Hammer's working class hero.


Chapter one: knight in bandit and gypsy clothing

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN FABLE, FABLE 2 OR ANY OF IT'S Characters!


The thunder rolled and the rain poured onto the quiet roads of rookridge. Her eyes were heavy and her feet were sore as she finally reached the inn located in the middle of the god forsaken bandit and overall filth infested town.

Settling down in a seat at a table at the back of the inn the now only medium sized woman shivered remembering the huge size she had once been. Three years ago she would not have fit in that tiny chair.

Hammer's eyes scanned the bar area searching for any familiar faces who could tell her where to find an old friend of hers.

She had traveled for days not being able to put him out of her mind any longer. He was the face that invaded her every dream, her every wish and her every thought.

Her eyes widened as she spotted the very face she had traveled all this way to see.

"SPARROW!" the woman stood ignoring the odd looks she was getting from the people sitting at tables around her.

A fully strengthen and skilled sparrow with a warrior stripe hair cut in full black bandit outfit blinked and looked at the woman "Yes?".

Hammer blinked "YES!? That's all you can say you drunken fool! Don't you recognise me!?!"

Sparrow stepped forward and blinked taking in the woman's familiar and very beautiful face.

"H-H-Hammer!?!?" he jumped slightly and stared.

Hammer's hair had been straightened and cut into a shoulder length flip, she wore dark make-up and was dressed in her same old but now extremely baggy clothing.

Hammer smiled "You old dog!-" she stopped and her smile faded into a frown as she noticed the strong powerful feel to the male's eyes weaken. His dog.. Furface.. Sparrow had given up his wife Alex and two sons along with Furface so that all those killed in the creating of the spire would be revived. He chose that above anything else.

Hammer remembered how much she respected him after he made that wish.. It was then she realized what she thought had been her best friend had also been something else. something much closer to her once empty heart, Her first love. All he had done to save albion.. All he had done to help her through the loss of her father..

He was the one.. The prince in all those books she was read when she was small.. Her knight in shining armour- no not shining armour! Bandit and gypsy clothing! Her working class hero.

"Oh.. No… I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" before she could finish her sentence a pair of very strong arms wrapped around her holding her close. Hammer felt her face flush as his face lowered closer to hers. It was then hammer realized just how short she was compared to the fair eyed man.

"It's alright.. That doesn't bother me as much anymore…" the man spoke softly and allowed a new more meaningful smile to creep onto his face.

"Hammer… I'm so happy to see you!" he bit his lip fighting the urge to kiss the red-headed powerhouse as she smiled that smile.

That smile that had always made him think of just how beautiful she truly was, that smile that made him weak in the knees, that smile that made him wish he could stop anything that ever made her frown but above all… That smile that reminded him how much her had loved her from the moment he seen her.

"Sparrow.. I missed you so much" she hugged him back and felt a shiver of excitement shoot up her back as he buried his handsome face into the one spot on her neck that she had never let or had another man touch.

After a moment the two broke their hug and sat across from one and other at the table.

For a short while the two drank and reminisced on the past, the down fall of Lucien, how annoying Theresa was and of coarse how good it would be to see Garth again then perhaps kick Reaver in the balls.

After walking to the barman and paying the tab Sparrow returned to the table smiling "Hammer.. How would you like to stay with me for your visit rather then this rickety old inn?" he asked.

Hammer smiled "Sounds great to me" the woman stood and blushed as Sparrow draped his strong arm around her waist and lead her off into the misty, rainy, miserable weather of rookridge.