Hey everyone, I know if you're a fan of my work in general, you're probably pissed that I'm not working on my Hiei story, or my Fred/George story. But yeah, so here this is. I got really bored and saw some reruns and I remembered how much I loved the show. I even may make a Richie story later, but for now here is this Hotstreak/Francis + OC story. Enjoy! Oh yeah, rted T for language, possibly rated higher later on, but not for a while.

Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Sadly, I do not own Static Shock. If I did… that'd be really cool! But so yeah, I don't any characters created for the cartoon Static Shock. I only own my character! Who, by the way is really cool… um yeah… onto the story!

In a small dark room stood a rectangular table in the middle. A lamp sat on the table illuminating two faces. On the right side was a man who sat in one of two chairs. The man was somewhere in his mid-forties. He had graying hair which was slicked back. The color of his eyes could not be determined due to the black tinted sunglasses that rested snug against his face. Adorned in a black silk Armani suit, he sat straight and rigid. His elbows rested on the edge of the black table with his laced together in front of his face.

In the second chair sat a young girl no older than eighteen. Her head swayed back and forth; she was completely disoriented. Her brown hair which held dark red undertones swayed with her. It was thrown over the back of the chair and reached closed to her hips in uncombed waves. She was dressed in a ripped up, snug fitting, scoop neck black t-shirt with white embroidered designs, and baggy, black, cargo, Bermuda shorts. She scuffed her black, suede shoes with the practically glowing, neon green shoelaces across the linoleum floor. Her head stopped swaying after some time and her piercing blue eyes focused in on the man across from her. They narrowed into a glare and it seemed as if her eyes were caught in a ripple.

She went to move her left hand to pull back a strand of her dark hair, but was halted. Looking down to her wrist, she saw a chain bolted to the table. Her eyes ventured up the rest of her arm and saw a small, silver, armband that completely contrasted her olive skin.

"Rebekah Collins-" the man started, but was soon interrupted by the girl.

"It's Red Tail," she corrected him.

He sat there for a moment, "Alright, Red Tail, what do you know about the Meta-Breed?" he finished.

A wide smirk etched its way onto the girl's face, showing off her sharp, pearly white teeth, "Everything."

The two sat in silence except for the scuffing of the girl's shoes. Minutes ticked by as neither said a word.

"What are you going to tell me about the Meta-Breed?" he asked.

The smirk remained, as her eyes narrowed slightly, "Nothing."

A matching smirk appeared on the man's face. No more than a second passed before the girl began to have compulsions. She screamed at the top of her lungs as her body shook. After what seemed like an eternity – but was only a few seconds – the compulsions stopped.

Red Tail began panting heavily as small beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and down her cheeks, "What was that?!?" she spat at him angrily.

He snickered, "That little band on your arm is interlinked with your nerves and sends electrical currents through out your body when I press this," the man unlaced his hands to reveal a small, black remote with one gray button in the middle of it.

The girl's blue eyes narrowed dangerously as the man asked her again, "Now, what will you tell me about the Meta-Breed?"

Red Tail's glare remained, but a smirk found its way onto her olive face, "Like I said before, nothing."

Her body began to shake violently once more and her thoughts began to race. Again, she screamed as the pain racked through her very being. Soon, the compulsions stopped and the girl was left panting even more heavily than before.

When she had control of her body once again, her right hand began to change; her nails increased in length, measuring close to one and a half inches. Said hand reached across Red Tail's body and towards her left arm. As soon as her fingers graced the silver armband, she started pulling at it and scratching at her own skin so she could disconnect it from her nerves the hard way.

The man across from her stood up abruptly, sending his chair to the ground in his hurry, "What are you doing?!? It's interlinked with your nerves!"

He tried to reason with her, but she would not have it. The girl was close to tearing it out as another wave of electrical currents coursed through her. As it finished she was left panting and sweating.

"Maybe that'll teach you. You can't do anything. You'll learn soon enough," the man in the suit replied with a satisfied smirk and sat down after picking up his chair.

Red Tail showed the man her sharp, pearly white teeth as she growled at him, "I can't be tamed!"

As the words left her mouth, her clawed hand took hold of the silver armband and pulled at it. Doing so, she clamped her eyes shut at the pain of the wires being torn away from her nerves. She dug her sharp teeth into her bottom lip, preventing herself from screaming at the excruciating pain.

A few seconds passed before the girl pulled the armband off. She sat for a moment, not moving an inch, before she opened her eyes and stopped biting on her bottom lip.

The man in front of the young girl was shocked to say the least. As his covered eyes gazed at the girl's blue ones, he saw her determination. Looking at her glare and smirk he knew she would keep defying him.

The young girl – with a now sore arm – would not tell them anything about the Meta-Breed. They were her new family. She would not give up any information on them. No matter what.

The man sighed and stood up. As he did so he lifted his hand into the air and with his index and middle finger he signaled for something. Out of the darkness and shadows appeared two men. Both were tall – measuring close to six foot five. Both wore suits and black, tinted sunglasses like the first man.

They stood on either side of the girl and held an arm each. The first man – who compared to the other two, was much shorter – walked over to the girl. He pulled out a key from the chest pocket of his Armani suit. He unlocked the chain that was on her wrist and pulled out a pair of unique handcuffs. They did not look like any other kind of handcuffs. It seemed they were reinforced with concrete or some other type of durable rock. Cleary meant to last and stand any Meta-Human. The man slapped them down on the girl's petite wrists.

"Stand up, you're going back to her ceil," he ordered the girl.

All Red Tail did was raise an eyebrow as she gave him a look; why-would-I-do-that? The man sighed irritably and nodded to the other two men. Forcefully, the lifted the girl up onto her feet and held onto her forearm, making sure she didn't try anything.

Red Tail sighed as her eyes traveled to the floor, then to her hands. The handcuffs were lasting; she knew she would not be able to bust them, not in her current weakened state. She looked down to her elongated nails and they soon shrunk back to their normal length.

Before she knew it she was back in front of her ceil. The two men held onto her as the first – who had been walking in front of them – pulled out the key again and unlocked the handcuffs. As soon as the handcuffs were off she was thrown into the ceil. She landed on the bed and the door was shut and triple bolted before a bulletproof glass door slid in front of the ceil door with only tiny holes at the top for air.

"I feel like a damned, caged animal! I hate this place!" the brunette screeched.

Once again, her nails – this time on both hands – elongated as she stood up. She walked over to the far wall of her ceil and began to claw at it. Deep gashes began to form into the brick.

After releasing some of her anger, Red Tail stopped, and rested her hands and head on the brick.

"I wonder if they'll come for me… but they know they'll be at danger… it wouldn't be like them to come get me," she muttered to herself.

She turned around and slid down the wall, "Will I be saved?"

Red Tail pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapped her arms on top of them and laid her head down on her arms.

The young girl began to think about the beginning, but there was a problem; where was the beginning for her new life? Was it when she officially became Red Tail? Or when she met the others? No. It was defiantly when she met that one boy, when she first moved to this city. Yes, that was it. It seemed so long ago now, looking back on it, but that is where she must start her thinking. She must start from the very beginning. Or she would confuse even herself.

Okay everyone here's chapter one. I do not promise chapter two will be out anytime soon, but I do promise, the more reviews, the more likely
I am to push this to the top of my to do list. So please, for the love of God, REVIEW!