Hi everyone who's reading this.

I know the title is cheesy but don't hurt me.

This is my first Vincent X Yuffie fic having become obsessed with the pairing while playing through Dirge of Cerberus. Although I feel sorry for my boyfriend because he had to calm me down in the cut scenes with Yuffie and Vincent in: because I usually end up rolling around on the floor screaming "omg omg so cute" well in the bit where Vincent pushed her out the way to save her at the end of chapter 11 lol.

However I do warn you second chapter involves a Lime (Rape scene). So if the lime or the whole story sounds stupid please don't hate me. Oh and the lime won't be Yuffie Vincent since Vinnie is too nice to rape someone I guess.

One more thing nice reviewers get a hug from Vincent.

Vincent: When did I agree to this?

Me: when you signed that A4 piece of paper which Yuffie gave you yesterday…

Vincent: I knew I should have read it

Yuffie: *Laughing hysterically*


'' = thinking

'' = Chaos

"" = speaking


The Mysterious Materia

Chapter I: Discovery

Normal POV

Through the hoards of foliage and splattered bracken, Yuffie Kisaragi had finally managed to trudge her way through no-man's land (a desolate area between the fallen city of Midgar and Nibelheim) to find a mysterious materia that was rumoured to be even more powerful than the black and white Materia put together. However, once she had found it, in a small cave behind a waterfall she discovered one important thing about it. She couldn't use it. After taking it back to Wutai and having it examined another important fact came to light. No-one there had ever seen, used or even heard of a materia like it.

Feeling upset by this news, Yuffie decided that there was only one place old enough, strange enough and with enough books to possibly cover everything in the world – Shinra manor, Vincent Valentine's current residence.


Yuffie's POV

I walked through the Iron Gate and towards the stone doors of Shinra Manor, once I was directly outside of my destination I stopped, taking a moment to think as the sky began to get dark around me, 'Why the hell did Vince come back here … he's probably back in that bloody coffin again. Oh well at least I won't have to be in that creepy manor alone'

Opening the stone doors and stepping inside, I looked around as the stone doors suddenly closed behind me, causing me to jump. Shrugging it off I walked up the stairs and to the right into the first room before walking through another door and descending down the circular stairs, 'I'd better check that stupid coffin to see if he's still hiding there'

As I made my way further down the stone steps my eyes began to adjust to the little light there was in the passageway where I was but luckily there were no monsters, 'I guess Vinnie cleaned out all the monsters'

Finally, I approached the room I was looking for: the room that we had found Vincent in just over two years ago. Opening the door I walked into the room and over to the black coffin. Lifting the lid I found … cobwebs. Nothing but a small bunch of cobwebs in the top right corner and nothing else, except maybe a handful of spiders, 'Not in the coffin, huh?'

Unsatisfied with my findings I proceeded to the study where I found the remains of a few hastily jotted notes and little scribbles but nothing dark an emo that could give me a clue as to where Vincent might be. Just where the hell was he!? … I knew he was here somewhere. Sighing, I walked around, eventually finding my way back up to the bedroom; first I looked in the other room to the right of the stairs. Finding nothing once again I made my way across the top of the stairs to the left of the manor opening the first door I found, which just happened to be to the left of me.

Looking around the room my eyes rested on the sleeping figure of none other than Vincent Valentine. He was lying on top of the cover still wearing his red cloak and black leather attire, his golden gauntlet lying on the table to the side of the bed. Careful not to disturb his sleep I walked over to the side of the bed. Watching him sleep I wondered whether to wake him and ask him or where I should leave him and ask him when he woke up, 'I wonder if he'd freak out if he woke up and I was here watching him sleep? Maybe it'd be best to wake him myself '

Slowly and hesitantly I moved my hand towards his shoulder only to be shocked by a firm hand grabbing my wrist. He'd moved so quickly that even my trained ninja eyes could not have seen him as he now pointed his gun at me, "Yuffie, what are you doing here?" he asked instantly in the gruff voice I loved so much as he withdrew his gun upon realizing who I was.


Vincent's POV

I was surprised to see Yuffie at the manor, it hadn't been too long since Kadaj and his gang had been defeated and yet here she was - Although inside me Chaos began to stir for some odd reason. It wasn't really safe for her here if he was going to try and take control; sure the protomateria helped me control him but there were times where he just couldn't be controlled, "I kinda need a really big favour" she stated staring at me with a sheepish grin.

"And that is?" I asked. I was stuck now, friends do favours for friends and that's the way the world works.

"Well you see I was looking for a Materia that's supposed to be better than the black and white Materia put together… but when I found it I also found out that I couldn't use it in battle and then when I took it to Wutai to be examined no one there had ever even heard about it so I would be really really grateful if I could use the books in the study", she explained.

A materia better than the black and white Materia put together? I have never heard of such a thing. There again knowing Yuffie there was an inscription that explained what the Materia did but she just didn't bother to read it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her voice again.

"So can I? Pretty please?" she begged and her eagerness made me smirk even a little.

"Fine, how long will you be here?"

"Well, until I find what I'm looking for I guess", she grinned even more.

"So quite a while then"

"If Sephiroth can read through all them books in just seven days, then surely 'The great ninja Yuffie' can do it in a shorter amount of time", I watched as she stood with pure pride radiating from her figure.

"Then you can have this room, I'll use the one near the basement entrance" I placed Cerberus back in the gun holster on my right leg and stood up on my feet only to be glomped by the 18 year old Ninja Princess.

"Thanks so much Vinnie!"

I quickly unlatched her arms from around my shoulders and walked out of the door, not knowing what I had gotten myself into as Chaos still stirred within me.

'What's wrong host, afraid of a little thank you hug', Chaos laughed from within me.

'Look who's talkative today', I mocked the demon inside me who just snarled before going silent.


Yuffie's POV

I turned to the bedside table noticing Vincent's golden gauntlet claw, even though how scary he might look with it on, it was beautifully crafted gold. Picking it up I walked out of the room and towards the room which Vincent was now in. Upon entering the room I stuttered seeing that he was now shirtless, "Umm you left your gauntlet in the other room Vin-", I quickly turned around so he wouldn't see the blush that had creped into my cheeks.

"Thank you, Yuffie", he said with what I thought was a smile, although I didn't see his face and with that I left the room heading back to the room where he had previously slept. After all tomorrow would consist of reading a bunch of boring books.


Woot! Chapter one finished. Please review, no flames please or I will set Sephiroth, Vincent, Itachi, Riku, Byakuya and Axel on you.

Remember nice reviewers get hugs from Vincent.