Chapter 6

Naruto lay on his giant bed while he thought. Sasuke. Why couldn't he get his mind off him? He was such an enigma and this thrilled and confused Naruto.

When Naruto thought of slaves he saw in his mind's eye poor dirty people with no manners and no dignity. Sasuke was neither of these things.

Sasuke was always very clean and his clothes immaculate and neat. He walked with a graceful air about him and his every movement seemed to reveal his previous heritage. It still amazed Naruto that Sasuke was coping so well from switching from the highest class to the lowest. And of course Sasuke's beauty was nothing to ignore.

Naruto smiled as he thought back to that one evening. Sasuke's skin had been so soft and white, and his lips had been like pink petals. It was stupid, but Naruto thought that Sasuke seemed to have a floral scent about him. It was mouthwatering. And it was also blatantly obvious that Sasuke was a virgin in every way.

Naruto grimaced at himself. With beauty like that you would think he would have some experience. That was going to be troublesome. Naruto giggled as he used Shikamaru's favorite word. But still, he couldn't deny that his innocent reactions had been quite a turn on.

Naruto wasn't stupid, he knew just forcing Sasuke into something was only going to cause more problems. He liked his partner to be willing and the act in general to be consensual. So Naruto decided that the first step was to get Sasuke to trust him. And the best way to do that was to be around him more often.

Naruto jumped up when he heard a knock at the door. Ino stepped in practically dragging a very antagonized looking Sasuke. They both carried small bags of what Naruto assumed to be Sasuke's belongings.

"I've brought him sir" said Ino pushing Sasuke in front of her.

"Excellent!" Said Naruto, "Could you place his things in the side-room there?"

Sasuke watched Ino take his things through a small door in the side of the room he had never noticed before. He then warily looked at the Prince who was watching him thoughtfully. Ino came back out.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes" replied Naruto "you may go."

"I'll get the others to assist you for the night."

"That won't be necessary" said Naruto, an evil grin starting to spread on his face.

Ino looked confused.

"I'm sure Sasuke can take care of my every need."

Ino nodded and after shooting a sympathetic look at Sasuke, left the room.

Sasuke sighed and warily looked at the Prince. He was staring at Sasuke with an annoying perceptive look. Simply to kill the boiling tension in his stomach he asked "How may I assist you Prince Naruto?"

Naruto smiled in amusement and Sasuke ground his teeth. His new theory was proving correct; Naruto had it in for him.

"Prepare my clothes for the night!" Naruto said, freakishly happy.

Sasuke silently went to the humongous closet and chose a simple set of linen sleep clothes and brought them back to Naruto. He was already stripping himself. Keeping his eyes firmly on the ground, Sasuke placed the clothes on the bed and picked up Naruto's dirty clothes.

After placing the clothes in a bin in the hallway, he went back to the room to see Naruto climbing into bed.

"Will that be all?" Sasuke asked sullenly. He really just wanted to sleep.

Naruto nodded and waved him off with a yawn.

Sasuke went into the little chamber that would be his new room. He changed into loose pants and a tunic and turned towards the bed… only to feel the urge to hit something.

The 'bed' consisted of a wooden bed frame and nothing else. Did the Prince simply enjoy teasing him!?

Swallowing down his immense frustration, he walked back into Naruto's room.

"Forgive my intrusion my lord prince, but there seems to be some mistake, there is no made bed in my chamber" he bitingly said, the sarcasm was hard to miss.

Naruto sat up and chuckled stupidly. "Ugh right, forgot to mention that to Ino…"

The look Sasuke shot at him seemed to make the room drop a few degrees.

"Don't worry!" Naruto said brightly "We'll take care of that tomorrow! So tonight you can uhhhhh sleep with me!" he finished. He nodded with a look that said 'aren't I a genius?'

The look on Sasuke's face was priceless.

"Actually" continued Naruto, his voice getting deeper "that sounds like a good idea."

Sasuke swallowed and resisted the urge to step away from Naruto's probing dark eyes.

"I can just go get Ino-"

"No" Naruto cut him off. "She's probably asleep by now. It can wait till tomorrow."

Sasuke once again had to swallow his pride. He walked over to the bed and slid under the covers, keeping to the extreme edge to stay as far away as possible from the blond.

After Naruto shuffled around for like ten minutes, trying to get comfortable, Sasuke was finally able to relax into the cloud like mattress and he swiftly fell asleep.

There was a fierce pressure all around Sasuke. And the heat, the heat was too much. He tried to worm his way free but it was as if a snake was coiled around him. He opened his eyes and tried to get used to the darkness to see what the hell was trying to suffocate him in his sleep. He noticed a lot of things that were out of place.

Firstly, he was no longer on the side of the bed where he'd started. He was directly in the middle with all the numerous quilts and blankets coiled in a knot around him and the thing gripping him like a cobra, he soon realized that this was Naruto.

Naruto's was clutching him in every way shape and form. One of his legs was slipped between Sasuke's and the other was slung over his waist. His arms were both wrapped around his torso and clutching at his back. He was also staring directly into Naruto's snoring face.

Sasuke grimaced and tried to wrestle himself free. Finally, just as he was almost out of the death grip, Naruto suddenly gripped him with every limb available and dragged him back up against him.

Sasuke groaned in agony as he was now completely up against the blond. Realizing the futility of the situation, he managed to get one arm free in order to throw off a couple of the blankets that were burying the two of them.

Now considerably cooler, he tried to sleep while ignoring the feel of warm flesh around him.

PAIN!!! Sasuke groaned in agony as he tried to cover his poor blinded eyes.

"Finally you're awake" Sakura said in an annoyed voice. "Gosh you're just as bad as the prince when trying to wake up."

Sasuke's reply was another groan and a sleepy glare towards the general direction of her voice.

"Wake the prince and take care of him. There was an accident in the kitchen so the girls and I are helping out. It's probably going to take a while."

She finished opening all the curtains then left.

Sasuke grumbled and snuggled back into the warm hard chest beneath him… WAIT A MINUTE WHAT!?

Sasuke leaned up but slammed right back down from the two arms tightly encircling his waist. Both groaned from the impact and Naruto sleepily opened his eyes to stare confusedly at Sasuke.

"What are you- oh" he shut up when he saw their position.

Naruto was lying on his back and Sasuke had somehow ended up half on top of him and lying on his chest.

Naruto chuckled at the disgruntled look on Sasuke's face and released him.

Sasuke jumped out of the bed and practically ran to his room to change. Jeez, clingy much!?

After dressing and composing himself, he went back out and was met with an amusing sight.

Naruto was having a mighty war, with his shirt.

Sasuke watched as he at first tried to defeat his opponent by yanking it over his head, but it was too small so it got caught and he stumbled around trying to yank it off. After falling on his behind, he pulled it back down and then tried to unbutton the shirt. But alas, the buttons proved too great a foe for the mighty warrior, who had now taken to simple cursing at the shirt and threatening to tear it to shreds and burn it.

Sasuke tried to hold in his laughter but a small chuckle nonetheless escaped.

Naruto glared at him with a glare very similar to his own and angrily snapped "GET THIS CURSED THING OFF ME!"

Sasuke, now openly laughing, went to obey.

He easily unbuttoned the shirt and slid it off Naruto's muscled shoulders. Sasuke couldn't help but notice how smooth his skin was. Why oh why did someone with an Adonis body need to be such a complete moron?

Sasuke stepped away and went to get Naruto's new clothes for the day.

"Shall I try not to get anything with buttons sir?" Sasuke asked mockingly.

He laughed as he heard more curses from Naruto directed at him and clothes in general.

Sasuke was sweeping the loose dirt from the rich carpet in Naruto's room. He did so while purposefully trying to ignore the said Prince.

"Saaaaaaaasukeeeeeee!" Naruto began to whine again. "I'm boooooooooored!"

Sasuke sighed in pure irritation and snapped back "Well if somebody had been paying attention to his lessons he might not have been sent back to his room!"

Naruto pouted and slumped back on the bed. "But they're so boring!"

A vein started to tick on Sasuke's forehead. "Well which is more boring, doing your lessons or being stuck in your room?"

Sasuke was then blessed with a full two minutes of silence as Naruto began to ponder this apparently difficult question.

"I guess being in my room" said Naruto hesitantly.

Sasuke shook his head in pity. "Look, they may be boring but they are important. A Prince needs to have a lot of knowledge in order to be a successful ruler."

Naruto started to reply but then got a thoughtful look on his face. "Hey Sasuke, you used to be a prince right?"

Sasuke stilled for a moment. "Yes" he replied.

"So you must have once taken lessons like I'm taking!" Naruto said excitedly.

"No not exactly" said Sasuke "I was the second Prince so I took different lessons than the ones for the successor." He said almost bitterly.

"Oh" said Naruto.

An awkward silence descended. Sasuke finished sweeping and set the broom aside.

He ran his hand through his locks and sighed. He had been attending to Naruto all day and man was he tired. The guy was a never ending ball of freakishly hyperactive energy. When he wasn't skipping through the hallways he was annoying all his tutors and servants.

Sakura, Ino, and Hinata were all busy helping in the kitchens that day so he had been alone with Naruto. Apparently one of the ovens had exploded and caused quite a mess. At least he didn't have to help clean that up.

The clock in the room chimed 5 o'clock.

"Dinner time!" yelled Naruto.

Sasuke and Naruto stumbled back into Naruto's room exhausted and out of breath.

After dinner they had come across a group of children whom apparently Naruto was familiar with. After the boy, Konahamaru was his name, and Naruto were done throwing insults at each other, Naruto volunteered both himself and the unwilling Sasuke for a game of tag.

Two hours later they were as they were now, they had had to lean against each other for support in order to get all the way back up to the room.

"Ah man!" cried Naruto, who immediately went to flop on the bed "those little guys are fast!"

Sasuke merely nodded in agreement and went to prepare Naruto's things for the night. He was so tired and he couldn't wait to fall down on his own bed… which he had completely forgotten to make.

Sasuke clenched his fists and tried to resist the urge to bang his head against the wall. How could he forget that? He was way too tired now to go all the way downstairs to get the necessary bedding and he was sure the girls were still busy.

Sasuke brought Naruto's things to him but simply dropped them when he noticed that Naruto had simply stripped completely and was now lying underneath the covers. He sighed and went to shut all the curtains.

"Hey Sasuke" said Naruto.

Sasuke gave a grunt in response.

"You forgot to make your bed didn't you?"

Sasuke gave another grunt.

Naruto laughed and moved over to one side of the bed, an obvious welcoming gesture.

Sasuke changed into his sleep clothes and joined Naruto in the bed, too tired to think of the no doubt cling-filled night he was going to have.

Sasuke felt cold. He could feel goose bumps all over his body. He shuddered and vaguely realized that he was completely exposed to the cool night air. Yet even though he was cold, he was incredible hot too.

There was a burning heat spreading through his body and Sasuke gasped as it intensified and raced like wildfire across his skin. He was panting and moaning in need and his hands clenched the sheets underneath him. He arched his back as he bit his lip to keep in the groan of ecstasy.

"Finally awake?"

He heard a voice ask.

His eyes snapped open only to see Naruto's face descending to capture his lips in a familiar fiery kiss.

Naruto kissed Sasuke fiercely as he bit and sucked on those perfect lips. Naruto's mouth was oh so warm and Sasuke reacted and kissed him back with abandon. Their mouths meshed perfectly and their bodies melded together.

Their naked bodies slid against one another, seeking warmth and the sweet friction that caused both to groan in each other's mouths. Their sweat allowed for smooth motion and the feeling of each other's smooth skin felt glorious.

After tasting all parts of Sasuke's mouth, Naruto pulled back to breath in the much needed air. He stared at Sasuke's flushed face and glowing ruby eyes and couldn't help the possessive thought that this gorgeous creature completely belonged to him.

With an animalistic growl, Naruto arched up and brought his hips down to violently grind his erection against Sasuke's.

A choked sound escaped Sasuke as he feverishly responded and thrust upwards, desperate for more.

Naruto grasped Sasuke's hips and firmly held him down against the mattress.

"Slow down love" he panted "keep moving like that and I won't last much longer."

Sasuke started to sit up to show the fucking tease just what he thought of that but he was cut short by Naruto suddenly grabbing his member.

Sasuke fell back against the pillows as Naruto's hand squeezed him harder.

He writhed in blissful agony as the hand moved and Naruto's mouth latched onto his pale neck.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's back and clawed the muscular shoulders above him. He was losing himself, giving in to the pleasure and the will of the Adonis above him. The hand pumped him relentlessly, stroking the skin at the base and then sliding across the dripping slit at the head.

The minutes seemed to last forever until Sasuke cried out as a painfully tight, yet incredibly pleasurable feeling came over him. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense and he squeezed his eyes shut, wanting the feeling to stop and wanting it never to end at the same time.

Finally the wave passed and Sasuke collapsed against the sweat soaked sheets. He felt Naruto release him and he gasped as he tried to regain his breath.

"Sasuke" Naruto murmured.

Sasuke shivered at the deep husky voice.

He opened his glazed eyes and stared up into Naruto's dark sapphires.

Naruto smirked and sat up between Sasuke's spread legs. He gently grabbed Sasuke's arm and pulled him up and towards him.

"It's your turn now" he said in that same sexy voice.

He placed his hands on Sasuke's shoulders and pushed him down.

Sasuke, realizing what Naruto wanted, tried to back away. But he was tired and weak from his recent orgasm, and there was no resisting the strength of Naruto's solid hands.

He bent forward; not resisting Naruto's guiding hand as he closed his eyes and placed Naruto's member in his mouth.

Whoot I finally updated! I had major writers block or something. Anyway, THE ICE HAS FINALLY BROKEN! Do you know what that means? SASUKE SEXUAL TORMENT! MWAHAHAHA! ...I'm really evil I know but you KNOW you want to see it! or read it... whatever.

Look forward to another chapter soon! Thanks for reading!