Nya guys! For the first time in a LONG while, I have been in a readin-fanfic craze! Every day for the past week or so I have been reading either Naruto fanfics or Kingdom Hearts fanfics! X33 Soooo......since I'm in this hyper-happy mood I decided to write my second Naruto fanfic! (Please go checkies out my first!)

I wanna become a kindergarten teacher so the idea kinda came to me! XDD Its not Loli-con....so dont worry.....unless, like me, that was a letdown! LMAO. Please review and be nice for my Naruto fanfic! *bows*

The Summary- Happy go-lucky Naruto is a clutzy pre-school teacher who loves his job very much. Then one early spring day, he gets a new student with dark onyx eyes and raven-black hair. How does poor Naruto deal with a young child who seems to know certain things a kid shouldn't!?

I aplogize in advance for my poor grammar! Please forgive me! X33

Before you begin, some things to clear up. YES, they live in Konoha. NO, Naruto is not a ninja, though he does know some jutsu stuff. And I know I made up names for Sasukes parents...so sue me! XD I'm not sure on plot....pay attention at the end of my fanfic, cause I'm asking for your help! Thankies in advance!

I do not own Naruto...if I did.....MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! X33


Chapter One- Lets give a big welcome to our new classmate! Sasuke Uchiha!


"Byeee bye Sensei!" The little girl shouted waving one hand, while the other clutched her mothers.

"Good-bye Katsu-chan! See you tommorow! Remember to bring the cookie batter!"

"I will Sensei! Byeeeeeeeeee!"

Naruto Uzumaki lowered his hand and leaned agaisnt the doorway to the pre-school. He still held a smile on his face, and his aqua-blue eyes stared intently as his last student got in the car and was driven out of the small parking lot and away into the main street. He chuckled at the memory of the days events and raised his hand to tousel his bright yellow hair.

"Umm....Uzumaki-sensei?" A soft voice spoke from behind him.

"Yes Hinata-chan!?" Naruto asked brightly spinning around.

"I just came from th- the office to inf- inform you that there will be a new stu- student in your class." Hinata stuttered out with a small blush on her face.

"Really!?" Narutos' eyes lit up and he grabbed Hinatas shoulders.

Hinata broke into a warm smile. She knew Naruto loved kids. Unlike some of the other teachers in Konohas pre-school who lost their temper with the young ninjas-to-be, Naruto had a perfect clean streak. He never yelled at a child. He didnt even get upset! All his students always liked their Sensei right away!

"Believe it." Hinata laughed out, her courage returning to her, like it always did......once she got past her crush feelings towards Naruto.

"Thats wonderful! Where's their info!?" Naruto eagerly asked.

"Just go to your mailbox, they said they left his information file in their for you to look at."

"Allright! Thanks Hinata-chan!" Naruto kissed Hinata quickly on the cheek and ran down the hallway towards the main office, leaving a beet-red faced Hinata behind.


Name: Sasuke Uchiha

DOB: January 4, 2004

Gender: Male

Address: 1688 Kuro-Hana Rd, Uchiha district- lives with his mother at main manor.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Relatives: Chitose (mother) Hibaru (Father) and Itachi (Older brother)

Moody and appears to be sometimes bi-polar. Doesnt get along with other children well, tends to sit by himself. Caution in group activities. He also-

Naruto quickly read the rest of the file which continued a little more in his personality then went on to food alergies (Which he had none) and doctors numbers to call and such. What worried Naruto was that Sasuke-chan apparently didnt get along with other children. Hopefully he could change that. Naruto stared at the file more and became puzzled. Why was it torn at the edges and had the yellow stain that files got when they became old with age....? He had never encountered that before. Another puzzle was that the DOB was written in a diffrent pen color than the rest of the report. It was a dark blue while the rest of the report was the usual black.

'Oh well....' thought Naruto. 'A new student is a new student!'

Naruto shut the folder and packed it in his bag then headed out of the school and to his yellow Volkswagen Beetle. It was time to go home and catch some much needed Z'ss before another fun day of teaching. Besides, he was getting a new student!


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Naruto quickly hit his alarm clock button and slid out of bed. He looked at the time and gagged.

"NO WAY! ITS 7:30!?" Naruto screamed, racing to the shower. Pre-school starts at 8:00 am sharp, but he needed to be there at 7:30! "Crap, crap, crap!" He muttered while quickly showering and then hopping out to dry off and brush his teeth.

'Shes gonna kill me! I just know it!' Naruto thought grimly while putting on his favorite orange tee-shirt and his blue-fadded jeans. He finally grabbed the pre-schools uniform apron and ran out the door and into his car. Naruto made it to the school in just five minutes. He looked at his watch and found it was 7:55.

'Oh crap.......shes gon-' Naruto was broken out of his thoughts when a loud growl came from behind him in the hallway.

"NA-RU-TOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR LATE AGAIN!" Naruto was suddenly punched in his gut and sent rolling down the hallway, finally slamming into the office desk.

"Sakura! I can explain! I swear!" Naruto pleaded between gasps while clutching his stomach as a young girl with short pink hair and enraged green eyes came stomping down the hall.


"Uhhh.....well not really...But I didnt mean to! I swear Sakura-chan!" Naruto quickly rushed as he slid up the wall and finally stood on shaky feet.

"Tsunade is gonna be more furious than me Naruto!" Sakura said calmly with a maniac grin.

"Pleaseeeeeee dont tell Baa-san! Please Sakura!?" Naruto pleaded.

Sakura let her grin drop and sighed, "Okay, fine Naruto. But just this once!" Sakura then smiled and shook her head.

"Thanks Sakura-chan! I owe ya! Believe it!" Naruto grinned back then looked at the clock behind him on the desk. "Ack! It's 8:05! Noooo!"

Naruto uttered a quick goodbye to his friend and vice-principle then ran to his classroom. He skidded to a spot before the door to tidy himself up, then opened the door.




Naruto was immdiantly assualted by a army of children shouting and clinging to poor Naruto. Naruto broke into a huge smile while ruffling their heads and looked past him to Hinata who had clearly subsituted for him while he was getting pummeled.

"Ha ha! Settle down everyone. I was just a little late!" Naruto finally got the kids to go sit on the play rug and made his way to Hinata.

"Thanks a ton Hinata-chan! Looks like I owe another girl a favor." Naruto rubbed the back of his head with one hand and blushed slightly.

"No problem Naruto-sensei." Hinata said softly, then she looked up with wide eyes. "Oh my! I almost forgot!"

"Yes Hinata-chan?"

"Your new student is here." Hinata then turned around, facing the corner of the room that held the art tables. "Uchiha-chan, come over here and meet your new teacher!" Hinata spoke warmly.

Naruto looked to the far corner to see a boy sitting with his legs crossed at the knee and his hands holding what looked suspicioulsy like the book Icha Icha Paradise his Sensei reads all the time, before he quickly got up and stuffed the book back into his book-bag. That was when he looked up and Naruto gasped. For Sasuke was very, very pretty for a boy. His 'black' hair was more like a beautiful raven blue-black and his eyes were a deep black onyx, surrounded by perfect porcelin white skin. Sasuke walked over with a poker face on and looked up at first to Hinata-chan and then looked up at Naruto.

"Hello Naruto-chan. Its a pleasure to meet you." Sasuke said, which he then smirked at Naruto.

"Eh! Uchiha-chan! You dont call him by that name! You address him as Sensei!" Hinata spluttered out, her cheeks pink from his greeting.

Narutos eyes were wide. This pretty little boy knew his name already! And Naruto swore he heard Sasuke say the word pleasure in a seductive manner! Whats more, he SMIRKED at Naruto! Naruto, for some god-knows-reason, felt a chill of fear go down his spine.

"I'm sorry Sensei, I didnt mean to disrespect you." Sasuke spoke clearly.

"Uhh.....its fine Sasuke-chan, just as long as you call me that now, you will be fine." Naruto said hestiantly.

Hinata hugged Sasuke goodbye to which Sasuke didnt hug back but stared intently at Naruto over her shoulder, and then she left.

Naruto gave a uneasy smile at Sasuke who was now looking like he wanted to devour him, and not in the 'I'm hungry Sensei! Is lunch coming soon?' but the 'Your so good-looking I wanna fuck you' way. Naruto took two steps to the side, away from him, before looking forward at the rest of his class.

"Attention everyone! We have a new student here today! His name is Sasuke Uchiha and I hope that you will welcome him kindly into our class! Is that understood!?"

"YES SENSEI!" They all shouted at different times.

Naruto then looked down at Sasuke who was still staring at Naruto, "Would you like to say a few words to your new friends Sasuke-chan?" He asked brightly.

Sasuke slowly turned to look at his fellow classmates, then he simply walked over back to the art tables and sat down, with his back facing the children.

Narutos mouth fell open in shock then he looked at his students, "Hee hee....guess Sasuke-chan is really shy."

From the corner of the room, unheard to Naruto and the rest of the students, Sasuke gave a laugh, "Far from it dobe."


Soooo.....what do you think of my second Naruto fanfic so far!? I'm a little unsure of where this is gonna go since I'm just making it up as I go along, but I do need your help on one thing!

Should Naruto know Sasuke already but he just forgot due to a jutsu Sasuke uses on him or something or should Sasuke just be in love with Naruto after he met him once through his older brother? I'm iffy on the backround story so please help me out! New ideas are much appreciated as well! X33

Thankies for reading and PLEASE REVIEW! Reviews are love!