A/N: Hey guys I know I haven't written anything in a while. I had started writing some stories for the new ABC show Castle. It airs on Mondays starting on September 21 at 10pm. But back to my apology, I recently came across this story on my computer so I decided to post it. Let me know what you think =) I promise this one will have an ending. I'm just going to wait a day or two inbetween posting chapters.
"What?" Brock asked looking up from his paper. Reba debated telling Brock how she felt but decided against it.
"Oh nothing," she mumbled placing her coffee cup down on the counter and reaching for a section of the newspaper. Reba sat on one of the barstools and opened the paper.
"Can you please not get that all creased? I haven't read that section yet."
Reba scoffed. 'Was he being serious?' Reba thought and casually glanced at Brock. 'Oh my gosh! He is serious!' Reba thought when she saw the expression on Brock's face. She crumpled the newspaper up and threw it at Brock. "I'm sorry. Here you read it first." Reba turned and took a sip of her coffee.
"Can we go one morning without an argument?" Brock stated firmly knocking the crumpled newspaper to the floor.
Reba spun around on her seat. "I don't know Brock. Could we go one morning where you remember to put the toaster under the counter?"
"I forgot," Brock attempt to defend himself.
"You didn't forget! You did it deliberately because you know it bothers me." Reba retorted feeling herself beginning to get angry at Brock.
"I did not! I told you, I hate having to take it out from underneath the counter then put it back again when I'm gonna use it the next day." Brock yelled forgetting about the article he was reading and dropping his newspaper.
"How hard is it to put it away?""It's hot! I'll get burned!"
Reba stood up and walked over to the toaster. "Well, somebody's got to put it away."
"Why?" Brock asked confused."Cause it doesn't belong here!" Reba yelled slamming the toaster up and down on the counter. Brock stood up and walked over to where Reba was.
"Yeah well you know what? Your car doesn't belong on my side of the garage so that mine barely fits in there when I get home from work. I'm tired of having to crawl out the passenger side!" Brock knew that that didn't have anything to do with what they were fighting about right now but for some reason he felt like bringing it up. It was something that has been bothering him for a while now.
"Well I can't park against the wall. I'll get burned!" Reba mocked Brock's earlier comment. Brock threw his hands in the air and turned his back to Reba. He ran his hand through his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. Brock leaned against the counter. Every morning this week they've had a fight similar to the one they just had.
"What's wrong with us?" Reba asked out loud.
"I dunno," Brock lazily answered beginning to drift into deep thought. "Maybe we need a break."
"We need something. This isn't working anymore." Reba stated as she traced the rim of her coffee cup. "Just a few months 'til we can stop this fighting."
"You're right. I'll start looking for a place to stay," Brock said as he started towards the door.
"Oh no you don't!" Reba rushed over to the door and blocked Brock from leaving.
"What now? Are we going to fight over who's leaving?" Brock asked standing a little straighter.
"No we aren't because I'm leaving and finding a place to stay," Reba nodded her head as if the answer were that simple.
"What?" Brock was confused. "That's crazy. Who will take care of the kids?"
"You will Brock," Reba stated. When she saw his shocked face, she continued to explain. "You were always the one who left before. You'd go and play golf or have a dental convention. That left me to raise our children. But how much do you know about our kids? I mean really truly know. What outfit Cheyenne love to wear? Or what color Kyra hates to wear? Or what show Jake likes to watch in the afternoon?" Reba paused giving Brock a chance to answer. She walked over to Brock.
"Baby blue Limited Too t-shirt with jean Capri pants. She loves it so much I had to hide it in out room. If you attempt to get the color pink near Kyra, her skin will crawl. And Jake loves to watch Arthur," Reba stood on her toes and gentle kissed Brock. "Get to know your children Brock. Take care honey." Reba turned and walked to the hooks hanging by the back door. She selected her car keys and purse and left the house.