Hello everyone, writer-san here with an important message!

It's been years since I've last updated anything on this account, hm? Coming back to this account after so much time has passed was not... so pleasant to say the least. Everything about my writing just screams "12-year old who clearly has no clue what she's doing and just wants to write her ships" and it's honestly super cringe-worthy coming back to here and seeing my stories. Like... yikes, I was so awful back then! I've stopped writing due to me losing inspiration for my fanfic (you can thank school as well as my social life for that I suppose). Of course, it didn't help that my interest in Vocaloid had slowly started to dwindle as I had gotten older.

So I just left. Without so much as a "hiatus" or a "discontinued" notice to my readers.

It wasn't fair to you guys, quite frankly I feel awful for not saying anything about the status of my fics. Well... seven years later, I'm finally here with some news.

I will not be continuing any of my stories. Nor will I revamp them for numerous reasons!

Will you be writing a new story Miku/Len then?

Most likely I will... I mean who knows? Nothing is set in stone after all. And while I no longer ship Len and Miku together, I still feel the need to write for these two nerds. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's my need to show you guys how much I've improved in my writing since my sudden disappearance? Or perhaps, deep down I still do love Len/Miku after all (although thanks to putin-p I started shipping Rin/Len)? Maybe it's because I still want to share my stories on this site? Who knows? Regardless, I plan on making my return soon enough.

Thank you so much for reading this message. And hopefully, I'll be seeing you guys around! Take care!