Okay everyone, I actually typed this up about a week ago and decided to just post it up now. There's just a mention here about the most hated part of any ZoLu fic. I'm not proud of it, but then it wouldn't be a fic without it, right? Until I get the Microsoft Word working up again, I won't be doing any updates at this time until then. Even so, I may not get all of the fics up until I'm settled in my school schedule and possibly finding a job, or at least a voluteer postion somewhere. Anyway, that's the brief look at what's going to be for about few weeks to about a month... Depends on how it goes, so bare with me and I know many other authors in this site are going to have the same deal. For those of you who are a bit impatiecent, it's okay to look back at old fics, read real books, or find ways to amuse your time with. For those with busy schedules, well, hopefully all your favorite fics have updated one or two chapters by the time you get a chance to get back on.

Again for this new fic, I'm not proud to put in a mention in the beginning... But mark my words this will be the only time you get to read it and feel the need to kill me... unless you hate cliffhangers, which I'm sorry! It's just going to be that way with me when it comes to multi chapters. But other than that this will be the only thing that will spark a horrid thought.

I hope you enjoy it despite that part and hope to get these chapters up.

Chapter 1

The sound of the heart monitor was present in the darkness when the young man started to wake up. His deep brown eyes scanned the room tiredly as he heard blurred voices, one he could recognize as his older brother and manager.

"That bastard! … not going to step … ever again!"

He couldn't focus on the voice as the numbing sensation of his whole body made him drowsy still, but he could hear more voices he recognized as his bass guitar player and drummer, all just as outraged and guilty as his brother's.

He couldn't remember what had happened to get him here, but he knew it was something horrible.

That's when he remembered.


Flashes of his memory came up and bombarded with dark, shadowy, yet clear images of what the man has done to him.

This, of course, reacted on the monitor and doctors went in to stabilize him, making him fall back into a dreamless, sedidated sleep.


The next time he woke, he was feeling the pain of the bruises, the sprained wrist, and worst of all the lower halve of his body.

He could hear whispers from the foot of his cot from the three people who are possibly the only ones who knew. The press would surely be questioning about the reason why Lucci was let go, and knew they would hound him until he breaks down and have to world know of the humiliation.

"Gentlemen, if you mind stepping out for a moment for me to examine him." She sounded older.

"Right Dr. K." The three said as he heard them walk out of the door before hearing the doctor come up. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not too long."

"Hmm… How do you feel?"


"Well, after something like that I wouldn't be surprised. But remember, that this isn't your fault. And that's coming from a lot from me."

"I know…"

"You don't sound like you understood."

"How long am I supposed to be here?"

"You have to stay here for the next couple of weeks."

"Why that long?"

"This place is the only place the press would have to have a death wish to get in. I'm the only one allowed in here."

He nodded as the scent of bleach was bothering him. "Will the pain go away?"

"In the next few days, until then you're on bed rest." She said as she finished doing the regular checkups. "I'll send the others in so you can talk to them."

"Don't!" He said suddenly and got up quickly that it sent sharp pains throughout his body.

"Okay, okay! I won't send them in." She said as she sighed. "Jeeze… They're worried about you, you know."

"I know… I just don't want them to stay in the same room and hear them whisper about what happened…"

The doctrine sighed as she left the room, and no one else went in.

He was glad that she had granted his wish, but at the same time wanting to get out of the bleach smelling and white room.

He needed to get out!

But he knew that it was close to impossible to do that in this hospital. He would have to be either really good at escaping, or do something drastic.

He had time to think, something to occupy his mind other than that memory


For the next couple of days the pain started to dim and the sprain was close to healed. But he had enough of the hospital and needed to get out. He felt like he was going crazy being in that room, walking down the empty halls at night, and only talked to his doctor. He found out where he could find clothes for him to borrow and walk out of the hospital.

When the clock hit midnight, he got up from his cot and walked down the halls, knowing that it took the security guards about fifteen minutes to switch positions. He found a room where they put away the clothes, and found some that weren't his, including a hat that can cover up his face from suspecting eyes. He walked out of the hospital, feeling the crisp, chilly autumn air as he quickly walked away from the hospital without anyone noticing.


For about two hours he walked until his feet started to hurt and found his way to a park and sat on the bench. He didn't feel sleepy tired, but he did feel tired of something he wasn't sure of. He got up again and walked until he found himself on the metro.

He wanted to go somewhere far away, but he didn't have the money to pay for the ticket. Then suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder, he froze before turning his head to see a hand and a monthly metro pass. He shouldn't really take it, but he really needed to get away from where he was, and this was an opportunity. He looked up a bit more to say his thanks and only saw a tall man in a black hoodie, which only half of his face was seen from the shadow, and he noted that the man was carrying around a guitar case on his back.

Even as the man started to walk away, he continued to look at the man before moving himself to get onto the next train to anywhere.


When he did, it was slightly packed for being to late at night, but he settled to one of the rails and just let the train go its course. As he looked around though, he recognized some of the reporters and media personnel in party clothes and clothes that would help them blend to take unexpected pictures. He felt trapped as he sensed that someone may suspect him to be the one that was said to be missing from the spotlight.

'Oh no…' He thought as he could hear the murmurs from the men when he felt another presence stand next to him, stopping the murmurs completely.

He dared a glance and saw that it was the same man from earlier that gave him the ticket, but this time he saw a bit more of the tough, pissed face aiming at the people who happen to look their way, which he noticed that he had a certain color of green in his eyes.

Then the man turned to face the door and glanced at him from the corner of his eye, making contact.

He felt like the other knew, but at the same time wasn't sure what to expect from the stranger.


When the train stopped, the stranger went off, and he wasn't going to stay with a bunch of reporters and got out as well.

He didn't know where he was and saw that the stranger was waiting for him. He didn't know what to do, but it seems that he has no choice as he joined the man and they walked to a map.

He watched as the other took out a piece of paper and saw the address on the paper as the man pointed to the written location and followed the routes from here to there. He then saw the other take out a pencil and wrote down the directions on them before walking, which he figured he had to follow.


After sometime, they made it to some bar, and went to the back, where there was a bouncer there as well as a small group.

"Hey! There he is!" Said a young man with long, magenta hair and gothic-like clothes that seemed a bit on the crazy side especially with the happy chibi grim on the front of the shirt, some facial piercing that have some bright, florescence looking colors, and has a cloth-like wrist band. "We were almost afraid you wouldn't make it." He took notice of the other person with the stranger. "Who's your friend?" He walked up to get a closer look.

He was afraid that he would get too close to see his face, but the other rubbed the hat down over his face in a way that his brother would playfully.

"Oh! He's your brother! That's really swell that you can take him along to see our gig." The man said as he backed up as a man came out from the door and told them it was time for them to perform. "Okay guys, let's give these germs a show!"

They went inside to the back stage, where they started to set up their stuff to their liking.

He stood there from the side lines, remembering when he used to do that with his brother when he first started out. He turned to see the man who led him here, only to see that the other took off his hoodie and saw a very muscular upper body that was covered in a semi-tight black sleeveless top and wore a black bandana on his head. He saw the other take out a guitar that he recognized with a certain fear until he saw how much it was in poor condition. This confused him, but he saw that the other didn't seem the bit concerned of the instrument.

He wanted to ask why, but he saw that the other's eyes were locked onto his gaze and was unable to speak his question.

The other started to walk out towards the stage, but not until he patted the other on the shoulder and tapped at his ear, signifying for the young man to listen.

He watched as they were getting ready. And when the stranger started to play the opening intro, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The notes were strung perfectly and the harmony was in sync with the group. It blew everything that he knew before out for just that moment and made him realize why he loved the music so much. And when it ended, the room was defining with the cheers. He felt the energy that he had felt many times before and smiled as well.

When the show was over, the stranger threw the guitar into the case before putting his hoodie jacket on.

"Oi!" The lead singer started to call out when another band member stopped him.

"Forget it man, he won't join any band group. He's just one of those guys that helps out on a gig, gets paid and splits. Don't even bother with him. Besides he's a bit of a creep."

"That's not nice." Another band member said. "He's still here you know."

"That's the thing, he acts like he doesn't. That's why it's creepy."

He wanted to say something, argue that he shouldn't say things like that when the other placed a hand on his shoulder and led them out of the door they came in.


He looked up to see that the man truly didn't look upset or angry, but then there was hardly an expression at all, just looked scary with the black bandana on. He noticed that people avoided him when they were walking down the sidewalk.

"Uh… excuse me…" He said as he tugged a little of the hoodie sleeve, making the other look at him, the expression changed from expressionless to attentive. "Where are we going?"

The man pointed to the park, and the young man wondered why.

He didn't feel uneasy about this man, but after what happened, he didn't know if he could trust himself anymore.


But once they got to the park, they just walked down the path until they came across a map of the area, which has a bench and a street lamp for better viewing of the map at night.

He stole a glance of the man's watch and saw that it was already almost four in the morning.

"Oi…" He said as he tugged the sleeve again, receiving the look again. "I have to be honest with you, my name is Monkey D. Luffy. I don't know if you heard of me, but I'm a lead singer of a band called Pirates Line."

The man nodded as he sat down on the bench and mentioned the other to sit down as well.

He did but kept the distance between them, which the other didn't seem to mind, but looked at him, as if waiting for him to speak.

"You must've heard the rumors by now, right?"

The other shrugged.

"Well… I haven't heard, but…" He shook his head. "What am I saying? I can't tell you this… I don't even know why I'm out of the hospital when I shouldn't." He took a deep breath. "I don't know what to do… I knew something was wrong… but I didn't think he would…" He hiccupped. "I can't believe it… I still can't believe he would do that!" He felt the stubborn tears fall down and he tried to hide them.

Then he felt something poking his arm and looked to see the other holding out a piece a paper, which he grabbed as the other looked away and up at the darkened, star filled sky. He opened the paper and saw a message there.

'It wasn't you or your band and manager's fault. Whoever recommended him was the biggest ass of them all. But it's true, I knew the bastard was no good at all, but what he did, and I hoped it wasn't this until I heard that you were in the hospital, was too far.'

He wiped his eyes and looked at the man, who looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"Is that why you beat up Lucci's old guitar?" He asked as he watched the other take another piece of paper and wrote down a few things before receiving the slip of paper.

'I hope to smash this thing in his head if I ever get the chance. I don't care if I go to jail. If I could get him to a hospitalized state or dead, then that's one less asshole in this world.'

"You really plan on doing that?"

The man nodded.

"Why? Did he do something to you too?"

He saw the other lifted his pointer finger to his lips, signaling that he won't tell.

"Can't you talk?"

The man took out a piece of paper and wrote down some things before giving it to the young man.

'To be truthful to you, I'm both deaf and mute.'


The man pointed to his ear and nodded to confirm.

"How do you know what I'm saying?"

He pointed to his lips and mouthed read lips.

"And the guitar? How do you play if you can't hear?"

The man took out a rubber band out of his pocket and found a branch to put the rubber band on.

He watched as the other worked on that before the other mentioned to place his finger on the rubber band on the upper part of the branch while he lightly stretched and released, feeling a small vibration.


The man nodded as he took the rubber band off the branch and put it back in his pocket before writing something on the piece of paper and handing it to the young man.

'Do you want to go back to the hospital? Or do you want to stay at my place for a bit?'

Luffy thought about the options before looking up at the man. "I have to get back to the hospital before I cause a panic attack on the place."

The man smiled proudly as he got up, holding his hand out, which the other grabbed it with some hesitance before giving him another piece of paper.

'I tend to get lost, so I hope you got a good memory of where the station is.'

"You're kidding."

The man shook his head as they headed back out of the park, and Luffy soon found out that the other wasn't joking with him.


They made it back to the hospital, undetected to the other by standers and some reporters that were unable to get in.

"They get up this early?" He said as the other led him to the side of the building and pointed. "My room should be on the fifth floor, but I don't know if it's this side or the other."

They went to the back, which also has some reporters.

"If I could find Dr. Kurena, those reporters would back off." He whispered as they backed away from the crowd.

"I thought you would do something like this."

They flinched as they looked back to see the doctor.

"Hi Dr. K." Luffy said.

"You're in deep shit when you get back to your room."

"Hai…" He said when he looked to see that the man was gone. 'Where did he go?' He thought as his doctor grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him back up to his room.


"Luffy! What the hell were you thinking!?" Ace, a man of twenty with black hair in small, chopped waves down to his cheeks and freckles across his face, said to his younger brother.

"You could've been hurt!" Usopp, a young man of seventeen with olive tan skin, a long nose and thick lips, and curly black hair, said as he has a bass guitar next to him.

"Not to mention those blood thirsty hounds are still trying to get you." Sanji, a man of nineteen with sun blonde hair with a lock covering his right eye, has a unique curl of his visible eyebrow, and was a healthy thin with long legs.

"I'm sorry guys." He said with much honesty. "I just couldn't take being inside this room for so long. I wanted to get out, and I did."

"Well… You're safe now, that's all that matters." Ace said as he ruffled his little brother's hair.

"We still have to find a new lead guitarist." Sanji pointed out.

"Yeah… But who can be that good and not be an asshole at the same time?" Usopp said.


"Yeah Luf?" Ace said.

"When I was out, someone did recognize me."

"Huh?!" The three said.

"But he didn't say anything!"

"Maybe not in front of you." Sanji said.

"Just listen okay!" Luffy said, raising his voice before softening a bit. "I was in a train and there were reporters in the car I was in, but he diverted their attention and left as soon as we stopped on the next station. Then I went to see him help out with some band's gig and saw him play the lead guitar."


"He's amazing! He's five times better than Luc-" He almost choked on the name, but he didn't want to stop there. "And when he was done, we went to the park and talked for a bit before taking me back here."

"And he didn't act weird at all?" Usopp asked.

"Nuh uh. He was really casual with the whole thing. Oh! He has one of … 'his' old guitars, and it was the worst possible condition that any guitar could be in, except the strings are the only things that aren't damaged."

"He has that bastard's old guitar, and it's in poor condition?" Sanji said, making sure he heard right.

"Yeah! And he plays like a pro!"

"Does this guy have a name?" Ace asked.

Luffy looked horrified as he looked down at his hands. "I didn't ask… I wasn't sure to trust myself, but I felt comfortable with him…"

"Do you know what he looks like?" Usopp asked. "I just need some paper and a pencil."

"All I know that he's around Sanji's age, a bit of a tough guy, has green eyes, I've only seen him wear a black bandana on his head."

"You said he helped a band for a gig. Is he one of those lead guitarist temps?" Sanji asked.

"There was a band member that mentioned that he only helps the bands with their gigs for the night. So he must've do it often."

"Would you be able to recognize him if we brought you to these places?" Ace said.

"Of course!" Luffy said, getting excited.

"When you get better."

"Ah! I wanna go tonight!"

"He only does evenings?"

"I don't know! I remember that it was some kind of bar when I saw him play, so it has to be done in the evening."

"Makes sense…" Usopp said.

Sanji sighed. "So we're looking for a tough looking guy with green eyes and around age nineteen. Is that what I'm hearing?"

"And a poor conditioned guitar."

"Right…" Sanji said as he looked at Usopp. "Looks like we're going on a bar hop."


"You're going to find him?"

"Might as well." Ace said. "I'm kinda interested to meet this guy."

"He's not a big talker."

"And a silent type to boot!" Ace said as he laughed. "Sounds like a potential guy. But you know me, I question first."

Luffy nodded.

"Until then, you better think about getting better."

Luffy groaned as he leaned back on the cot. "I hate being bedridden."

The three looked at one another and seemed relieved.

Please don't kill me. I could've done worse you know...

Nami: What could possibly be worse than that!?

...Nami... How did you get in here?

Nami: Door was open.

...Damn... Not again...

Nami: Please flame her as you see fit.


Nami: And you owe me 50 belis.
