Well guys, I hoped you enjoyed the last chapter. I thought it was pretty good myself. Sorry for taking so long getting this chapter up, my Internet is really giving me trouble. Anywho, this chapter will contain the date, so how will it go? Will they be interrupted on their date, or will it go smoothly? Read it and find out! I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Duh!
Chapter 5
Shaina woke up the next morning feeling great. She haven't slept that good in a long time. Her mind drifted back to last night before she went to bed. She placed her hand on her lips and blushed a bit. Smiling, she got out of bed and went to get ready for her outing with Atem. Outing? No, date. She was going on an all-day date with Atem.
Getting out of the shower, Shaina put on an black summer dress that has green flowers on it. She also put on green wedges, the necklace Atem gave her, green earrings, and pinned her hair up with wisps of hair hanging down framing her face with a green hair clip. Looking in the mirror and smiling, she heads to the kitchen to get a bite of breakfast. When she reached the kitchen, Yugi was there eating.
"Good morning Shaina, you look great!" Yugi said winking at her.
"Thanks Yugi, is Atem here? I thought he would be here." Shaina said.
"Oh, he'll be right back. He told me to tell you not to eat anything because he is going to take you out for breakfast." Yugi said.
Before she could respond, there was a knock at the door. When she reached the door and opened it, it was Atem. (A/N: He was wearing the same outfit we wore when him and Tea went out) He was standing there with an arm behind his back. "You look beautiful Shaina. These are for you." Then he pulled a dozen red roses from behind his back.
"Th-They are beautiful, thank you so much." Shaina said. "I'll put these in water then we can go."
Atem followed her into the house, and Yugi walked up to him.
"Nice touch with the flowers Atem." Yugi said giggling.
"Very funny Yugi. I just hope that everything goes well today. With Bakura out there, who knows what will happen." Atem said.
"Did anyone tell you that you worry to much. Don't worry about him, just enjoy your date alright." Yugi said.
"Your right, as always Yugi. Thanks." Atem said.
After that was said, Shaina came out of the kitchen ready to go.
"I'm ready Atem, I'll see you later Yugi ok." Shaina said.
"You guys have a good time." Yugi said.
After they left the house, they walked until they came up to a diner.
"I hear that their breakfast is pretty good here. So I thought we should try it." Atem said.
Ok, that's great. I am a bit hungry." Shaina said.
When they entered the diner and was seated, they ordered their food. Atem ordered the ham and cheese omelet, and Shaina ordered the blueberry pancakes. They both had orange juice to drink.
"Oh that was very good. I'm glad you brought us here." Shaina said.
"I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, it was pretty good." Atem said.
After they talked a bit, they left with Atem leaving a very nice tip for the waitress.
"So were are we going next?" Shaina asked.
"Well how about the dueling arcade." Atem said.
"The dueling arcade? Not that I don't mind going, but why there"? Shaina asked.
"You'll see when we get there." Atem said.
After walking a few blocks, they came to the dueling arcade. When they walked inside, a lot of young kids came running up to Atem wanting his autograph. When he was done signing a few autographs, he even dueled a few kids and also gave them pointers on how to build stronger decks.
"Hi, what's your name?" A cute little girl asked Shaina.
"Hello, my name is Shaina. And what's your name cutie?" Shaina asked.
"My name is Samantha. Are you Atem's girlfriend?" Samantha asked.
"Well Samantha,- but before she got done, Atem walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Yes she is Samantha." Atem said smirking.
"But I thought you said you liked me Atem." Samantha said pouting.
Atem reached down and picked her up, then he placed a small kiss on her forehead.
"You little one, will always have a place in my heart." Atem told her.
After putting her down, they said their goodbyes to the kids and walked out of the arcade.
"That's great what you do for those kids." Shaina said.
"I try to put some time aside to help them out some how. Thanks for coming along with me." Atem said taking her hand.
"Thank you for sharing it with me Atem." Shaina said.
Atem reached up and cupped her chin kissed her gently on the lips.
"How about we see a movie." Atem said.
Still a little dazed from the kiss, Shaina blinked her eyes a bit.
"Oh a movie, sure that would be fun." Shaina said smiling.
Walking up to the movie theater, they both decided to see the new Transformers movie. (A/N: I couldn't think of anything else, sorry)
---A few hours later...---
"Oh, that movie was really good!" Shaina said while they were walking out of the theater.
"It wasn't that bad, for a movie with huge talking robots in it. Atem said.
"This day have been wonderful, thank you so much." Shaina said.
"Well the day isn't over yet, we have one more stop to make and we better get there soon before the sun sets, so lets go." Atem said.
Atem took her by the hand and began running. After a few blocks, they made it to their destination.
"Oh Atem, this is...I don't know what to say!" Shaina said surprised.
Before her eyes was the beach, on the beach was a picnic blanket. On the blanket was candles and a picnic basket. There was the sunset before them also. Atem took her by the hand and lead her to the blanket. When she was comfortable, he began to take things out of the basket. There was wine and wine glasses, with different kinds of fruit.
Taking a piece of a strawberry, Shaina begin to eat it.
"Mmmm, it's still cold! How did you keep it cold for so long"? Shaina asked.
"Well, there are small bags of ice in the basket. I had to make sure the wine and the fruit stayed cool. Shaina, when we first met, you had tears in your eyes. If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong?" Atem said.
"No, I don't mind at all. I was thinking about my parents. When they passed, I had to say with my aunt until I was old enough to stay on my own. I had a memory about them. It was was my birthday and I was pretty young, my dad called me his little princess. When I blew out my candles, he wanted me to tell him what I wished for. I was a bit reluctant to tell him, but I told him anyway. My wish was to have my very own prince." Shaina said giggling a bit.
Atem smiled at her then took out the wine and the wine glasses. He put wine in both glasses, then handed her one.
"Well, lets toast to you finding your prince." Atem said.
Shaina smiled a bit and touched their glasses together. "I'll toast to that."
The sky started to darken and rain clouds started to cover the sky.
Atem stood up and took Shaina by the hand and helped her to stand. "Well our date is almost over, what do you think?" Atem asked.
"It has been perfect Atem. Thank you again". Shaina said.
A rain drop hit the tip of her nose. They both looked at the sky as it opened up and the rain began to fall.
"We better get this stuff home and get out the rain our selfs before we catch cold." Shaina said.
"I agree, let's go." Atem said.
As they were gathering up their things, a very strong wind started to blow. Atem leaned up against a tree with Shaina next to him, then they heard strange laugh, but to Atem it was oh too familiar.
"Shaina, I want you to leave." Atem said to her while looking at her.
"Leave, but why I don't want to leave here al-" but Atem cut her off my placing his lips on hers. After the kiss her looked at her deep in her eyes.
"Please, I don't want anything to happen to you. I care about you too much." Atem said.
With a tear sliding down her face, Shaina nodded her head and turned to leave. Only getting a few feet away from Atem, someone blocked her way.
"And were are you going missy." The voice said.
Looking up, Shaina saw the coldest eyes she had ever seen. Turning to run back to Atem, she was caught by the arm with a hand pressed to her neck.
"Bakura! Let her go! Your problem is with me, not her!" Atem said.
"Oh but to get you weak, I have to get someone you care about. And after the little scene I just saw, you care a lot for her...don't you Pharaoh?" Bakura said laughing.
Atem started to take a step forward when Bakura stopped him.
"No, no, no Pharaoh. Take one more step and I snatch her mind from this world forever. You want her back, give me your puzzle and you can take her." Bakura said smirking.
"No Atem, don't give it to him! Shaina said yelling. I know it means a lot to you, forget about me!"
"No, I can't do that I...I love you Shaina." Atem said.
"Well, that's sooo sweet my stomach hurts. I'm gonna take my leave now Pharaoh." Bakura said while fading with Shaina with him.
"Shaina, no! Come back here you coward!" Atem said yelling.
Meet me at the warehouse by the pier at sunrise, we will settle things there." Bakura said. Then they were gone.