I (unfortunately) DO NOT OWN NCIS D=
Gibbs sat there, looking around wondering how Abby had roped him into this?! Fair enough she convinced McGee, which meant Tony would do it because he had to be better than McGee at EVEYTHING and Ziva would do it just to see Tony look like an idiot. Jenny was here as Director, it would have looked bad had she not been there. But why was he there? The little voice in the back of his head was telling him that it was because Jenny was there but he just shut that voice up with more bourbon.
Whose brilliant idea was it to have an NCIS karaoke night?!
He looked up at the sound of Jens voice, he had been hoping she was going to sing, "Hello there everybody! Welcome to the NCIS KARAOKE NIGHT!" he grinned as he heard Abby start chanting "SING, SING, SING, SING" he grinned at Jenny who just smiled at the Forensic Scientist's antics.
"Sorry Abbs, not quite drunk enough yet. Well I'll hand over to Abby Scutio who will be in charge for this evening." Jen stepped down from the Microphone and made her way down to the bar next to Jethro.
"You singing tonight Jethro?"
"Only if you do and I'm guessing I have zero chance of that happening so I figure I'll be fine."
"Oh you never know…"
Suddenly Abby's voice came over the speakers, first we'll have Verrry Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo from team Gibbs, singing….. Well I'm not exactly sure, he wont tell me," she said with a pout, "So let's hear it for Tony!"
Gibbs swallowed and looked at Jenny who was grinning at him, Tony had been associated with him, if he pulled out one of his movie references or failed miserably he was as good as head slapped! When the music first started Gibbs had no idea what it was, Jen obviously did as she had her head thrown back cackling with laughter. Then Tony started singing, Gibbs gritted his teeth and began stalking to back stage to wait for Tony,
"The good guys dress in black, remember that…….."
Review? Please? Reviews for me = Mind hugs for you!