AN: Hey well here is the Chapter 4, only one more chapter to go after this I think. I'm actually not too happy with the ending, it seems a bit weak but that's what I get for writing this at 2 in the morning. I hope you enjoy and please R&R. Luvya, Caramel.
It was hours later and they had been able to catch the UnSub without having to send Emily undercover, something both she and Derek were grateful for. They knew they had to talk, to clear the air of all their misunderstanding's and it was now important that they talked about everything, including their feelings. Emily knew how she felt, she'd felt love before a long time ago when she was only 21; she had spent a summer in the south of France, in a Prentiss family holiday house. That's where she had met Jean-Luc Perette, he was 28 and although he had a normal nine to five job, in the summer he was an artist. She had loved him with all her heart but she had been naive back then, she hadn't realized that just because they loved each other is didn't mean they would last and she'd had to walk away. Emily had thought she'd never love someone as much again but what she felt for Derek was coming close and it scared her, it scared her to the point of wanting to run and hide.
She walked into the hotel room she was sharing with JJ and promptly stripped off her clothes intending to shower, when the door clicked open behind her. She turned, reaching for her gun and dressing gown. She instantly relaxed when she realized it was just JJ entering and not someone who wanted to do her harm. JJ looked at her questioningly, as she rid herself of her jacket and gun holster.
'So,' JJ began, pulling her hair up into a ponytail, 'When were you going to tell us about you and Derek being together?' JJ asked as she kicked off her shoes. Emily looked at her guiltily, not to sure of what to say.
'JJ, you know you're my best friend right? You and Garcia,' Emily asked. JJ nodded hesitantly, truth be told she was angry. She was angry because Emily hadn't thought to mention the fact that she and Morgan were sleeping together, it was like Emily didn't trust her and that hurt.
'Yeah, I suppose,' she answered sitting on the edge of her bed.
'JJ, I would have told you but you have to understand, there really wasn't much talking going on. It was a casual thing, nothing like you and Will or Penelope and Kevin. We never went on dates or anything like that,' Emily explained.
'But... What Morgan said! You are pregnant aren't you?' JJ asked confused.
'Yeah, I am,' Emily stated matter-of-factly. JJ sat for a moment thinking. She knew Emily and she also knew she wouldn't just be involved in a casual relationship unless there were already underlying feelings there. Not to mention she saw the way Emily watched Derek, how they seemed to always be on the same wave length and she knew something Emily didn't; she knew Derek was in love with her. She had overheard him tell Garcia one day a month ago and since then she and Garcia had been trying to get them together.
'Do you have feelings for him?' JJ asked. Emily looked at her funny for a minute before replying.
'Of course I do! I wouldn't have been sleeping with him if I didn't,' Emily replied while JJ shook her head.
'No Emily, I know you have feelings for him, it's so obvious! What I meant was, do you love him?' JJ asked, exasperated. Emily was thrown; she hadn't expected JJ to ask her that so blatantly. She didn't know how to answer, she wasn't sure she was ready to say it out loud yet because then it would make everything oh so real.
'I...I don't know JJ,' she said, turning her back to the blonde before continuing, 'I think…maybe I do. I'm not sure JJ,' Emily explained, tears pooling in her eyes. She turned back to face JJ and her blonde friend quickly pulled her into a reassuring hug.
'Don't be scared to admit it Emily, if you really truly love him, tell him,' JJ whispered into Emily's ear before pulling away and smiling at her friend, 'Alright Em, I think you should take a shower now, you need to relax,' JJ said, pushing Emily toward their rooms bathroom. Emily reluctantly agreed and disappeared into the bathroom.
Emily had just gotten out of the shower when there was a loud knock on her and JJ's door. She exited the bathroom as JJ let whoever it was into their room and smiled when she saw it was Derek.
'Hey,' she whispered, staring him in the eyes.
'Hey,' he replied, leaving JJ standing in the middle a little awkwardly. JJ looked between the pair before taking a hint and deciding to leave.
'Well, I'll leave you guys to it then,' she stated, heading for the door and making her getaway to call Garcia.
'So,' Derek said, walking over to Emily and sitting on the edge of her bed, motioning for her to sit with him.
'I'm sorry,' Emily began, 'I shouldn't have acted the way I have these last few days. It was completely unfair to you and I'm sorry,' Emily blurted, uncomfortable with the silence. Derek pulled her to him, wanting some sort of physical contact when he said what he was about to.
'Look Em, these last few days haven't been how I wanted them to go. I love you, you know I do and I really want to have this child with you,' Derek said, his hand travelling to her stomach and resting upon it gently.
'I know you do Derek and I'm sorry I ran, it's just I was scared. I've always been scared,' Emily confided, her hand moving to rest on his, 'But I love you too,' she whispered, her lips meeting his in a sensual kiss as he pulled her towards him.