In a dark red room, a lone ex-Akatsuki member was flicking his fingers lazily in time with the slow music playing in the background. His fingers were attached to a certain girl with pale pink hair.

Sakura looked up at him, pain and tears stinging her emerald eyes, on her emotionless face. With a flick of his wrist, her body jumped, landing gracefully one the wooden floor below her.

The tears had fallen, staining her white corset. As she danced, black ribbon flowed from it, entrancing itself in the wind, flowing around the snow-white skirt she was wearing.

As the music ended, Sasori clasped her gloved hands, smiling lightly to her. "That was beautiful….though….one would not expect less from the flower of Konoha." He gently twirled his fingers from the ribbon falling around her, as if being thoughtful.

Finally he let them drop, spinning her and pulling her in a sort of forced waltz. Sasori smiled, pulling her close, breathing in the scent he loved. It was her fault; after all…if he had never met her….he would still be with them…the Akatsuki.

His ocean eyes closed, as he was reminded of that memory…the betrayal on Itachi's face…the pain of a lost love on Deidara's…it pained him…made it worse than it already was.

But the flower in his arms made it all the worthwhile. Losing both his families…his first lover…she was worth it. Suddenly, he swirled her out, watching her skirt flow around her legs, as her light pink hair slid around her face, it looked beautiful up in the bun while slightly curled.

It was her fault. Her fault for entrancing him so. And to make her pay for it, he turned her to a puppet. One of his 'toys' as Kisame called them. This way she would stay with him forever.

Her beauty would be eternally his.

As the music stopped, he grabbed her shoulders roughly, pressing her to the closest wall.

"I know of your plans…and I know they will never work. You will never leave me. Never."

As he let go and turned, a faint sad smile graced his lips, if he had to have pain, why not share it with the one he loved?

His only love….

"Saku-chan...." Finally, as his scarlet head turned.

"I'm sorry…but now you're meant to be with me…and a little Uchiha can't change that. Itachi's getting stronger everyday…at a faster day then he could ever imagine."

As he slowly walked back over to her, he slightly touched her face.

"Sakura…your name fits you…soft and delicate…yet strong and determined…and beautiful the whole way."

A light laugh followed this, as the tears started to form in her eyes.

Then a wave of pain swept over him. Those eyes…those emeralds…

A hand came up to her emotionless features, gently closing her eyes. "Don't…." He whispered. "Please…don't do this to me…"

"I can't bear to see you cry…" His voice shaking along with the rest of him.

"Sakura…please…love me too….I can't see you like this….and there's no way to change you back..."

Ocean met Jade, tears forming and falling from both. "Please…."

In one fluid motion, she was embraced in his arms, while he was crying like a child.

Selfish tears, to him they felt like acid. As he held her soft form, his tear stained eyelashes brushed her neck.

"I love you Sakura….I'm sorry."