Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note.

White Ivy

"You're Just A Bully"

Nicole smiled as she stared out of the front window of the Harkin Manor located in England. The mansion was one of many, but she personally preferred the United States Manor – the one she had grown up in with her two parents, but the location didn't matter anymore to her, well at least not now. Today was the first time she was cheerful in a long time. She was finally moving out of the house her evil stepfather had invaded, and she was never going to see him again. Both of her real parents were dead, something she was pretty sure was her stepfathers doing, and she was an only child – this was the beginning of a brand new life.

Well, excluding that annoying prat of a shinigami, she thought to herself, stealing a glance at Zellogi who was standing next to her; he smiled an idiotically large smile back at her. He never leaves me alone. Always pestering me about that damn noteboo-

She stopped and looked out the window in horror. How could I have forgotten the damn notebook! The idiot is always bothering me about it!

"Uh… Robert," she said, trying to keep her tone casual, "I seem to have forgotten something in the…" She stopped, how could she finish without sounding stupid?

A person can't just say 'Hey I forgot something in the woods,' that just sounds mental. She smacked herself inwardly, she couldn't leave without it, that was for sure, but she didn't know what to say.

"I don't care about you," he replied gruffly, turning away from the window, "Do what you want with your life." He finished, walking away. For once she didn't really mind the fact that her stepfather was evil and uncaring, it actually worked to her advantage sometimes.

She smiled kindly at him, faking of course, and ran out of the house and towards the woods. After an escapade of frantically trying to remember the trees she had marked she found herself staring at the glassy surface of a pond. Zellogi was snickering behind her, telling her that she could have just asked him for help.

"Don't make me bite you," she growled, getting onto her knees. She rolled her sleeves up and braced herself. Quickly, she shoved her hands into the pond, feeling the cold water stabbing at her hands like knives. She shuddered, feeling around for the box when she found it. She quickly pulled it out, hurrying to distance herself from the icy water.

"Aw," Zellogi complained from behind her, "How could you put my precious notebook in that? I thought you were rich!" He said, pointing to the clear Tupperware container in disgust.

"I suppose it's not very impressive," she said sadly, gazing at the container. "But, it works. And, I might be rich, but I at least know that quality is better over… looks."

"I'm not sure that's how the saying goes," he pondered, scratching his head.

"Shut up," she said harshly, standing up and making her way back to the manor. As hard as it had been finding the smallish pond, she could easily see the manor from her point in the woods.

"Hey," Nicole said carefully, staring at Zellogi, "Why exactly did you drop your notebook here in the human world in the first place?" She asked, taking the notebook out of the container and admiring it in her hands.

"Accident," he replied simply, staring at the manor.

That's the only answer I ever get, she sighed, but, when he talks to himself I always hear him talking about Ryuk and how jealous he is, because his pet actually uses the death note. She shuddered, thinking of the person behind the mask of 'Kira'… and at the mention of being called a pet. That's what she was to Zellogi… a pet.

"You could always use it," he said, smiling at her evilly.

She sighed and opened the cover, staring down at a name, "I did," she said sadly.

"I mean for a reason less predictable… less human," he said slyly, "I mean, killing your family's supposed murderer is just so… mundane."

"I'm sorry that the tragedies of my life are so boring," She bit back, standing up, "And I don't know if you've noticed, but I happen to be rather human." She said, lifting up her shirt to place the death note under it.

"Ooh," he said, staring at her as she tucked the death note in her pants.

"Excuse me," she said, slapping him, "But I'm thirteen, and you're like six hundred," she said, walking back towards the manor, "If that's not pedophilia I don't know what is."

"Come on," he whined, following after her, "I was just teasing."

She ignored him all the way back to the manor, and when she got back a long, sleek black car was waiting for her in her driveway, Robert standing next to it, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Robert," She greeted, nodding towards him in a dismissive way.

"Nicole," he replied, dismissing her as well.

What a pleasant goodbye, she thought opening the door and stepping inside the car. She closed the door and stared out the window at her stepfather as he walked back to the house, such a despicable man.

For the first few minutes of the ride she just kept her eyes trained outside the window, she didn't really care about anything else for the time being, and she wanted to conceal her anxiety about the situation. Finally she mustered the courage to look around the vehicle.

She inhaled sharply, and her heart jostled forward. There was a strange… creepy looking man sitting right next to her and somehow she hadn't noticed before. "Hey, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed at him.

"I've been sitting here the entire time… and what a strange choice of words." He replied simply.

"Well… hello," she greeted carefully, unsure of him. He sat in a strange position, balancing on his feet with his knees pulled up to his chest while he leaned forward. She sat uncharacteristically still, trying to appear normal.

He grunted in response, but she didn't press harder. Normally she'd be insulted if anyone declined a greeting, but she was kind of glad he did. She wouldn't really know what to do if he had tried to start a conversation.

"Do you think Kira is evil?" He asked suddenly, his opaque eyes drilling into her.

"W-why're you asking me that?" She replied, extremely aware of Zellogi who was stupidly sticking his tongue out directly in the strange man's face, chanting 'you can't see me' over and over.

"Never mind, I thought you would be up to such an elementary question." He said harshly, facing forward again.

Now Zellogi was making snide comments about her intelligence, and it was driving her to the edge. It didn't matter how weird this guy was! First he declined her greeting, and now he was insulting her intelligence?

"That's a difficult question to ask someone," she told him angrily, "You're expecting me to say 'yes', no negotiations," she growled, "But, then you wouldn't really be asking me a question. However, I can't say that I totally agree that he's evil, but I definitely lean toward that thought." She said, taking a second to send a glare Zellogi's way.

"Why don't you agree one-hundred percent?"

"Do you agree one-hundred percent?"

"I agree that Kira is evil ninety-eight percent." He said simply, not wasting a moment.

"I don't agree one-hundred percent because crime has gone down considerably since Kira's ideals have been introduced. I suppose you think I'm insane now." She finished, staring forward.

"I'm ninety-nine percent certain that you are sane."

"Is anything ever one-hundred percent with you?"


"Really? What color is this car?"

"I'd say black,"

"Are you certain?"

"No, I'm only about ninety-nine point nine percent certain that this vehicle is black." He answered easily.

"How can you honestly be speculating whether this car is truly black or not?" She asked him, astounded.

"I wasn't there when the paint was made," He said casually, "A drop of pink paint could have accidentally found its way into the mixture," he pondered, "And if that were the case, then this car would not truly be black. It would be black with a drop of pink."

She stared at him for a moment, shook her head and decided to forget it. "What do you call yourself, mister less-than-one-hundred percent?"

"L." He said simply, and for a second or two she thought about telling him off. Sure, she was generally easy-going, but this guy simply had no tact. He was outlandish and weird, he declined her greeting, he wouldn't give her a straight one-hundred percent answer for stupid reasons, and now he had a one-letter name? She decided against it, as he was older than her, and bit her tongue. Some battles were just better left not fought.

The ride was smooth, with no bumps or bruises, and soon Nicole found herself resisting sleep. The smooth sound of the tires rolling on the pavement outside was like a quiet, hushed lullaby. Her eyes began to droop, and before she knew it she was passed out against the window.

Suddenly she awoke to Zellogi screaming in her ear, trying to wake her up. She was glad that he hadn't tried touching her, because L would notice her moving without it being on her own accord. But, he couldn't help her reaction.

"Huh? Wha? Where am I? Why're you yelling?" She yelled out loud before realizing her surroundings.

I should really win the award for stupidity this year, she thought to herself, sitting dejectedly.

"I'm not yelling… or even speaking," he said uncertain, "And you're on your way to Wammy's House. Do you recollect?" he finished calmly.

She nodded sadly, seeing a building in the distance. "Is that…?"

"Yes, that is Wammy's house. I'm here on a special visit." He said, staring at the building fondly.

She gulped, he thinks I'm crazy now, she thought sadly, but he looks less sane than I do. I hope that's not true… insane people are always the biggest threats. If anyone's going to figure me out, it'll be him. I'm sure of it.

The black-with-a-drop-of-pink car pulled up next to Wammy's, and she was genuinely surprised. This building must be twice… no three times the size of the manor, she thought, exiting the car after L, making sure to hit Zellogi once L had his back turned. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, L was attacked by many children, and so was the man she assumed to be Watari.

She slowly examined the place, looking around at the grounds when she finally turned her gaze towards the door. On top of the steps were three boys, probably the only children who didn't rush up to greet L. She tried to read their expressions, but she couldn't really explain them.

There was the one in the middle who was bent over a DS, tapping away at the keys mercilessly. He didn't really seem to care about the arrival of L, instead it seemed as if he cared more about beating the game he was playing. She sighed and lifted her gaze.

The next boy she saw was the boy furthest to the left, he had blonde hair… and well she thought he looked kind of girly. He had a half eaten chocolate bar in his hand and was chatting away to the boy in the middle.

Wow, she thought shifting her gaze to the boy on the right, those two are strange but the boy on the white… right, my bad, is seriously weird. White pajamas with white skin? Maybe he should move to Siberia, she laughed at the thought, but… something about him reminds me scarily of L… it might just be in my best interest to steer clear of him, she thought.

She looked around again and noticed that the attention had shifted to her, apparently the children were done greeting L. She turned around to look for him and caught a glance of him heading inside along with the three boys on the steps.

What's going on? She thought, First he's asking me about Kira… and now he's paying special attention to those three?

"Excuse me Miss," a voice said and she was jerked out of her thoughts. "This way to my office, you may address me as Roger or Mr. Ruvie. Not 'R-dawg', 'Rizzle', or any other name you teenagers come up with." She giggled and followed him.

She sighed and collapsed on her bed when she finally got back to her room. Nothing important was said or done in the office, so she didn't really understand why it took the better part of an hour. She received an alias, a room, and just about a million rules and tips to go by (Roger seemed to be a very strict man). Her alias was Silver, Silver Smith.

How lame could it possibly get? She thought to herself, staring at silver strands of hair that fell into her face, I mean, how original. As if I haven't heard that before. Yes, my hair is silver. I wish people would just get over it.

She rolled over and stared at the box at the end of her bed. "How depressing," she said sadly, staring at the box, "I was the heiress to a multi-million dollar company, and now I'm reduced to a small box of my possessions."

Zellogi floated through the wall, "Such a shame, huh?" he asked her harshly, "I was a beautiful, bored Shinigami, so I tried to have some fun. Then a witch ruined it. We're in a similar situation, why don't we help each other out? I've done my part; I gave you the death note –"

Silver threw one of her shoes at him, missed, and it hit the wall heavily. "You can just shut up," she said harshly, crawling to the edge of her bed to inspect the box.

She took out six things; her kitten poster, her colorful baby blanket, her Eeyore stuffed animal, her Kindle, her iPod, and lastly her laptop. She had been forced to wipe the contents clean off her laptop, but she didn't really mind. It's not like she'd have friends to be missing.

Fifteen minutes later her room was decorated accordingly; poster on the blank white wall, blanket and stuffed animal on the blank white bed, and technical devices on the desk in the corner. She smiled at her handiwork.

"They sure do like white here," Zellogi said depressingly, "I much prefer black, you know."

"Not everything is about you, you know." She said harshly, opening the door to the bathroom she would be sharing. She was glad that she got to have her own room, but in order to conserve space she had to share a bathroom. She walked in and looked around, noticing a sparse amount of possessions in the bathroom, a two in one conditioner and shampoo, a towel-rack with two clean, white towels, and a white toothbrush with some toothpaste next to the sink. She sighed happily; at least she wasn't sharing a room with a total pig, right?

Well maybe I'll check to see if they're in their room, she said, pressing her ear to the door. Hearing muffled sounds of a conversation she curiously opened the door just a crack.

"You think you're always better than me, Near?" Said the blonde boy from earlier, while holding up Near by the collar. When Near didn't reply he just seemed to get angrier.

Uh-oh, Silver thought, leaning more weight against the door, Maybe I shouldn't be barging in on them.

"Blame the bully, blame it on me, maybe they needed to be wanted," – Bully, Three Days Grace