Hey everyone, this is my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions, I'll gladly consider them. NO FLAMES PLEASE! This takes place after MAX, book 5. Enjoy!

The flock and I are flying over Texas now heading to San Antonio. We thought that after everything that went on in Hawaii a.k.a. the sea monsters, the chuster, and finally rescuing my kidnapped mom, we deserved a little vacation.

I just loved flying; it was so thrilling to have the wind rushing through your hair, tossing it around, with the feeling of the evening sun on your face. I turned around to look at my flock. Nudge was unusually quiet, Angel looked angry at me, Gazzy looked solemn, and Iggy looked like he was concentrating on something. I looked to my left to Fang and he was staring at me seeming annoyed. They were all acting weird and I was really worried.

"Okay gu-" I was interrupted by Fang.

"Going down!" Fang yelled to the rest of the flock, heading towards a hotel, and they fallowed without question.

What the heck was that about? Oh well I'm probably just over reacting.

We landed behind the hotel and walked around to the front entrance.

"Alright everyone room assignments. Iggy and Gazzy, Nugde and Angel, Fang and Me. That alright?" I asked my flock.

"No, Iggy, Gazzy and me in one room. Angel, Nugde, and you in the other." Fang suggested.

"Okaaay." I walked up to the front desk and a guy about the same age as me was there.

"Helloooooo there. How can I help you?" He was looking directly at me and ignoring the rest of the flock. Man, I know Fang is gonna freak out and become jealous like always……. I waited about a minute for Fang to come along and tell the guy to back off, but Fang just stood behind me, impassive as ever.

"I'll take two rooms. Can we get them as close as possible?"

"Sure anything for you babe." With that he gave me a wink and a flirtatious smile.

Why wasn't Fang doing anything? Ugh I wasn't in the mood to argue so I just paid, took the keys, and handed one to the boys. Iggy, Gazzy, and Fang walked up the stairs to the room without even looking at me or talking to me. And what was up with Fang? We usually always room together when we stay at a hotel. I wonder what's going on with everybody, they've been acting weird. Angel looked at me angrily and huffed in frustration. What in the world is going on? What did I do? Ugh I'll ask everyone when we get into the rooms.

Please Read and Review :)