Ranma ½

The Legendary super Saiyan girl!

Chapter Five: Heritages revealed!

Vegeta led the two teenagers to Dende's lookout; Piccolo was already there along with Mirai Trunks. "Trunks! You're here." "Hey Gohan, I sensed the battle this her?" He asked watching the Saiyaness tense up they watched as Vegeta cut off any further talk. "Ok you two time for me to explain why you started to act that way." Both nodded silently and the prince continued, "you're both 16, and because of this your Saiyan instincts are telling you to find someone worthy to be your mate. So you both decided on one another." Both looked shell shocked at the notion Ranko recovered first! "But hey I barely know him at all." "Does not matter to Saiyans, as long as you find a strong mate knowing about them can come later." "So you're saying?" "I am saying females want a powerful male to give you strong babies."

Ranko paled, she wanted children? But she was a child herself. It made no sense; she looked at Gohan who seemed to be in deep thought himself.

Gohan imagined what the result would be and thought of what his mother would do if she found out he was going to be a father.

'Chichi grinned and took out two fans and began to Grand child dance.'

He shuddered at the thought of his mother doing such a thing but could not do anything about it. "So Trunks." He started and took the lavender haired man away so they could talk about the past six and a half years. Vegeta smiled at Ranko, "Congratulations on becoming a super Saiyan, and Onna." She looked at him confused, "You felt that rush of power before you broke out of that wall?" "Yea I did but I never understood that." Vegeta smirked and guided her to a separate part of the look out all the while easing any thoughts of him doing inappropriate things to her.

"Now I am giving you a crash course on who you are." He said having heard of Piccolo's theory. Ranko did not like this but if it helped she would take it.

Vegeta sat her down and began to speak he told her of the Saiyans and their culture then mentioned to her about the one legend their people talked about.

"For centuries our willpower and merciless rage had been known throughout the universe, we would send our children into battle and kill entire planets without remorse. Ours was a dynasty built on treachery and fear, but among the campfires the Saiyans speak of a mythical creature of their descent. This creature is the culmination of all that means to be a ruthless warrior… a Saiyan. Bowing down to no one it is under the limitless power of this creature that the universe will see its end. It is known only as a Super Saiyan they live only in legend as all who have seen them count among the dead, and in an inferno of seething fury their own blind rage eventually destroys them along with the galaxies they inhabit. Many have seen the ape like transformation of the Saiyans, but these creatures they are for many the great destroyer who will come and cause the disillusion of the universe. The ultimate end, for the end is coming and it will be at the hands of the Saiyan bloodline. Or that's what my father told me at least." He said to Ranko who took it all in, she now knew what she was and what was expected of her.

He looked at the man who caused her instincts to go wild; he was trading punches with the lavender haired youth. Both had golden hair, which Vegeta said it was the super Saiyan transformation.

Ranko nodded and let that power she felt earlier fill her veins, when she was sure she had it she charged the pair.

All Trunks saw was the girl rocketing towards him and Gohan with a Green Battle aura around her. "Umm Gohan?" "Yea?" "Is she related to? "Not certain but we best be careful it took a small fight at the school grounds to actually get her from around Raditz's power level to a super Saiyan." "That does sound a lot like…" he never finished his words as a fist smashed into him and sent him flying.

Gohan and Ranko immediately threw their fists at one another; this caused the lookout to vibrate slightly. Trunks charged the two causing the fight to erupt into a free for all; Vegeta smirked knowing that soon the young onna would throw her self at Gohan. That action would bring the brat back into a training regime. Honestly the prince of Saiyans was excited at the notion of a female attending Gohan's school, Vegeta held hope that he could have a worthy rival now that Kakarot was dead and gone.

Vegeta was cut from his musing as he noticed Both Trunks and Gohan were laid out flat and Ranko had Straddled Gohan grinning at the boy. Gohan looked at Ranko he scowled at her grin, Vegeta grinned himself watching as Gohan ascends and flips her onto her back before the two began to kiss and fight for control. 'Almost there, yes she must be related to Broli and they will have Powerful! Children.'

Ranko and Gohan parted; deep inside her the male half that was Ranma was disgusted but her own mind was satisfied a powerful warrior subdued her. Her thoughts were cut off when she whimpered as Gohan bit down on her neck claiming her as his mate, now most of the time the two would have to have sex to be claimed but some rare times a mate can be decided if the two gave a worthy fight.

Vegeta turned and flew off completely pleased at the events; Gohan had a mate who could possibly be Broli's child. That was too good to pass up, he would sooner mate with that screeching onna of a mother Gohan had than to pass up brining the power of the legendary Saiyan into the fold.

Gohan got up from Ranko and looked at her "I don't know what came over me, I am sor." he was immediately cut off by Ranko's index finger covering his mouth.

"I think it's ok, I don't mind any more but I still need time to settle into this relationship before we think about kids." Gohan nodded, "I am planning on asking Bulma if she will hire me."

"Hmm a nice job with capsule corp, that could help us in the long run." She mumbled before getting up, "I need to head home I missed my last class today and need t explain to my mother what is going on." "Sure see you tomorrow." He smiled before going over to Trunks and flying off with the lavender haired youth.

Ranko sighed and took off, she knew she had a lot of explaining to do and only prayed that the fat annoying panda did not worm his way back into her family's lives.

Tokyo Nermia Ward: Saotome Household

Nabiki and Akane sat silently on the couch as the Saotome Matriarch paced back and forth. "What if she is injured or worse" Nodoka said in utter despair.

Akane shook her head, "she seemed like she was in total control Mrs Saotome. I bet she beat him to a pulp." Suddenly the door opened with Ranko walking in just as Akane mentioned beating up Gohan, "Actually Akane I learned of my heritage as a Saiyan and why myself and Gohan acted the way we did." Nabiki raised a brow, "oh?"

Ranko nodded and explained everything from when she left the school to her arrival home. "So this means? Grandkids sometime soon?"

"Hopefully not for a bit but from what Vegeta-san said is that the moment me and Gohan do go through with it, it will mean we are wed at Saiyan standards."

But Nodoka could not hear her daughter for she was performing the dreaded grandchild dance. Ranma began to lead the others out of the door horrified by the sight.

Tendo household

Genma and Soun were busy playing Shogi when all three girls came in through the front door. "What was that Ranko?" "The grandchild dance, I just met the guy and mom now has grandchildren on the brain." Genma paled, and was about to voice his "Concerns" but wisely decided to shut his trap not wanting to be turned into a punching bag.

"Hey pops!" Was all he heard before he turned his gaze towards his troublesome child, the next thing he knew he was being tossed outside. The next hour could only be described as a massacre Genma stood no chance, in the end Ranko walked into the furo to relax and Genma was tended to.

She now had a lot to think about and unknown to her an ancient evil was awaiting it's rebirth, how would the power of the Legendary Saiyan stand up to a mad magician's monstrous creation?