S For Speed
readme: This story involves Sonic Riders and F-Zero GX. Extreme Gear from Sonic Riders are fast vehicles, usually hover boards, used for racing. F-Zero GX is the best futuristic racing game on the Gamecube, known for its 30 racers, high speeds with marvelous graphics, and hardcore difficulty. I do not own F-Zero nor do I own Sonic Riders.
"As you can see, there is a street race on Metropolis's streets through heavy traffic. Our patrol units are rushing to the scene as these two racers go over a speed of two hundred miles per hour. We have confirmed that the pilot riding the violent, orange turbulence is Jet the Hawk, leader of the infamous Babylon Rouges, with his Extreme Gear, Type J. However, the other pilot has not yet been identified." As the news camera attempts to zoom in, the two racers vanish into the distance.
"Hah!" A wave of red energy sparks crackles over Jet as he boosts by the dark silhouette. "You gotta try harder if you want to beat me!"
With that, the competitor shifts to the side and slams straight into Jet. Losing a lot of speed and balance, Jet falls a little behind. This guy is almost as good as Sonic!
Clenching his fists, Jet uses boost to swerve right in front of his competitor and slams the tail of his board onto the road. In seconds, his own turbulence twisted into a green vortex above the curved skid mark. A few seconds later, Jet slows down to glance back at the vortex.
"What!?" Before his eyes, the frenzy of wind splattered into specks, quickly dissolving into the air as an orange blur blasts from the weakening current. Before Jet could retaliate to his boost, a fist slams straight into his shoulder, thrusting him into the hard surface of the road.