A/N: Hello all! My first Les Mis fic and I'm so excited!

Disclaimer: I am NOT creator of any of the characters from Les Miserables! How could I be?However, all the actors, actresses, and crew in this story are my inventions.

And now, let's start with Javert! (I'll be focusing on him at the moment…)

This I Swear By The Stars

"Alright, Newman," the voice called from the darkness of the auditorium, "we need to run Stars again. We want to fix a few spots. You ready?"

George Newman cleared his throat and nodded. "Ready, Tom," he replied to the director. The music began and he was filled with feelings of Javert, not George. Those twinkling notes of the strings and the guitar always helped him begin his big number. (Well, his first big number.) "There, out in the darkness a fugitive running, fallen from God…" The song went on, and he couldn't help but become Javert in his song. He hoped he channeled a bit of Phillip Quast as well. Oh, to have the feeling as that great man had in Stars.

The song was over and he waited as there was a silence throughout the theater. Finally, Tom spoke. "That was good, that was really good. I just need a better focus. Not in the singing, you really got that down during the last rehearsal. We need a little more of a definite place where you're looking. Pretend you actually are staring at the stars, at heaven. Can you do that for me?" George nodded solemnly. "Great," Tom clapped his hands together. "In that case, I don't think we need to run this again, that was a good run through. Okay then, Jenia, can we get you out here?" George tipped his top hat in what he thought must be a Javert fashion as Cosette swished past him to take center stage.

She smiled and whispered, "Nice one, Phillip." George grinned and laughed once he got offstage. He wished.

"G'day, Inspector," the Bishop of Digne nodded to him.

"Hey Ben," George replied in a whisper. "Why're you here so early? I thought they just wanted the ones who were screwing up parts of their songs which was me, Jen, and Jeremy. Your bit is perfect though."

Ben snorted. "Hardly. Last night my voice cracked on the last 'God'."

Behind them, George heard, "All right…try that last note one more time. Do you think you can hold it for just a second longer until Alan and Isabelle get in?"

"Sure," Jenia replied amiably before trying again.

"That's not much," George said, sincerely. "I did that all the time when I first came on the show. You've only been performing the Bishop for a week and that last note is a bit low for you. So, you're saying they asked you to come in for that?"

"Well, no. But I thought they might want to work with me, so I came in anyway." George frowned and shook his head at such dedication. Either that or lack of any other life. Ben shrugged and went to stand in the wings.

"Denis, I need you to work on the middle spotlight. It kept flickering during A Little Fall of Rain. I find that always takes away from a death scene." The voice was sarcastic and firm. An I-Want-This-Taken-Care-Of-And-I-Want-It-Done-Now type tone. George turned to see who it was talking. And his breath stopped. She was amazingly lovely. Wearing the usual black of the crew, she pulled her chestnut hair out of her face and into a ponytail. Oh, what a lovely face! George'd seen her around backstage. She often watched their occasional rehearsals with Tom, the director, and Ralph, the producer.

George felt a hand on his shoulder, and then a face being buried there. He looked down and saw Jenia. "Oh God, I was such and idiot out there!" She moaned into his grey coat. "I hate rehearsals! Especially when it's just a few of us and not a proper run-through."

George patted her back and gave her a one armed hug. "Yeah, they suck," he exhaled. "But, Cosette, my child, think of when you get on Broadway and blow the audiences and critics away. This stuff helps, I'm sure."

"Not really," Jenia sulked. "I can hold the note, he'd just never mentioned it before. Tom embarrasses me so much! It's like I am a child."

"Lost in a wood?" George asked jovially. Jen glared at me and started walking away.

"Well, I'm off to get in makeup. You should too."

George ran to catch up with her. "Wait a second, Jen. Who's that woman back there?" He jerked his head over his shoulder to the lady he'd watched a moment before.

"The lighting designer. She's in charge of everyone in the lighting department." George gave her a duh look. "I think her name's Janet or something," Jenia continued, ignoring him.



Act one was almost over. George, now Javert, was back out onstage. This time he was alone. The orchestra began to play…George found his gaze going up to the back of the theater. The lighting booth. "There, out in the darkness a fugitive running, fallen from God…" He was singing the song for Janet, though he didn't let it show in his song. Now that he felt more focused, he was even more militant and determined to hunt down Valjean. "This I swear by the stars!" He swore to himself to find out more about Janet, to meet her.


Evette waltzed, literally, out of the theater that night. There was a usual small crowd of fans waiting for cast members. Sometimes, she stayed in her dressing room for longer then she needed to so she wouldn't have to bother with wading through questions about the show and signing autographs. But she had plans tonight. Outside, she linked her arm through Isabelle's and Hector's as they walked down the street to their cars. "Hey guys! Great show tonight!"

"Thanks, Evie," Isabelle, Eponine, grinned. "You too! I almost cried during I Dreamed A Dream."

"Yeah, yeah," Evette brushed the compliment aside. "Listen you two…I'm thinking about having a cast party this Friday after the show. Can I count on you two?"

"I'm free," Hector, Thenardier, replied. "You'd be there, right Ponine?"

Evette looked at Isabelle and saw the blush on her cheeks. "Of course I'd be there!" She replied quickly.

"Good! I'll let y'all know what time and all that tomorrow." With that, Evette ran ahead to catch Jeremy. It was about time those two accepted some help with their love life. They're so sweet together! Too bad they aren't Cosette and Marius in the show…"Jeremy! Hey, Jeremy!"


Well, there's the first chapter of my first Les Mis fanfic! Excitement! So, Javert's in love (or in lust) and Fantine's interfering with romance…What next in this slightly screwed up (which will be a little more evident soon) cast? Love y'all!
