AN: Happy Almost New Year to you all! For Christmas my family received a Wii, and as I was trying to improve my skills at the Sports, I had BB on the mind at the same time. (Some people multitask, I multi-think.)

POP QUIZ!!!! Who thinks Bren trying out Parker and Booth's new Wii will result in laughter, friendship and maybe a little romance, not to mention Parker fluff?

If you answered "ME" to that question, you scored 100% on your quiz. You may proceed to the fic. Anyone else, please hit the back button at the top of your screen.

------I'm waiting for the people who answered wrong to leave.

K. Now that they're gone, let's see how this goes, shall we? For anyone who doesn't know me, I don't plan out my fics. I get the basic idea, mull over it for approximately 3.4 seconds, then sit down and start typing.


OOPS! Forgot the disclaimer. Don't ya hate these? I do not own Bones, any of the related characters, or the rights to a Wii. I do, however, own a Wii. But I don't think that counts for anything.

Temperance stared at the same door she'd been staring at for the past two minutes. Were all men this deaf? Maybe if he turned down that...whatever was so blasted loud inside, he could hear the doorbell.

"Booth!" She hollered at the blue door, pressing her finger to the doorbell again. "I know you're in there!"

She counted to thirty before marching off his doorstep and tramping across his lawn to the side window. The blinds were drawn. That concerned her; usually he left them partially open. "Booth!" she yelled again, rapping her knuckles on the glass. "Booth, are you in there? Can you hear me?"

"NO!" she heard come from inside. Definitely her partner, and he sounded devastated. Her annoyance dissolved into fear and concern.

"Booth! Is everything okay? Booth?! Booth, if you don't open the door, I'm going to break in!"

There was no response. Panicking slightly, she ran to the side gate and scaled the wood planks, landing in his backyard. Rushing to the back glass door, she yanked on the handle, relieved to find it unlocked, and threw open the door.

"What the hell!" Booth yelled, throwing Parker to the ground and spinning to face her. Her instincts made her fall into a fighting stance, her feet apart and fists raised.


She immediately stood up straight and lowered her hands. Checking him over quickly, she saw no bruises or blood. Her panic was replaced by anger and annoyance, again. "Because I've been standing at your front door, ringing the bell like crazy, and then knocking on your window, and I hear you yelling! I thought someone was attacking you!"

", Parker and I are just playing a game!"

"Yeah, well how was I supposed to know that?"

"You don't have to break down the door!"

"I didn't, it was unlocked! Besides, you would've come crashing though my wall if I wasn't letting you in and you heard me yelling!"

"Daddy?" Parker's small voice came from behind the couch. "Can I get off the floor yet?"

"What? Oh, yeah, bub. Sorry."

"Hiya, Dr. Bones!" Parker said when his head appeared from behind the couch, and he saw his dad's partner.

"Hi Parker. Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No, that was cool! I didn't know that you could break doors!"

"Oh, um, I didn't, see, I just threw it open roughly."

She looked at Booth and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

His eyes softened and he smiled at her. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were out there. And yeah, you're right; I would be calling backup and breaking down your wall if I was in the same spot."

"Apology accepted. But can I suggest turning down whatever it is that's so loud in here?"

"It's our new Wii!" Parker volunteered.


"Wii!" Parker said, bouncing over to the TV and picking up a white control. "See?"

Temperance turned her gaze to Booth in confusion. He laughed at her gently.

"We have really got to get you out more often, Bones. It's a game system. You hook it up to the TV and you can play games on it."


"It's kinda like a GameCube."

"I don't know what that is either."

"Never mind. Here, we'll show you."

She walked into the room and sat down on the couch. Booth took a second white controller and the father and son looped the wrist straps around their wrists and stood in front of the screen.

Parker had the main controller, so he selected tennis.

"Okay, Bones. See these buttons? They have letters to tell you which ones they are. The bottom is B and the top is A. This cross thing controls direction. And the whole thing is motion censored So when I wave it," he swung the remote out, "so does my person on the screen."

Temperance looked at the screen, where Booth and Parker's avatars were on opposing sides of a tennis court. Booth's look uncannily like him, and Parker's was shorter, with a mop of blond hair.

"I get to serve!" Parker cheered, and he waved his remote upward and then to the side. Temperance watched the screen as the animated ball was served back and forth, but found it more amusing to watch the two boys in front of her. Parker was smiling, and moved with ease and just enough energy. Booth was biting his lip in concentration and his arm was pin-wheeling wildly as his person dove for the ball and missed completely. She held back a laugh.

"Yes! My point!" Parker announced proudly.

"Nice job, Parker," Bren smiled, partially to congratulate the boy, mostly to tease Booth. The latter noticed, and stuck his tongue out at her. She giggled at his childish expression.

Thy finished their game quickly, Parker completely beating his father 15-50.

"Want to try, Dr Bones?" Parker asked, handing her the remote from his wrist.

"Oh, um...I don't know. I've never played before."

"Daddy can show you! He taught me how to!"

"Yeah, and then his skills started evolving and passed mine up!" Booth grinned, ruffling his son's hair. "Come on Bones, I'll show you." He slid the remote off his wrists and offered his hand to Bren. She looked at him and, unable to resist the pleading look in his eyes, took his hand in hers. He pulled her off the couch and slipped the strap around her wrist.

"Yay!" Parker exclaimed, and turned back to the screen. "You can play me, Dr. Bones! What game should we do?"

"Whatever one you want." She was having trouble focusing on the screen, since Booth was standing directly behind her, his chest pressed to her back, one hand on her waist, the other covering her fingers on the controller.

"Let's try baseball! That one's easy."

"Okay." she barely choked out, because Booth had settled his head on her shoulder so he could get a better look at the screen. She felt every muscle in her body contract in response to him. No fair, her mind chided her. Make him nervous back!

She smirked and adjusted her hips so her ass was pressing into him. She felt him suck in a breath and hold it. Serves you right, Booth.

But then his hand was trailing from her waist down to her hip bones, his thumb rubbing small circles on her sweatshirt.

Her plot for her next move was interrupted by Parker's voice. "Dr. Bones, press A!"

"Oh, okay. What am I doing?"

"You're batting. You don't press anything, just swing," Booth murmured in her ear, a little softer than he normally would, his voice a octave lower than usual. Two can play this kinda game, Bones.

"Oh," she said, running her tongue over her lips, and chewing gently on the bottom one. Oh my gosh we need to stop this...

...or we're going to end up making out in front of my son.

Parker pressed B for curve ball on his remote and threw the ball towards Booth's character, who Bren was playing as. Bren relaxed her stance and let Booth swing once, using her arm, so she could get the feel of... the game. They hit a foul ball.

"Time out!" Parker put down his remote and dashed upstairs to the bathroom. "I'll be right back!"

Booth was still wound around his partner. "Get it now?" he whispered, lowering his mouth right to her ear. She turned her head so she was staring right into his eyes, their noses almost touching.

"Yeah, I think I do."

"Hmm..." he gave her the smallest of smiles, tilting his face forward a fraction of an inch so the tip of his nose nuzzled hers. Bren struggled to breath normally as her heart skipped beat, but she moved her head forward so their noses were side-by-side, her lips a millimeter away from his skin. His own heart burst into overdrive.

And then, before she could even register what she was doing, her lips had moved to his, and she was kissing him. Gently, and softly. The thudding in his chest went from 90 mph to a dead stop. Oh my God have mercy. A freaking angel is kissing me. MY angel is kissing me. His lips moved on their own accord, capturing hers right as she started to pull away, and then they were completely and utterly oblivious to anything else in the world besides each other.

Lack of air broke them apart after a minute or two (because, let's face it; neither of them could think, period, at the time, let alone count numbers.), and they simply stared at each other, both surprising calm and flying high at the same time.

"Um..." Booth broke the silence first. "That...wasn't...rational."

Bren's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but then she grinned seductively at him. "Oh," she said, capturing his lower lip in a quick kiss repeatedly between words. "So," "Now," "You're", "The," "Rational", "One."

"No...," he smiled. "I just couldn't string any other words together into a sentence."

She laughed, elated, and turned so she was facing him fully, and wrapped her arms around his neck, the Wii controller still dangling from one wrist. "You too, huh?"

He chuckled softly before lowering his head down and placing his lips over hers, this time a little less gently and a little more 'I've been waiting for three freaking years for this day.' She responded with equal enthusiasm.

"Ewwwww!" Parker's giggling voice broke the moment, causing the two to spring apart like they'd been electrocuted. "Daddy, Dr. Bones, that's icky!"

"Um....." Booth stumbled, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Bren stood at his side, fighting to contain her embarrassed laughter, and losing very, very badly.

Parker just rolled his eyes in an I've-Seen-It-All fashion. "Grown-ups!"

AN: And...finished! I think. This can stand as a oneshot, or maybe if I get bored enough I can turn it into a multi-fic. You know, I've got some good ideas for the boxing and the tennis. Plus, it would be really funny if one of them hit the other with the controller. Well, okay, it'd be a good excuse for fluff and then a make-out scene.

Funny Wii story; my old math teacher wrote strategy guides as a side job, so when the Wii came out he got 2 (!) and all the games at the time. This was before they had the wrist straps. He brought one to the faculty Christmas party and my Art teacher, who is a very big, strong lady, got mad at the Golf game, I believe, and was taking some pretty hard swings. In mid swing, she let go of the controller and it went flying into the wall and the controller ended up with a big dent in it. MORAL OF THE STORY: use the wrist straps. They are there for a reason. That reason being my Art teacher.

So...let's get started on writing those New Year's Resolutions! Allow me to make a suggestion; send Kia review about her story with (constructive) criticism and responses.

Hi to Jen! This story is dedicated to her because she commented to me that she wants to see more physical attraction in the BB fics and less emotional stuff. Hey, I'm all for emotional stuff, but I agree; physical attraction is a BIG part of BB's relationship. So, here you go Jen.

DISCLAIMER: [Bones+Wii+Booth+Parker=not mine]-[storyline+plot=mine]=...

Nope, I still come up with =I own nothing. Drat.

This chapter is going to be short, just because I wrote it while wasting time between daily activities. Parker fluff (the best kind, next to BB fluff) and a SURPRISE that might be a little angsty and scary.

Chapter Two

Booth stumbled over several sentences in attempt to try and cover his (and Bren's) ass. " you...uh..."

Bren had swallowed her laughter and smiled at her partner. "Parker, do you want to keep playing?"

"Yeah! It hasn't even been one inning yet!" The little blonde bounded over and picked up his remote. "And you still haven't seen me throw a splitter!"

And the game resumed as if nothing had happened. Booth sat back on the couch to watch his two favorite people in the world interact.

Parker stuck out Bren's first two players but she hit a home run on the third.

"What! Hey!" Parker laughed as the character on the screen rounded the bases. Bren laughed with him, and then looked back a Booth, a big smile lighting up her face. He returned with his own charm smile and winked at her.

"Okay," Parker instructed Bren, "now you're pitching, and all you have to do it press the button and move your remote. It's simple."

"Alright, if you say so, Pa..."

Her sentence was cut off by a loud "thud" from the front of the house. The trio froze, the cheering of the animated crowd the only sound in the room. Another "wham" sounded, and the walls rattled. Temperance immediately went into danger mode, and pulled Parker behind her body. Booth got up from the couch cautiously and stuck his head around the corner into the kitchen, where he had a view of the whole first floor. The front door shook as a third "thud" met their ears.

"Bones, get into my bedroom and take Parker with you," he ordered. Bren nodded and looked down at Parker. He wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he could sense by Dr. Bones' and his father's reactions that it was not good.

"Parker, come on," Bren whispered. He went pale and shook his head.

Bren bit her lip. "It's okay, Parker. No one's going to hurt you. We just aren't sure what's going on and we're being careful."

He still stayed rooted to the spot.

Temperance tried again. "Here, do you want me to carry you?"

His nod was barely noticeable, and she picked him up in both arms, settling him on her hip and making her way slowly to Booth's bedroom. She passed Booth, who was hanging up with the police. He nodded at her, and she placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled consolingly before walking down the hallway and into the master bedroom.

Parker had recovered a little from his shock and crawled out of her arms and settled on the queen-size bed. Bren stood in the doorway, her eyes trained on Booth. A fourth "wham" rattled the entire house, and she heard a crack as the front door gave in.

"Parker, get under the bed!" she hissed. He was startled by the anxiety in her voice and scrambled under the wooden frame. "No matter what, you do not come out unless me or your dad comes to get you!" She twisted the lock on the door and closed it shut behind her as she dashed into the hallway. She could hear fist being thrown and grunts of effort. Rounding the corner to the kitchen, she saw two men, one with black hair, one with red, kicking at Booth, who was on the ground, his arms raised in defense, his legs kicking right back at them. Before she could even think about what was going on, Temperance grabbed a wooden cutting board and slammed in into the back of the head of the first person in her way. He fell, but not before he'd turned around to face her. His knife plunged into her arm as he fell to the floor, ripping its way down her limb.

"Bones!" Booth screamed, and threw the hardest punch of his life at the red-head. The man's knees buckled temporarily, and Booth scrambled to his partner.

"I'm fine!" she protested, even though every inch of her left arm was on fire, and her clothing was quickly becoming blood-soaked. She saw the redhead appear behind her partner and attempted to high-kick him. But the sudden loss of blood caused her vision to spin and her legs to collapse beneath her. Booth caught her but was struck in the back by the intruder's knife.

"Shit!" he swore, and threw his arm blindly behind his shoulder, feeling his elbow come in contact with the other man's chest. Temperance saw her chance and delivered the hardest kick she could manage to the man's head. His eyes rolled back into his skull as he hit the floor.

"Bones, Temperance, baby," Booth pleaded, looking into her blue eyes. "Oh my God."

"It's fine, I'll be fine. Are you okay?" she asked.

"Me? I'm fine!" He ran his thumb over her paling cheeks, before registering who was missing. "Parker, where's Parker?"

"He's locked in your bedroom, hiding. I told him...not to come out unless one of us came to get him."

"Okay, oh my God. Thank you, Bones."

"I'm fine, you can leave me and go get him."

"No, I don't want him to see you like this."

"Like what?" She looked down at her body and her vision went blurry. But she managed to see red; a whole lot of red.

He peered closely at her when he saw her pupils dilate. "Ambulance is on its way, okay?"

As if to back up his words, sirens sounded loudly and lights flashed outside. Several armed officers barged in, closely followed by two paramedics with a stretcher, and another medic with a large bag. They wasted no time in kneeling next to Brennan and lifting her gently onto the stretcher.

"What's you name, sweetheart?" The first nurse asked her.

"Dr. Temperance Brennan."

"Okay, Temperance, who do we need to contact? You're medical proxy, any family, close friends?"

Bren managed to smile weakly over the woman's shoulder at Booth.

"The man behind you is all three."

AN: And...I'm stopping there because it seemed like a good place to stop.

Hello to my BFF Shantai, who is reading these and annotating them like Jen is. She was upset that Jen got a mention in the AN and she didn't, so now you can stop complaining, Pedia. Wiki loves you.

Haha for anyone who is going "What the hell?", those are our nicknames. We both love spouting off random and generally useless facts and so one of my guy friends who witnessed this called us the "Wikipedia twins". So we split the name and therefor I am Wiki and she is Pedia.

I'm sure you're all making emergency calls to the local psycho ward at the moment, so I'll shut up before I talk myself into a straight jacket.

AN: So after going over many muses with Jen, (all the while making semi-dirty comments and laughing our butts off), I'm going to skip over the whole hospital ordeal, because there are plenty of fics out there for you to read if you like that kind of stuff. I simply don't have the patience to write that whole process. Plus, I want to stay true to the reason I started this fic; the physical attraction, with a side of the emotional. This fic is about them growing closer together, but not the whole "I almost lost you we are never going to leave each other I wanted to die when I saw the knife rip through your arm'. We know they felt those things and they know they felt those things. Let's just get on with the making out already!

Still not quite sure if I'm going to do all the Wii Sport games. Thanks to my inspiring friends Jen and Shantai (Pedia), I've decided the best BB moments lie in golfing. Although bowling has a TON of dirty metaphors. I mean, come on. "She palmed his ball while contemplating her next move." TOTALLY nasty-dirty but, if you're still innocent enough, seemingly harmless.

By the way, if you're reading this, you're not innocent in any sense.

YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE READING THE FIC; So, fast-forward a week. Bren's arm is in a sling because they don't want the new skin to stretch a lot, in case it causes complications. Hey, I'm not a doctor. I'm a vivid imagination. So she has to stay with Booth. I mean, it's really hard to do everyday things one handed. Try it sometime. Booth's going to have to assist her with stuff like cooking and laundry and, ahem, maybe showering...

Hey, it could happen! My uncle sawed off his thumb on accident (of course on accident) and he said the hardest things to do one-handed were shampoo his hair and zip up his pants.

Booth might be helping Bren with unzipping...


"Booth, I swear, if you look at me like that one more time, I'm going to use this sling to choke you!"

"Look at you like what? I'm not looking at you in any special way!"

"You are, too! Like if the slightest wind blows, I'm going to tip over and break every bone in my body! My arm is a little scraped up; my equilibriumhas not changed!"

"Okay, okay. Sheesh. Sorry."

Bren took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. It wasn't that she wanted Booth to leave; it was the exact opposite. She was really appreciative that he offered to take her in, since her doctor told her that living alone was not a great option, seeing as, for a few weeks, she was single-handed. Booth, of course, offered, and she, of course, accepted.

Parker had been shaken a bit by the experience of the break-in, and as soon as Rebecca had gotten the news of the incident, she whisked her son away. He would be coming back next week.

Booth fumbled with his keys, trying to find the one that matched his new door and bolt lock. He chewed on his lip, and Brent thought she saw a glint of defeat in his eyes.

"Booth," she said, stretching our her good hand and placing her palm on his neck. "I'm sorry. It's just...I hate having to depend on people. You know that."

He turned so that they were face to face, putting the keys on the window sill next to the door, and wound his arm around her waist. "Yeah, I do."

She smiled softly; she didn't know why, she just couldn't help it, and leaned into him, resting her head on his strong chest and wrapping her capable arm around his hips, pulling him into her as tightly as she could. Her injured arm was cushioned between them, and she gently ran her fingers along the contours of his abs.

A low growl rumbled in his throat. "Bones..."

"Hmm?" she asked innocently, lifting her head to stare at his brown orbs. He just shook his head at her, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Bones, you are really something else."

She snorted. "Wow. Um, that was..."


"Yeah, that sounds right."

He laughed with her. "Come on. It's almost midnight. And I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." He retrieved the keys and unlocked the door after trying two wrong keys.

His words made Bren conscious of the fact that she, too, was drained of energy. Having a knife tear though your flesh had that effect.

She walked in first, flipping the lights on before even realizing what she was doing. Strange how she was so at home in this house. He followed behind her, setting her bag of clothing and toiletries on the couch.

"Kay, well," he said winking at her, "the bedroom's all yours."

She smiled coyly. "Just mine?" she teased.

His self-assurance evaporated. "Or..., um...I mean...if it''re, you know..."

She smirked. How could such a confident guy be so insecure?

"Seeley Booth," she sashayed over, aware that the sling was taking away from the sexiness a little, "do I make you nervous?"

He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Um...yeah, well... Good God, he couldn't even think straight! Get a grip, Seel.

He closed the distance between them and stared right into her eyes, lightly trailing his fingertips around her collarbone, leaning in to rest his head next to her ear, breathing hotly on her as he whispered, "Only as nervous as you."

Goose bumps rose on her arms. "Then you're pretty damn ... 'nervous'," she murmured, coiling her useable arm around his neck and playing with the tiny hairs on his nape. Unable to control herself, she craned her neck to the side and pressed her lips to his skin, sucking a little, knowing exactly what she was doing to him.

He swallowed a moan, and instead moved his hand from her chest to her head, pulling her away from him, only to guide her to rest her forehead on his. "Yeah, I really am."

"Guess what I really am."


"Tired." She smiled, and he glared at her playfully, pretending to push her away, all the while keeping a strong arm around her waist, and just when it seemed she would stumble backwards, he pulled her back into him. She twisted a finger though his hair lovingly.

"And I don't think I'll be able to sleep alone. You heard the doctor."

"Well, we wouldn't want to stunt your recovery," he grinned, and went into his room. She grabbed baggy sweat pants and a cami from her bag, and threw them on in the bathroom before washing her face and brushing her teeth. She walked into his bedroom, where he was throwing an extra blanket onto the bed.

"It's supposed to be really cold tonight," he told her. Then, he approached her and gingerly undid the buckle that held the sling strap in place. She pulled the loose brace off her limb and hung it on a chair. Her wrecked arm was wrapped in with bandages and encased in what seemed to be a role of tape. He looked at her mangled arm sadly before placing a hand on her back and leading her to the bed. She settled herself on one side, drawing the blankets over her legs. He crawled in next to her, pressing his legs between hers, holding her back to his chest. She sighed in content as he drew his arm over her side and cradled her injured limb in his hands. Before drifting off into sleep, she turned her head to find his face inches from hers, and pressed a sound kiss to his lips, drawing back before he recovered from his shock and joy.

AN: I know, I know. It was short, and technically speaking, there was no appearance by the Wii. But if you're reading this for the games, you are seriously missing out on the entire point of the story. Go stick your head in a barrel of rainwater. Not just normal water- rainwater.

AN: Jen, surprise! To make up for not bringing you the latest chapter on Friday, I am writing you a whole additional chapter. Although Shantai's probably going to get to it before you, sorry. She has this tendency to show up on my doorstep at random times throughout the day.

Warning; implied sexual proposals. If you aren't over the age of 12, go away. I mean it. If you aren't a teen or adult and are reading this, I will find out where you live and me and my friends will throw squishy potatoes at you when you walk to school. Because we keep squishy potatoes on hand at all times. Don't think we don't. (And no, I do not mean tomatoes, as in the red veggie/fruit. When I say potatoes, I mean it. POTATOES.)

So so so... here we go again.

Temperance Brennan was what most people would call a "loner". She did not feel empty when she was by herself at work, at a restaurant, at home, or even when she woke up in an empty bed.

But at the moment, she was considering changing her mind about that. Because every morning she woke up alone, was a morning she did not wake up to a sleeping Seeley Booth wrapped around her, his hands still protectively holding her injured arm, the rest of his body wound so tightly around her, she thought that they'd never get untangled.

Not that she was complaining.

And every morning that her bed was empty, it meant that Seeley Booth wasn't muttering about the sun being too damned bright, and burying his face deeper into her neck, and running his fingers up her leg, slowly...

"Booth," she moaned, the word coming out more erotic and less protesting than she'd planned. "Seeley, we can't do that with me only having the use of one arm."

He blearily opened one eye and squinted at her.

She grinned. "At least, not well."

He smiled and planted a kiss on her shoulder blade. "Somehow, I doubt anything you do to me...and I do to you...will be anything but amazing, temporary handicaps or not."

She squirmed against him, and he sucked in a breath, his pants become smaller in a certain area.

"Trust me, Booth. I can do just fine without either hands." she squirmed harder against him, and he groaned.

She smiled coyly at the effect she was having on him. "But...I think if you want the full experience..." she leaned her head down to whisper seductively in his ear, "then I think we should wait a week."

With that said, she got up from the bed and made her way to the master bathroom, swaying her hips a little more than normal. His eyes followed her until she closed the door behind her, and then he collapsed back into the mattress, muttering to himself.

"A week. Seven freaking days. How the hell am I going to resist her for seven days?"

AN: I know, I know, it's short. But I'm sure it's Jen and Shantai's favorite far. *Evil laughter*

* in sing-song voice* I know what's going to happen...and you don't...ha ha ha ha ha...

Hey, if you kill me, I can't write the rest of the chapters. Haha! I have total control over Booth, Brennan, and you!

At least in this sad little fanfic world.

3 Kia (Wiki)

AN: Well, after vehement reviews from my Annotator and my Pedia, I'm back to answer the question both of them attacked me with; "WILL THERE BE SEX IN THE NEXT CHAPTER???????????" (And, mind you, I'm trimming down the question marks.) And the answer to that question is....

I'M NOT TELLING! Hahahahahaha ha!

Ok ok, to be honest, I don't know. I'm sitting here, at my computer, with no life. So I'm trying to make the annoying white color of the screen disappear by covering it with black lettering. Sue me. You don't care why I'm writing. You just care that I write the BB smut soon.

Oh, and Jen invented my new favorite word, right after smutterfluff; "smexy". Haha I love it. It reminds me of my friend's friends name for her mixed nationality- 'Chexican".

Wow, rambling. My apologies. Anywho...

All the spoilers that I'm giving you for this chapter are these words; shower curtain, shampoo, and Jen, Will, Almost, Win, $100. If you don't get that last one, don't stress and lose sleep over it. Inside joke.

So, the two of you, here you go; smutterfluff and smexy overload!

Temperance hadn't expected losing the mobility of one arm to be easy. Throughout all of history, almost every functional living organism has had two or more upper-body limbs used to interact with their environment. So it was logical that use of only one limb would be challenging.

But she definitely hadn't expected it to be this difficult.

For the first time in her life, an inanimate object had gotten the better of Temperance Brennan.

The shampoo lid simply would not open. No matter how she tried to grip it or brace it against the wall, she couldn't get the cap to twist off.

"Stupid...piece of..." she muttered under the steamy spray, giving the lid one last feeble attempt at a twist. Her mouth might've been spewing off every dirty word in the English language, but her mind was rejoicing.

Well, at least now you have an excuse for Booth to come in here. You can hand him the shampoo bottle, and then, instead of letting go, you can grab his wrist and slowly, slowly pull him behind the curtain, under the hot spray, where he will proceed to peel off his soaking shirt while you...

Her slightly- probable daydream was interrupted by a sharp knock on the bathroom door, followed by Booth's voice.

"Bones, are you still in there?"

"Yes, Booth, of course I'm still in here! Where else would I be?"

He caught on to the frustrated tone in her voice.

"Need help with something?"

"NO!" she shot back venomously.

Even though a solid wood door separated them, she could feel him roll his eyes. She took a breath and her shoulders sagged in defeat.

"Okay, fine. Yes, I do."

He turned the knob and walked in, trying to rid his mind of the fact that all that stood between him and a naked, wet Temperance Brennan was a flimsy blue plastic curtain.

"With what?" he asked. She handed him the shampoo bottle by sticking her hand through the gap between the curtain and the tiled wall. He grabbed it and effortlessly twisted off the offending cap, but for some reason, couldn't bring himself to hand it back to her. He thought of the steam that would hit his hands as he stuck his hand back into the shower, maybe brushing a bit of her skin...

"Booth?" she stuck her head out of the shower, clutching the curtain around her upper body. "Are you okay?"

He didn't respond, but that was fine with her. She could fill in the time with just staring into his eyes, getting lost in the sensations she got whenever she just looked at him.

Those sensations tripled when he poured some of the shampoo onto his hand, never taking his eyes off her face. She wordlessly disappeared back behind the shower curtain, facing the spray. She heard the plastic sheet swish as he climbed in, fully clothed, and felt his eyes travel up the back of her body. Then, his fingers caressed her scalp as he ran his soapy hands through her hair, massaging her roots and skin, making every nerve cell in her body go completely and utterly crazy.

He finished, and she turned her head to rinse out the suds, facing him in his soaked sweat pants. She cocked her head at him, a smile, secretive smile on her face, and leaned in to gentle, sensually kiss him on the lips. He lost no time in joining her rhythm, and soon she had him pinned against the bathtub wall, tongues wrapped around each other, lips pushed as hard as possible into the other's. Her good hand, which had been gripping his shoulder, trailed its way down his chest, abs, and finally rested on the waistband of his pants. He grabbed her ass as a signal to go ahead, and, with one swift tug, the pants hit the bathtub floor with a splash.

HAHAHAHAHA! I know. It is beyond truly evil to stop here. But I can, and I will! Oh, I can just see Shantai and Jen writing my epitaph as we speak. Hey, I just worked an English vocab word into my AN. Now that right there takes skill.

But don't worry. BB will get what they want and need most.

And let me just say that Jen, you are going to win your $100 in the next chapter.

Pedia, Jen got to see this before you, for once.

The rest of the world; please, no threats to kill me. That's illegal somehow, I'm sure. I think it goes under that category often refereed to as "murder".