Jesse walked towards Johnny and I and met us half way. "Hey Alexis...I heard what happened. Letty told Dominic, Mia, Brian, and I," Jesse said as he helped me walk up the stairs and into the house. He stayed as far away from Johnny as he could.

"I see.." I said as they helped me sit down. "I figured she'd brag."

"She didnt, not really. She was pretty pissed when she got back to the house though. She stormed in the door and slammed it shut, then started screaming about how she got in a fist fight with you, and then hit you with a wrench," Jesse said as he sat beside me. "Dominic got mad at her."

I looked at him oddly. "What?" I said with an uneasy tone in my voice. "Why?"

"Well," Jesse started. "Can we talk without him here?" Jesse pointed at Johnny.

Johnny stood up, "Fine..." He said. He kissed me on the cheek and grabbed his jacket. "I will call you tomorrow, Alexis," he said as he walked out the door. I heard the roaring of the engine, and then screeching of the tires.

"Dominic," he began once again. "Was mad that Letty took it that far...and between me and you, Lex," Jesse lowered his voice and paused.

"What, Jesse..." I replied. "Tell me.."

"I think Dom cares about you..." he whispered. I stood up, and then sat back down in pain.

"Fuck," I mumbled...I could tell I was smiling, and I stopped myself suddenly. "Jesse, tell Letty I said I was sorry..." I handed him her keys.

"What, Alexis. What are you talking about?" He said as he stood up after I slowly stood up.

"I'm leaving..." I replied. I walked slowly into my room, with Jesse following me. "I cant deal with this shit."

I began packing up my clothes into a bag. "You cant leave. Not now.." He said angrily.

"Want to fucking bet me?" I growled at him. I threw my bag on the floor. "I'm not going to fucking get beat up again because someone MIGHT have feelings for me. Fuck that..."

Jesse grabbed my hands and looked at me sadly. "Alexis, you know we've been friends for a while..." he sighed. "I've told you all my can't leave me.."

I looked at him, about to cry. "I'm sorry," I mumbled and picked up my bag...I walked out of the door slowly, grabbing my cell phone and my jacket. "Call me, 555-0438.." I walked out of mine and Jamille's house and got into my car...

I put my keys in and turned the ignition on. I wasn't sure where I was going...I had an idea though..