The dock wasn't very crowded, but there were enough people for a successful dare. We climbed on the ferry with the rest of the people, and waited for it to leave the dock.
"Ok Emmett, you're up." Alice said once we were about one hundred yards. Emmett signed and Rosalie stood up, and headed toward the middle of the boat. Emmett climbed up on one of the empty benches and nodded toward Rosalie who pressed play on the iPod we brought with us. "I'm on a boat" began to blast from the speakers.
People stared at Emmett as he began to sing and dance. We were all in hysterics. If it weren't for Edwards arm around my waist I would have fallen off the bench, and onto the deck.
About half way through the song, a man in a uniform came down the stairs from the second floor and walked up to Emmett. We tried to stop laughing so we could hear.
"Excuse me" the man said. Rosalie turned off the iPod, and Emmett jumped down off the bench and stood in front of the man. Everyone was still staring. "We ask that you please refrain from playing your music and dancing on the benches." Rosalie giggled.
"Sorry, my bad. It won't happen again." Emmett apologized. The man turned around and walked back up the stairs. Again, we were laughing.
Rosalie and Emmett walked back over to us and sat down.
"That wasn't so bad." Emmett shrugged.
"Emmett, you should have seen your face." Alice said between giggles. "You looked scared, like the guy was a cop or something."
"I wasn't scared."
"Emmett, you thought you going to get arrested." Edward said. Everyone laughed harder. For once, Emmett was silent.
Once the boat made it back to the dock, we got off and headed back to the car. About half way there, Emmett turned around to face us and began walking backwards.
"So, Edward. Truth or Dare?"
I am soooo sorry it took so long. I have been trying so hard to finish this between starting school and sports practice. I know it's kind of short but I hope you like it. I hope it meets any expectations.