to watch more of the rain, Edward's thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of my hand.
I must have dozed off, because I suddenly woke up in my fiancé's arms, a large black umbrella shielding us partly from the pouring rain. He also had a bright blue raincoat draped over one arm.
"Hmm?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly, trying to get up and move myself. Edward was having none of that, and instead kissed my forehead gently.
"Just hang on love." And we were off, flying through the trees at a break-neck speed. Smiling, I cuddled into Edward's chest, allowing myself to enjoy the sensation of going so fast.
When Edward finally stopped, he held me in one direction, refusing to let me turn around. Smiling, he kissed one of my hands softly before sliding the coat's sleeve over my arm; following his lips as he trailed kisses up my arm, behind my neck, and down the other side. I closed my eyes contently, elated at the feeling of Edward's lips through my sleeves.
Once he was assured that my raincoat was placed correctly, he finally allowed me to turn around. I gasped in surprise at the sight before my eyes.
We were once again in the meadow; only this time the rain created a mysterious, but still magical, feeling. Any flowers that were in bloom were bent slightly from the weight of the rain pouring down upon their gentle heads. Even the trees were partially weighted down by all the water, creating miniature water falls under numerous branches.
I turned to look at Edward, love and wonder shinning in my eyes. He smiled back softly, cupping my face in one of his hands. I put one of my hands over the one that was holding up the umbrella as he leaned down to kiss me.
The kiss was gentle; a way of speaking without words. I could feel every bit of his love for me through the kiss. It wasn't passionate and desperate, but rather very sweet and caring. It was a perfect kiss.
He broke away, allowing me a moment to catch my breath.
"It's so beautiful!" I said in wonder, allowing my eyes to quickly dart over the meadow before returning to my love.
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled brightly. "I used to love the rain when I was a child."
He looked out at the rain as a silence enveloped us. I looked up at him curiously; always wondering what little secrets I didn't know about Edward's human life.
Usually, I'm a rather calm and quiet person. I don't tend to go all crazy or hyper. But there must have been something in the rain, because I had a sudden urge to pull the umbrella away from Edward. So I did.
"What the…?" Edward gasped, actually surprised by my actions. I giggled at the look on his face.
"Oh, now you're going to get it!" He playfully growled, starting to pull the umbrella away from me. I tried to hang on to the handle for dear life, but should have known that I couldn't resist vampire strength.
The second I was no longer under the protection of the umbrella, I was soaking wet. My hair clung to my head and face, making it hard to see. If I hadn't been wearing the raincoat, I would have been soaked to the core.
Setting the umbrella down, Edward gently wiped my hair out of my face. He was about to lean in and kiss me when that mischievous feeling came back. Just before our lips met, I ducked and started running towards the center of the meadow. My laughter was ecstatic and carefree, accompanied by Edward's musical chuckles.
He eventually caught up with me, and gently swept me up in his arms, spinning me around in circles. I reached my arms out and let my head fall back, allowing the rain to pour onto my face.
After he put me down, Edward grabbed my hand and gently pulled me toward a small group of flowers. Bending down, he plucked a purely white daisy out of the ground and handed it to me with a bow.
"For you, my lady." I giggled at the seriousness in his voice.
"Why thank you kind sir." I replied, attempting a clumsy curtsy before taking the delicate flower in my hand. Tucking it behind my ear, I turned my head side to side.
"How does it look?" I asked, smiling. He smiled back.
"Lovely." He replied, leaning in closer to me. I quickly lost my train of thought as his sweet breath fanned over my face. My heartbeat sped up, almost more eager then my lips for him to kiss me.
"Simply lovely." He was whispering now, his lips just inches from mine. I was too dazzled to try and close the distance; putty in his cold hands.
"You know," he continued in a husky whisper. "I feel very jealous of that rain right now."
I was just able to gasp out a "Why?", my voice shaking slightly.
"Because it gets to be on your lips." He said simply, before finally crashing his lips onto mine.
This kiss was both passionate and sweet. There was still no desperation emitting off of his lips, but rather a sense of contentment and romance.
My hands once again found themselves in his luscious bronze hair. They wrapped around Edward's wet locks, trying to pull his head closer to mine. One of his hands was cupping my face, his thumb skating from my chin and up my cheek. The other hand wrapped around my waste, causing me to shiver slightly.
"Breathe, love." He chuckled after pulling away. I tried to obey and catch my breath, slightly dizzy from kissing my favorite vampire.
"Bella? Can I ask you something?" I looked up, surprised by the timid sound in his voice.
"Of course, Edward. What is it?"
He took a small step away from me, watching me carefully with his topaz eyes. Then he swept into a graceful bow, one hand extended towards me.
"May I have this dance?"
I bit my lip, afraid of what injuries I could inflict upon myself this time. But when I met Edward's pleading gaze, all worries seemed to melt away.
I smiled, and held out my raincoat like a dress while I tried to once again curtsy back.
"I would be honored."
Edward smiled brightly, taking one of my hands in his and gently placing his other hand on my waist. I waited for him to start swaying back and forth, but instead he half-lifted me up to place my feet over his.
I laughed, leaning my head back into the rain, before Edward spun us away in a graceful waltz. I couldn't help but think back to the Prom, how it had been such a milestone in my relationship with Edward.
But now we were together, waltzing in a flower-filled meadow to the sound of rain falling gracefully from the sky. Edward's eyes met mine, and we both smiled.
It was one of those moments that no words needed to be exchanged. We were both blissfully happy, as if the rain had washed away every care and worry in the world. Until it was just Edward and I, dancing in the rain.
Author's Note: I just love writing cute fluff stories! They're so… cute! And fluffy!
I have an idea for what will happen over the next two days – but I desperately need ideas! What can Edward and Bella do for their romantic week – that doesn't cost any money?
Please review!