A/N: Okay I decided to redo this series and now to start updating now that my computer problems are gone.

I got some cool news guys. You know who Vic Mignogna is right I got to meet him last Saturday at A-kon and was on cloud ten because of it. So I re-wrote the series because I'm a little bit better writer than I was when I started this series. So here is the new and improved (hopefully) chapter one. Enjoy =^_^=!

The Perfect Gentlemen

Prom was coming up and Inuyasha really didn't want to go. He never been popular and he really didn't see the point in going without a date and not to mention he really doesn't like going to these types of event but, it was his junior year and what person doesn't go to at least one prom. So when his friend Shippō was being very persistent about it he actually considered going. "Come on Inuyasha-sempai, in a couple months and you're going to be a senior wouldn't you like to have some fun before you start planning for college?"

"I don't know you guys, it isn't really my thing you know how people will react. They'll say I'm a hypocrite by going, not to mention I don't even have a date." I try to reason a little truth is I really want to go but it wouldn't be something I would be comfortable with it.

"Would you be interested if you had a date?" asked Miroku. "Not really, I mean there really isn't anyone who has my interest." That was a lie truth is I've been in love with our school's senior class president Sesshōmaru Taisho. He's a one of the most powerful inu-yōkai in the world probably the second only to his father. In fact he's looking for a mate, rumor has it he'll be browsing at this year's prom. It actually one the reason's I want to go.

"So you do want to go?" Shippō asked with a mischievous smile. "Yeah, kind of?" I say hesitantly, and I could see the light bulb over Shippō's head. This can't lead to anything good.

Night of Prom

Everybody was having a good time at the prom, well everybody except the senior class president, Sesshōmaru, of course. He was the one to create this year's prom, masquerade ball theme. But he wasn't even having fun and all the submissives here were too weak or to annoying. Not to mention, none of them were of silver haired inu-yōkai blood. None of them would be presentable for his father.

Then he smelt a lovely scent, he sees a lovely silver inu-yōkai. He was wearing a gorgeous red dress with butterfly design on it (1) with a matching butterfly mask and red stilettos with a tiny butterfly on the side of the strap. His hair was put into a perfect bun with his bangs and a few loose strands by his ears purposely put. The submissive radiated power along with beauty. His inner yōkai was purring with pleasure. 'I want that.' And what Sesshōmaru want he gets.

'Time to make my move then.' I walk up to the lovely creature grabbing some punch. "Excuse me, would you like to dance." I use my charm and maybe a few pheromones to attract him to me. He was startled by me but I knew he was pleasantly surprise. "Y-ye-yes, of course." He blushes and his pupils widens with some lust, perfect.

We dance to a couple of songs and I got him under my spell. He's what I'm looking for. He would make my father proud. I love his puppy ears the way they twitch and look in general. "Would you like to go somewhere more private?" I asked. He blushes and nods. I gently grabbed his hand and I led him out to the school garden.

"Tell me more about yourself." I ask him. He nods and turns towards me, "W-well I'm into martial arts, I guess." I smile at this. "Well that's different; most girls wouldn't admit that if they were in martial arts." I stated. His eyes widen. "I guess the jig is up, you know right?" I nod. He quickly turns towards me.

"I like you, you know." My puppy stated and I mentally smiled. "You don't say. I like you too, that's why I want you as my mate puppy." His eyes widen and his blush is almost as dark as his outfit. "Wha-what are you saying don't play like that!" He yells "I'm not playing pup, I always serious." He turns away from me. "I need to go home!" he says tensely.

"Why I thought we were having a good time?" I was shocked by his behavior. "If you're the perfect gentlemen that everybody says then you'll have to ask my parents for my hand." He turns and he looks at me with those cute puppy eyes. I smile at him and grabbed his hand once again and kneel in front of his ad place a kiss at his hand. "Of course my puppy if only you tell me your name and show me your lovely face."

"He looks down and he has his cute blush on. His hand goes up to his and takes off his mask. "My name is Inuyasha."

I figured if he's a all powerful yōkai then he would be able to tell when someone is a girl or a boy… right? I'm pretty sure they can.

Hoped you guys like it and I'll have a new chapter by next Monday. Review and subscribes are always welcomed. Criticism is too but no mean comments just helpful advice in what needs to be improved or what you'll like to read in future chapters okay! Have a great week everybody, =^_^=.