
We looked Like Giants

A knock at the door followed by Jason's footsteps as he opened the door and walked into the room caused both Edward and I to groan in annoyance as he spoiled the peace we had created from hiding under the sheets for what felt like a week.

"Rosalie sent me up to see if you two were still alive." I lifted my head from Edward's chest and peeked over the sheet at Jason with one eye, closing it when I saw Jason's smirk.

I snuggled back into Edward's chest listening to his soft purrs as I moved my hand to trace patterns on his beautiful skin.

All of a sudden the sheets disappeared and Edward threw me behind him to shield my naked body from Jason's eyes though it wasn't anything it hadn't seen before. Edward let out a loud warning growl as Jason sniggered and sat down on the floor near the bookshelves.

"Jeez, Jason is there something in your head that tells you to annoy your sister and her husband every other week?" Edward groaned as he reached over and handed me his shirt while he pulled on a pair of boxers that were lying on the floor.

"Well, I just got some funny news and I thought I would share it with you all…but if you two are too busy being in sex comas I'll leave and tell you another day." Both Edward and I looked at Jason, knowing that he wasn't going to leave even if we begged him to.

I reluctantly sat up but didn't break contact with Edward and leaned against him as I watched Jason fiddle with his hands. If the news was going to be of another famous person dying I would not be responsible for my hands somehow wrapping around his neck and looking into his golden eyes as I choked him.

Edward nuzzled his nose into my hair and chuckled at something he probably saw in Jason's thoughts. I sighed and glanced toward the clock, my eyes widening when I realised how long we had been holed up in our room.

"So what's this new your were absolutely dying to tell us?" I asked Jason as I linked my fingers with Edward's, ignoring the strange look on Jason's face when he watched my actions.

"Carlisle and Esme have been arrested." My eyes widened and I looked at Jason in disbelief. How was that even possible? "We are going to get a phone call in hour from Fort Nelson Police Station asking for the oldest of us to go and collect our parents." Edward snickered and grabbed his cell phone.

"Why have they been arrested in the first place?" Edward asked with his thumb hovering over the call button.

"Indecent exposure."

I shook my head and stood to get some pants for me and a shirt for Edward. I shook my head at the conversation Edward was having with Emmett over Esme and Carlisle's arrest.

I paused when I caught sight of myself in the mirror, as I always did. After the fire had died from the remains of the Volturi, I had finally allowed Edward to tell me what had happened to my eyes.

They had cracked under the pressure, well, that was what Carlisle had said, with Alice nodding in the background. I didn't really know how to feel about it. I had even asked Jasper about my emotions but even he had said it was hard to pin-point exactly what I was feeling as I looked at my eyes.

Instead of the gold they had been ever since I had gotten over my newborn phase, they were now streaked with silver cracks from where the venom had pooled into my eyes to repair them.

Edward said I was still as beautiful as I ever had been but I missed the full gold my eyes would be when I had just hunted, or the full black they would become when I was angry. Now it didn't matter my mood, the silver cracks remained.

I moved away from the mirror and handed Edward his shirt as I got ready to leave the house and go and retrieve my 'parents' from temporary confinement.

About ten years ago I had agreed to start the traditional Cullen tirade of going to high school over and over again. I usually ended up raising suspicion with the humans and we had to think of an excuse to get me out of school and stayed at home with Esme as she flitted around the garden.

Jason seemed to find high school amusing with his vampire abilities, he was able to concentrate on more than just the teacher talking at the front of the class.

Arriving at the police station and seeing all the cruisers brought back bittersweet memories of Charlie. We had tried to visit him every month, and visited more when Jason was able to be around humans without them being in danger from him making them into a snack.

He had married Sue Clearwater a year after her husband had died, and somehow a son had been produced from the marriage, much to the surprise of everyone except Jason and Alice.

But, as many humans before him and many humans after him, he had died an old man surrounded by his grandchildren and two vampires. We made sure that his children and their children had all they could want and had somebody watching them for us.

Esme and Carlisle had embarrassed looks on their faces as Edward paid their bail and signed some forms. When we got back in the car it was silent except for Jason snickering slightly.

When we reached the house Edward didn't get out but turned in his seat to look at the two guilty vampires in the back seat.

"Now, when we get inside I want both of you go to your room and think about what you did to get yourselves in this situation…no wait don't think about what you did, but what it means for you and your family." I laughed at Edward's tight expression as he cringed when he got out the car.

It seemed Esme and Carlisle were about to go up to their room but Emmett was blocking the way up the stairs with a huge grin stretched across his face. He must have come back from hunting with Jasper when he got Edward's call.

"Does this mean that I'm forgiven for getting a speeding ticket last week?" Emmett asked, all innocence and grace.

Esme and Carlisle groaned but nodded and walked up the stairs when he moved. Emmett immediately got Jason into a game on the Xbox while Edward gestured with his head up the stairs. I gladly placed my hand in his and let him lead me to our bedroom.

We didn't always feel the need to fill our silences with chatter and we were both happy just sitting in each others company, I didn't know what he thought of when we were quiet for hours on end but he had once told me he was grateful that he had found me and I was always on his thoughts.

I pulled my shirt off and pulled off my pants before I climbed into Edward's arms. I loved to feel his skin on mine, it was something left over from our honeymoon where we just spent two months wrapped up in each other, not caring about our thirst or the world around us and only concentrated on each other.

But when we got home and tried to work a normal routine we always ended up wrapped around each other. We would go out for a quick hunt and return a week later, fully fed but not yet satisfied with our want and need for each other.

We drove the family mad, and even more so Jason as he was still alone after fifty plus years of vampire life. Well, that was his fault as he didn't seem to want to mix with other vampires much when we did come across them. I wondered if it was because he had already seen who would be his, and got frustrated with the waiting for her.

I sighed and turned over to face Edward. His eyes were hooded as he watched me and an excited tingle ran through my body as he leaned down to press his lips to mine. I giggled and rolled us over so he was covering me with his body.

It felt magical.

It felt wonderful.

It was the best feeling in the world.

A/N: So it's the end :) it seems weird thinking that I wont have to worry about getting this story updated ever again

Thank you to those who have reviewed any chapter and thanks to those who just read it :)

Go and check out my new story, its dark but many people seem to like it so far :)