Siren: All of our fics are now on temporary hiatus.

Muse: Not for long, though. Don't worry, we haven't given up on anything.

Siren: The reason we wrote this was for our friend Tori. Her two favorite characters are Kratos and Yuan. So this fic is her birthday treat.

Muse: Yay! Happy birthday, Tori!

Siren: Review if you feel like it, don't if you...don't.

Disclaimer: Sirens & Muses do not own ToS or Eminem.


Muse: By the way, let's pretend Eminem and radios actually exist in the ToS world.

He picked up his hairbrush. He was all alone, no one was watching…he turned on the music.

'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady

He started to sing and dance aloud to it.

All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating

Man, how did Eminem get all those chicks?

So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up,

Maybe he should dye his hair blonde. Would she think that was sexy?

Please stand up, please stand up?

Or maybe a cape or something. He kicked his leg into the air, just as the door opened. He froze.

"Hey, Yuan, are you done with your shower yet?" Mithos asked, then stopped in his tracks.

Standing in the doorway were Martel, Mithos, and Kratos. For a second, they just stood there, staring at the sight of Yuan in his boxer shorts, rapping into his hairbrush. Suddenly, Mithos cracked up laughing, Martel blushed furiously red and turned away, and Kratos covered his face with his hand.

"Those are…lovely underwear, Yuan," Kratos commented. Mithos howled with laughter. Yuan's face went bright red as he quickly yanked on his pants.

"I-I was just-just, you know, fooling around," he muttered.

"Yuan, you don't like Eminem, do you?" Martel asked, still facing away. "I mean, he's really obnoxious."

"Of-of course not, Martel!" Yuan said hastily. "I was just goofing around."

"Right..." Mithos muttered.

"Did that really happen, Kratos?" Lloyd asked skeptically. Kratos nodded.

"Every word of it," he answered.

"Man," Sheena said, laughing. "Are you sure this is the same Yuan we're talking about here?"

"Who is this 'Eminem'?" Presea asked, slightly confused.

"Wow," was all Genis could manage through his wild giggles.

Lloyd grinned. "Oh, this is going to be fun the next time I see him."

Siren: Dumb, right? Ignore this if you want, but you know you want to review!

Muse: Even if its just to say how dumb this is.