Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my laptop, my imagination and my crazy poodle. Steph, Ranger and Morelli belong to Janet Evanovich. Inside the Actor's Studio and the questions belong to someone else also. The plot for this however is all mine!!

A/N: I got this idea when I was surfing . There is a section that has the list of questions posed to the main characters and what their answers would be. Funny stuff!

The Questionnaire

Chapter 1: The Questionnaire

Stephanie sat home alone and watched television. She couldn't find anything to watch so she settled for watching Inside the Actor's Studio. It was the end of the episode where James Lipton asks the guest a list of questions. The guest was supposed to just answer quickly and not put a lot of thought into it. She tuned it out as she got an idea.

She and Morelli were in an off-again stage of their relationship, if you could call what they had a relationship. He'd once told her that there was him and there was her, but there was no 'us'. She believed him. But she was lonely. He'd been calling her and attempting to get back in her bed. So far, she'd blocked his attempts.

Ranger knew that they'd broken up and had reminded her of his promise to be back in her bed if Morelli was out of it for too long. Much to her surprise, he'd actually told her that he wanted to try a relationship with her.

She was torn.

Her heart told her to give Ranger a chance, but she wasn't sure what it was that he wanted from her.

Her head told her to go back to Morelli because he was safe, but he wanted things that she wasn't sure she could give him or wanted to give him.

So she came up with a plan. She got out her computer and began to type up a list of questions.

You have wanted to get together with me. I have some questions that I think need answering. So I came up with a list of questions. Please answer them seriously and return the list to me. This is important to me. We will see where things go from there.

What is my favorite color?

Which would I rather listen to Godsmack or Linkin Park?

What is my food pyramid based on?

Who is my favorite superhero?

What did I want to be when I grew up?

What is your idea of the perfect date?

What is your favorite thing about me?

What do you think of my abilities as a bounty hunter?

What kind of relationship can you offer me?

What would I have to give up to be with you?

What would you give up for me?

What would you be willing to give up to be with me for the rest of your life?

Do you miss me when I'm not around?

What is my greatest fear?

What is your greatest fear?

What is my greatest wish?

What is your greatest wish?

What is your favorite sexual fantasy?

What if I never wanted to get married?

What if I never wanted to have children?

If we were in a relationship and sex wasn't an option what would you do?

Stephanie re-read her questions and decided that the questionnaire was complete. She printed out two copies of the list and would drop them in the mail the next morning.

TBC in the next chapter… Morelli's Answers