Aaah I'm so sorry. Like I said in my story 'A Crying Heart', fanfiction hasn't been letting me get on lately. I won't let me push the login button. That's why I'm using a friend's computer. Anyways, ONWARDS!

Disclaimer: Well considering Twilight is a hit movie franchise and I'm not famous, it's sort of obvious I don't own it. Doh.


The whole ride home, I was steadily dozing on Edward's shoulder. And then it happened.

All of a sudden the car stopped and everyone flew forward. Of course, Edward being who he is, immeadiantly threw himself in between me and anything that might hit me.

As soon as the car had completely come to a halt and we were all calm, we slowly unloaded the car. The scene before us took a few moments to comprehend.

There stood Jake and the rest of the Quilette pack. And lets just say none looked to happy to see that I still looked 18.

As soon as Jake looked at me and realized that I still looked the same age as when he last saw me, he turned to Edward and started shaking. No more than the shaking started, it stopped and he was a werewolf.

I quickly took a step in front of Edward and shape-shifted into a werewolf. Jake took a step back and became puzzled.

He stepped behind the hood of the limo and shifted back to human as did I.

"B-Bella? H-How did you do that? You're a vampire! That's not possible!" screamed Jake.

I smirked. "If you had waited just a minute for me to explain, I would have told you that I'm not a vampire. I'm a full bred shape-shifter. When I turned 18 and Edward left me, the shape-shifter came to life in me and then my family found me. Meet Richard, Anthony, Chloe, Sophia, and Ethan. Everyone, meet Jake and his pack."

Jake waved slightly and then turned his attention back to me.

"Bella, I have bad news. I came here expecting you to be 38 by now so you may have to plan this a little different on how you're going to approach it but you need to know. Um, Charlie… is in the hospital. The other night he had a heart attack and luckily me and Billy were there visiting so we rushed him to the hospital. When we got there and the doctors had checked him out and had ran some tests, they came back and said that he was lucky that the heart attack hadn't killed him and that the next one just might. So I thought I should at least come and tell you so that maybe you can say goodbye if it does happen."

By the time Jake had finished his story, I was kneeling on the ground having a hard time breathing. I glanced up at my family and I knew what I had to do. They would understand.

I slowly stood up, took a deep breath, and faced my family.

"I'm going to Forks. I know I'm not supposed to show people that I'm not aging but this is my dad that we're talking about. I can't just stand around and let him die without him knowing I still love him and without me saying my final goodbye."

Richard stepped up and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Of course we understand, Bella. As soon as we get home, we will buy you plane tickets and rent you a car for when you get to Forks."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you Richard. Thank you so much for understanding."

He smiled and then we all slowly loaded into the limo, the pack included although The Cullens were complaining the whole time about the dog scent and the pack were complaining about the Cullens scent.

It was quite hilarious watching everyone trying to get out of the car at the exact same moment but the only smart ones that remembered that there were other doors to get out of the car was my family. The Cullens and the pack was to worried about wanting to get out of the car that they didn't even think about other possible exits. My family and I were laughing about that for a while.

Once we had all managed to maneuver ourselves into the house, Richard immediately went to the computer and went to the Continental Airlines website. For a second he hesitated, glanced back at me and Edward, and then turned back to the computer. He printed out the ticket, grabbed it off the printer, and made his way over.

He looked up from the ticket…wait, tickets?...and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Well I figured that since you and Edward has just recently reconnected, you would want him to come with you to Forks so I took the liberty of also purchasing him an airline ticket."

I smiled a huge grin. "Ah, thank you so much!," I basically screamed. I ran to Richard and gave him a hug.

He chuckled and stepped back. "No problem, dear."

I laughed and nodded.

"Well I guess I better go pack. When does the plane leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning at 10AM," Richard said, and then turned to go into the kitchen.

Me and Edward made our way up the stairs and to my room. Edward closed the door and went to my closet to retrieve my suitcase. I began pulling different sets of clothes out of my drawers and setting them into neat piles on my bed.

Once he had the suitcase set up on my bed, he began packing my clothes while I was still getting clothes out of different places.

Finally, mine and Edward's suitcases were packed and set by the front door. The only things that weren't packed were the things that we (well technically me) would need in the morning like my toothbrush and hair comb. We also had a change of clothes set out for us to change into in the morning.

After seeming like forever, Edward and I were able to lay down in my bed and I was able to have a good night sleep. If that's what you want to call it, considering how my dreams were constantly interrupted with the thoughts of Charlie passing away before I could arrive in Forks.

At about 3AM, I woke up in tears and was immediately met by Edward holding me, combing my hair back, and whispering soothing things in my ears..

It was a relief when the sobs and hiccups quit. By that time though, it was time for us to get dressed and load up in the limo.

Everyone was standing by the door when we came down, ready to tell us goodbye. I smiled, waved, said goodbye; all the things I was expected to do normally. Normal wouldn't even compare to how I felt right now though but I at least had to act like it. I didn't want everyone to fuss over me and tell me to cancel the trip. So, instead, I kept my mask of normality on and dealt with it.

The trip to the airport, the check-in, and security all passed by in a blur. I don't even know when we boarded the plane. All I had on my mind was my father and how pressed for time we were, because who knows when that next heart attack would hit.
After what seemed like forever, we were retrieving our luggage from the baggage claim and we're going to find our rental car. Just like old times, Edward drove about 100mph over the speed limit but just this once I wasn't going to criticize him for it.
At exactly 12:00pm we arrived at the hospital and made our way to the receptionist desk.

"Hello sir and ma'am, what may I do for you?" the woman asked. I also noticed her eye-balling Edward.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me but I'm the one you need to be talking to. Don't ogle my husband. Thank you," I said, ending with a sweet smile.

She got a guilty look and nodded.

"Yes ma'am. Now what may I do for you?"

"I need you to tell me what room number Charlie Swan is in," I said as Edward wrapped his arm around my waist.

She quickly turned her head towards her computer, typed a few things, and then nodded.

"He's in room B147, right down this hall to the left," she said.

I nodded. "Thank you."

Edward and I made our way down to the room and I stopped outside the door.

"Bella? What's wrong? Don't you want to come see him?" Edward asked.

I looked up and Edward and shook my head.

"Edward, what if he freaks about me still looking 18? I should look about 38 right about now but I don't! Edward I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed.

He smiled and chuckled.

"Bella, he may be surprised but he will still love you no matter what. Now can we please go see him now? I bet he misses you just as much as you missed him."

I nodded and we stepped into the room.

AN: Hey guys! I'm sorry I took sooooooooo long. :/ I know you guys are more than likely very upset at me but at least I didn't forget about my stories! Right? –sigh- Oh well. I will try my hardest to update them more often