This is my first starwars fanfic.........i'll try to update quickly and am sorry for spelling mistakes.

The girl sat in the plain grass field surrounded by nothing but nature. Her legs were crossed and her body was relaxed and she was concentrating on her breathing, making sure it was slow and steady. Her eyes were closed and her mind was blank. The girl felt the cold breeze touch her skin and goosebumps foamed on her skin. She slightly shivered but didn't move from her meditating position she was to focused.

Her name was Alexa-San and she lived on the far side of the Planet Naboo in a small village where there was no cities or towns, no war. Her tribe was very peaceful and had wanted nothing to do with the war going on in the galaxy.

Alexa was a simple human on Naboo, She had long black hair that went to her shoulder's and was messy. Her skin was pale and she had a slim figure. The strange thing about this girl was her eyes. One was a dark blue which looked kind, but the other was black and whenever she glared it sent a shiver down anyone's spine. On her cheek was a tattoo of an animal, everyone had a mark of a sort of animal . Hers was a dragon, its head was painted on her cheek and the rest of the body went down her neck, the tail of the dragon swirled down to her bare shoulder.

When she was born the tribes Elder had told the people of her village that she was special and had a remarkable power. No one knew why or even how. But Alexa had a theory, she had heard from people telling stories about the war that Jedi's also had this strange power, which was known as the force. She had talked with the Elder about this theory and he agreed. After her fifteenth birthday Alexa kept on getting visions in her mind about strange events, the next day theses events would happen. The Elder had told her she must have a special connection and soon everyone started treating her special and always asking her questions. Soon after discovering this she kept on hearing words coming from people she was always near.

Once more she went to the Elder and asked about this,

"Another power given by the force!" The Elder said with excitement.

Alexa was grateful she had been given such an honour but people treated her as if she was a different species and always asking her questions she wasn't sure she could answer. That's why she was here now. Meditating to give her a piece of mind, it was relaxing and sometimes helped her see into the future. The grass field was also a peaceful place it was far enough away from her Village and away from the cities were all the suck up sobs went.

Alexa hated the republic and including the jedi, They think just because they have the gift of the force they are the masters? They get to decide what happens in this galaxy.

Alexa was dragged out of her train of thought when she heard a distant voice calling her name. Alexa sighed and raised from her stance on the ground and dusted her clothes.

She wore a simple black dress which had bright blue swirls. It was given to her by the Elder saying it was made out of special silk, She was bare foot and had a cape wrapped around her neck and a hood for the rain. She heard the voice again and quickly turned around to find her mother running towards her out of breath, Alexa looked a lot like her mother, they had the same colour hair but her mums seemed to be lighter and they both had paled skin. They only thing she had that her mother didn't was the different coloured eyes, her mothers were green. Alexa's mother had the tattoo of a strange coloured bird which was on her mothers shoulder.

"Alexa" Her mother panted.

"Yes?" Alexa said simply

"The Elder wishes to have another lesson" Alexa's shoulder's sagged, The Elder always tried his best to teach her how to use the force but since he couldn't use it himself it only help her little and there was no way she was going to the Republic. She nodded and went with her mother to return to the village.

The village was along side a river bank and was surrounded by many tree's and plants that helped hide them from dangerous birds. There houses were all shapes and sizes and made out of a special wood that was cut down by the hunter's in the village.

The both walked though and headed towards the lake, were the Elder always was.

"Welcome Child" The Elder greeted Alexa, They both gave a small bow and her mother left immediately.

The Elder was actually quite young, he was in his early thirties and had long brown hair. He wore a black robe and held a long stick. She sat down next to the Elder and they begun the lesson.

Her lesson had ended at sunset and she hurried to her small house as it started to rain, When she entered her mother was pouring a brown liquid into wooden bowls. Alexa hurried and sat down on the soft fabric used for sitting. Her mother handed her the bowl with a small smile and sat opposite her daughter. She had not father, he had gone missing when she was only ten. Alexa drunk the soap slowly and it burned her tongue.

"I spoke with the Elder this morning" Her mother said breaking the silence.

"What did you talk about?" Alexa asked with fake interest.

"You know his son don't you?" Alexa was slightly confused by the sudden change of the subject but answered.

"Yes of course" Taki was the same age as Alexa, he had black short hair and once his father dies he would become the new Elder.

"Well the Elder and I are making a decision, We think you would be a great wife for Taki" Alexa had to stop herself from dropping her bowl, Her village had done arranged marriages before but it was the people's choice and Alexa was only eighteen! She didn't want to be forced.

"Are you talking about arranged marriage?" Alexa asked with small anger in her voice.

"We think it would be a wonderful idea"

"Why me?"

"The people of this village care for you and Taki has taken sudden interest in you" Her mother said with a small smile. Alexa slammed her bowl down onto the ground and took a deep breath.

"I will have to think about it" Alexa said though her teeth, although she already knew her answer. Alexa raised from the ground and pulled back a large cloth that led into her bedroom. She removed her cape and let it full to the ground and full onto her bed pulling the thing blanket over her head.

The ship was close to the atmosphere and the closer it got the more control it lost, the metal turned red as it burned hot and soon the ship was on fire, it entered the atmosphere and was heading for a grass field. The ship shook and nothing could help it now, it crashed into the earth, causing bits of rock to fly everywhere. The ship was still on fire and a figure fell out of the ship and landed on the ground.

Alexa woke up with a shock and sweat run down her cheek, she was breathing hard and her body was shaking. She fell back down onto her bed and used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She had a small headache and rubbed her temples, she knew what had happened just now and was worried.

She had just seen a glimpse into the future…but the thing that was confusing her most was. Who was the person in that ship?.

The next morning Alexa forced her weak body out of bed and made no food for breakfast. She decided not to tell anyone about her vision, that's what she mostly did now that she was older. She walked back to the grass field and sat down on the lush grass and started meditating. She found it hard to concentrate, she couldn't get that vision out of her mind. She felt her self fade and when she opened her eyes it was midday…she had fallen asleep. She felt a drop of water fall onto her cheek and more followed it, it began to rain. She pulled her hood up but continued to try and meditate.

Everything was peaceful and the only noise was the sound of the rain hitting the ground.

BANG!! Alexa eyes shot open when she heard the loud noise coming from the sky, A small shape was in the sky and it was coming into the atmosphere. Alexa's body froze, her vision was coming true!.

The ship was close to the atmosphere and the closer it got the more control it lost, the metal turned red as it burned hot and soon the ship was on fire, it entered the atmosphere and was heading for a grass field. The ship shook and nothing could help it now, it crashed into the earth, causing bits of rock to fly everywhere. The ship was still on fire and a figure fell out of the ship and landed on the ground.

Alexa ran towards the figure and gasped, it wasn't a person but a Cyborg. She kneeled down on the ground and brought her ear to his chest plate that protected his organs. She listened carefully and sighed in relief when she heard a faint beat. The Cyborg stirred and Alexa jumped back, His body jolted up and his thoughts came into her mind


"The Jedi aren't here and your on planet Naboo" Alexa answered his unspoken question. The Cyborg yelled and went to though a punch but Alexa caught his wrist, she felt a tingling feeling and then a jolt of electricity jolt though her body.

Jedi scum!

Count Dooku










General Grievous.

Grievous body was sent a blot of electricity when the girl caught his wrist. All these feelings and memories floated into his mind.








Jedi Scum


They were both forced back by an unknown force and both of them hit the ground painfully. Grievous groaned and Alexa stayed on the ground.

"What the hell!" Grievous shouted, The Jedi had tracked him down and shot down his ship causing him to crash down on this planet, and now he has meet some strange girl who now he knows nearly everything about just by one touch…… could his day get any worse?. Alexa stirred and Grievous head snapped towards her.

"Grievous?" Alexa asked. Grievous growled and she snapped her head towards him.

"What did you do to me?!" Grievous roared stomping towards the girl. Alexa sprang up onto her feet but stood her ground. Grievous was now face to face with Alexa and she showed no fear towards him.

"I don't know what just happened either!" Alexa snapped at the Cyborg. Grievous growled and went to swing his arm but Alexa ducked just in time.

"Will you stop trying to hit me!" Alexa yelled taking a few feet away from the angered General.

How did she know I was going to hit her?!- Grievous

Alexa frowned at him and did her best glare.

"I am no Jedi Grievous so you need to calm down!"

"You will not tell me what to do!" Grievous roared storming away from the girl, he reached a few feet when his chest started burning, he had stopped breathing and fell onto the ground before blacking out.

Grievous woke up to a sharp piercing pain in his chest and his body wouldn't obey him. He was no longer in the grass field were his ship had crashed, he seemed to be looking up at a rocky surface and then realised he must be in a cave, noticing how hard the ground was. He tried to move his body but was confronted by more pain. He heard the sound of water falling and slowly raised to his feet, ignoring the pain pumping though his body and looked at the entrance of the cave, water was falling down from high above the cave and Grievous realised that this cave must be behind a water fall. He felt a slimy substance on his chest plate and looked down noticing it was blue. He touched it and soon regretted it when pain shot though him.

"Be careful, that will help your wounds heal" A soft voice said. Grievous spun around and saw Alexa sitting on the ground in a meditating stance. Grievous stormed up to Alexa who looked calm and towered over her.

"What have you done to me?!" He growled.

"Your lungs were burnt so that caused you to stop breathing and you fainted, I brought you here" She said gesturing to around the cave.


"If I take you to my village they would capture you and give you to the Jedi, My people don't believe in war and if they found out that General Grievous was here they would hand you over to the Jedi"

"I would kill your people before they even touched me" Grievous growled.

Alexa sighed. "With the state your in?" Grievous looked at her and saw no trace of fear, this girl was completely calm and that surprised Grievous.

Alexa looked at Grievous and smirked, she had heard of him before. People of her village had told story's of how he killed many jedi and was the leader of the droid army.

"Why are you smirking?!"

Alexa shrugged "Just never thought I would meet the leader of the droid army" Grievous narrowed his eyes at her and growled.

"If your people don't believe in war then how do you know about me?"

"Story's and I must say you've killed so many Jedi"

"Those Jedi scum's deserved it!" He roared and turned his back on Alexa. She laughed.

"I know" Grievous was slightly shocked.

This girl hates the jedi? Grievous thought.

"Of course I do, there stuck up sobs who think they know everything and want everything to be perfect. They can die for all I care" Alexa hissed with anger. Grievous sprung around and picked Alexa up in the air by her shoulder's.

"How did you know what I was thinking!" He hissed, his face was only inches from hers.

"Put me down you crazy Cyborg!" She yelled kicking her feet. Grievous shoved her onto the ground and growled in anger.

"Tell me how you did it!" He asked again and grabbed her arm forcing her up.

"You idiot! I can read minds! I have a very strong connection with the force, is that enough info for you wise guy?!" She growled and shoved him away. Grievous growled and went to grab her arm but she banged him on the head.

"Unless you want to get out of here i suggest you stop trying to hit me!" She growled and stormed of into the corner.

Grievous grunted and sat on the ground, Grievous must admit this girl had fire and no one had ever stood up to him before. Grievous softly growled.

He had met his match…..

Sorry for spelling mistakes again if there are any.