So the character Jennifer is myself…. The rest I don't own.

So basically a 13 year old girl gets kidnapped along with her little sister and Stella. It's Stella's mission to save them and herself.


~Jennifer's pov~

My mom, dad, my baby sister, Mikayla, and I were on our way back to our car. My parents had their hands full of groceries while I was holding Mikayla, who was now tugging on my hair.

"Jen, put your sister in her car seat," my mom said.

I did as I was told; I was half way done putting Mikayla in her car seat when I heard screaming and gunshots. I looked everywhere for my parents, but I couldn't see them.

I saw a man with a gun walking towards me and I tore Mikayla out of her car seat and dashed away from the man.

He started running, and I knew that my short legs compared to his long ones were no match. My arms were getting tired from the three month old baby in my arms who was screaming.

In no time, he caught up to me and grabbed hold of my arm. I tried my hardest to pull away but his arms were too strong. He dragged me to his van and with all my might I kicked him and made a run for it.

But my legs gave way, and I fell to the ground.

Before I even had a chance get up, I felt big hands on around my waist. The man picked me up and threw me into the back of his van, causing Mikayla to scream even louder.

"Shut that baby up," the man said.

I started to sing Mary had a Little Lamb but that didn't help. I called her by her nickname Mickey which made her giggle. Then, she started tugging on my hair again.

Ten minutes later, we stopped, and I saw the man get out. He opened the back door and grabbed Mikayla from my arms.

"Give her back!" I screamed.

"Follow me," he said.

"Not until you give back my little sister!" I screamed. He walked up to me and pulled my hair. As he did, he told me to follow him.

"Ok, I'll come!" I screamed. Then, he let go of my hair. Mikayla started crying again and she looked over his shoulder at me and held out her arms.

"Shut up!" the man screamed and whacked Mikayla in the arm.

"Don't hit her!" I screamed.

"Shut up!" he told me. Then, he led me into a warehouse.

He took my arm and put a chain around it. Then, he took the end of the chain and hooked it up over my head. He started walking away with Mikayla, who started to scream really loud. She started to reach her hands towards me.

"Shut this damn thing up!" he said as he walked over to me and threw Mikayla in my lap.

"I can't; she's hungry! I'm only thirteen and she's my sister."

"Fine, you two stay here," he said.

How am I supposed to move when I'm chained up to a wall? I thought as I held my sister with one hand…


~Stella's pov~

"Hey Stella," Mac greeted me with a smile as I arrived at the case.

"Hey, what do we have here?" I said as I looked down at the two bodies.

"Well, two dead bodies. Both have wedding rings on, so I'm guessing their married. They have a car seat in their car, but there is no baby anywhere."

"They could have left the baby with a babysitter," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Mac, isn't the scene blocked off?" I asked as a white van pulled up.

Mac just looked at me.

"I'll handle it," I said. As I walked toward the van, a man got out and walked towards me.

"Excuse me, but this is a crime scene; you can't be here," I said raising my badge to show him. He looked at me then out of nowhere, he grabbed me.

"Mac!" I screamed as loud as I could, but it was too late; he had already thrown me into his van and drove off.

"Why did you take me" I asked.

He didn't answer; he kept driving. Ten minutes later, we stopped.

"Get out," he said as he grabbed my gun from my holster.

I did as he told me. He pointed the gun at me and took me by the shoulder.

"Get over here," the man said. I followed him and I heard a faint cry of a baby. He led me into a warehouse and the first thing I saw was a little girl and a baby chained up.

He threw me down and chained one of my arms over my head. The little girl looked at me in fear.

What is he going to do to me? I thought as he walked towards me…