Disclaimer: I do not own either Power Rangers or Harry Potter nor do I make any profit from these words.
Chapter 1
Severus Snape stalked through the Great Hall, stopping for a moment at the Gryffindor table to remove points from the Weasley Twins over one of their pranks, insult Harry Potter and remove points for the way he was eating, then made his way to the staff table.
As he sat, Minerva McGonagall commented, "Really, Severus, there was no reason for that."
"I have no desire to hear why your Golden Boy should be above …" His words were cut short as a flash of Green light appeared before the head table, right in front of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, depositing a young boy in torn and bloodied green clothing.
The boy brushed his long dark hair back from his face and met Dumbledore's eyes unflinchingly. "Sir, I … my team needs a place to … heal. By the laws of Yyshan, I request the use and help of Hogwarts."
Dumbledore didn't respond immediately as he was deep in thought. Severus demanded in the silence, "And who are you, boy, to call upon us as such?"
The boy turned to him and met his gaze with a cold and hard look. "It's been awhile, Uncle Severus, but I wouldn't have thought it that long," he responded almost flippantly.
"Thomas?" he questioned, shocked.
"Don't worry, Severus, I didn't come to see or speak to you. If anything, your presence here is part of the reason I turned down the offer to attend classes here." With that, he turned back to the Headmaster.
Dumbledore finally spoke. "And how do you know of the laws of Yyshan, young Thomas?" He paused, then answered his own question. "You are -- what they call a paladin of the Grid."
He nodded, almost a bow, elegant even in his torn and bloodied state. "That's one of the terms. -- Tommy Oliver, Green Dragon Thunder Ranger of the Power Rangers of Earth," he introduced himself. "And my Pink Beauty is currently dying, so if you could speak your answer."
"Yes, young Thomas, your Ranger team is welcome here. And you are welcome to attend classes, still."
Tommy didn't respond to this, but lifted his wrist and spoke into his communicator. "Teleport to my location," he commanded. Almost before he finished speaking, four lights flashed, of Black, Yellow, Blue, and Pink, depositing two boys and one girl kneeling beside a second girl laying on the ground between them.
Madam Poppy Pomfrey, the medi-witch, immediately moved forward to help her but was stopped by the defensive look of the other three at her side. The girl in yellow had a dagger free in her hand -- she couldn't tell if the boys were armed but they all looked battle-worn.
"Let her," Tommy said to his teammates, a quietly spoken command. "She's a healer."
The three stood and moved to Tommy's side, letting Madam Pomfrey whisk their teammate away. Silence filled the whole Great Hall. The students were wondering about this Tommy Oliver who called Professor Snape his uncle, yet stated that his presence was the reason he wasn't studying with them.
Trini, the Yellow Ranger, broke the silence, turning to Tommy. "What now? How do we get Jason back and what do we do about the Command Centre and Zordon and Alpha? And, well, how did you know this place to come to?" All three Rangers were looking to him imploringly for leadership.
Tommy met the gazes for a long moment, then stepped back and motioned to Dumbledore. "Headmaster Dumbledore signed an intergalactic magical aid treaty, the Yyshan Wiondropa, when he first became headmaster of this school."
"Yyshan Wiondropa," Billy repeated to himself, thoughtfully. "If I'm correct, that would be a dialect of Tefonia."
"Tefonia High. Trey's father led the summit."
"Then he should be able to contact the Tefonian Empire!" Billy, Trini, and Zack exclaimed as one.
Tommy nodded again, that almost bow. "Whatever else the others answer, Trey'll help us, which brings their Rangers and a large part of their military, as he's the Crown Prince."
"You don't think Prince Rand will help?" Trini quietly asked. She always had a crush on the younger of the princes.
Tommy placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, knowing well her thoughts on the subject. "Rand's a good man, but young, cher. He'd help us, but he does fear Zedd. After the last time … It might be too much to ask him to come here with Zedd around."
"They'll help us find Zordon and Alpha, as well," Billy stated, partly just to get off the thought of what they knew Zedd had done to the young Tefonian Prince. Then, as he caught the look in Tommy's eyes, "Or do you not believe there is anything to find?"
"The Command Centre imploded, guys," Tommy stated, softly. "Everything within destroyed. Alpha was entirely of this dimension, so there will be nothing to find of him. Zordon … he was only partly within our dimension, so there is the chance he's simply within another. With help and time, we might be able to find him. If the implosion didn't complete collapse the connection between our dimension and whatever dimension Zordon resides in."
Trini let out a slight hitched breath, holding back tears for their lost friend, their missing mentor. Billy hugged her, Tommy gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"Come on, I'll show you to the hospital wing and you can all get your injuries treated."
Billy and Trini started to follow him, but Zack stopped them. "So Tommy, you know this place because he signed the treaty?" When Tommy didn't say anything or even turn to face them, Zack added, "You have a way of … of sounding like you're answering a question when you're really just talking about something else. So was that how you knew, yes or no?"
Tommy sighed softly as he turned to face the other Rangers. "No." He motioned to Severus. "That sporcaccione gaping at us like an idiot is technically my uncle." He almost flinched at himself, hearing that word leave his mouth. Billy tended to recognize languages, at the least their world of origin, and he had to speak Nimian where he could hear. He usually kept better control of himself than to allow such slips. Billy couldn't know even the language base there, but that in itself would suggest it's origins. Before they could question the word he used to describe him, hoping they didn't really notice it, he continued, "I was born to his sister, and for the first four years of my life, I thought him the greatest uncle possible. Then, I was kidnapped and … no matter what, I didn't … forget. When I escaped, I found my way back here, found Severus, and he informed me that my parents were dead and that it 'would be better' if I just continued to live in America. So, I did. A few months later, I ended up in the Grove, entered that tournament that drew Rita's attention and the rest, as they say, is history. -- Now, would you care to get your injuries treated so we can get back out there and save Jas from Rita and Zedd or was there some other unnecessary incidental information you'd like to question first?"
Solemnly, Trini asked, "I should have asked this before, seeing as I know the answer with every other friend I have, but where do you live?"
He rolled his eyes. "Command Centre."
"So, your house just blew up?"
"Technically, imploded. We do have things to be doing." Without another word, he walked out of the Great Hall.