Sin: I know, I know.. I was supposed to post this eons ago but the turn of events postponed it.. Don't fear though.. I am not goin to abandon IS! It's my baby! *laughs non-stop* ok Imma stop now.. My sister is gonna get married next month and well, she is 2 years younger than me.. imagine my shock! Oh well.. Yay! A new character is coming.. Don't mind her language though.. Uhm.. She's quite a handful..

Wolf: Yeah, yeah.. no one was asking you hag.. *snickers*

Sin: Who are you calling a hag? *pissed* I will no make Yuuri do *toot toot* with your *toot toot * and toot…..* (Yuuri rushed to cover Sin's mouth while dragging a fainted Wolfram)

Yuuri: Okay, okay… Wolf is sorry.. can you put that on the next chapter?

Gwendal: Hey! You, little! Even if you're the king! *blushes madly*

Conrart: Sin owns nothing but her pc.. *scratches head* and warning on the crude language…

Chapter 5: Hell's Door Opens

Yuuri felt awful hearing the sad story of the Lords von Reisch. He knew from his studies that some lines of pure Mazokus can give birth if they wished to. He wonders if Hugh and Reginald had a child but considering the story that Gisela told, maybe they did not have one. He misses his Wolf. Although he hasn't admitted it that he loves him, he no longer was the same 15 year old naïve kid that is homophobic. He somehow grew up. And though he isn't ready yet to succumbed in a man-to-man relationship, he thought that Wolf could wait. He can right? But with what happened, maybe he should have told the blond.

Without meaning to, he somehow ended up by Wolfram's door, only to find a commotion going on inside. Curiously, he saw his chief administrator with more wrinkle lines in his forehead and a sour expression is being sported by his godfather.

'Wonder what is wrong with them? I hope they don't mind me asking…' Eversince Wolfram went into a coma, the brothers are like wolfhounds protecting their young.

"Anou.." Brown eyes and blue turned their view of the door.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but what's happening? It seems like a battalion is about to attack based on your grin faces." The king's attention peaked having seen Gwendal twitch and Conrart's eyes wavering.

It was Conrart that broke the silence. "It seems Highness that Wolfram's half sister is coming to Covenant Castle." He pursed his lips.

"EHHHHHHH? WOLFRAM HAS A SISTER?" he managed to stumble inside the suit. Oh well at least he now got inside even if its just the suit.

"Oh, you did not know sire?" Conrart looked uncomfortable about the subject.

"It seems you really have no intention of knowing Wolfram." Gwendal's frown worsened but he continued. " He has a sister sired by his father to one of my cousins. Lady Cariss Antoinette von Bielefeld, daughter of Wolfram's father and my late cousin Lady Aramise Claudette von Voltaire. She has been living in the Bielefeld manor a few miles away from the Bielefeld castle. I am surprised that Wolfram didn't talked about her considering they are very close. She is 10 is years younger than him and they are oftenly mistaken as twins."

"He has a sister? Wait, wait! That means she is also your sister?" Yuuri seemed to be confused with the association of family ties of the nobles.

"No and yes. Technically, she is not our sister by blood but we consider her as ours." Conrart swallowed his saliva like a huge black settled in his throat.

"Yes, she is more like my niece but because she is Wolfram's sister, she is like ours as well." Gwendal massaged his head. A migraine is coming.

"Then why is it that I never see her before?" Yuuri asked.

"Because Cariss thinks that mother hates her."

Yuuri got confused. All his stay in the castle and him knowing the flamboyant ex-queen, he knew she is incapable of hating. Unless of course her children are being hurt. It still a wonder how he managed to still stay alive or so that is what Greta told him.

"Why?" he knew he looked like an idiot considering that Wolfram was his fiancé, well his ex-fiance and it's the first time that he hears of this Lady Cariss.

"Cariss is the fruit of Wolfram's father's betrayal. My cousin was one of Lord von Bielefeld's concubines that and his number of mistresses. But still Wolfram never hated her. He carried her when she was a baby and protected her from everything. He wished to bring her with him in the castle before but Lord Spitzweg said it would be a huge shame in mother's reputation to house a bastard child . Wolfram cried every night. When you became king, she refused to stay here saying she is alright living in the manor. Even Lord Waltorana's invitation for her to settle in the Bielefeld castle was refused. Wolfram's the only one she treats kindly."

"Umm.. When is she arriving again?" now Yuuri knew somehow that the lady is going to be trouble.

"Actually, I am already here Your Highness. I hope I am not interrupting this oh, so important conversation you have with my uncle and Lord Weller. And I am not abusing your hospitality for arriving without notice and for staying here in your 'GRAND CASTLE' " A lady about his age with flowing golden blond hair, so long it almost reached her hips with the same emerald eyes as Wolfram only with a disgusted glare directed to him. If he didn't knew better, he would assume that the girl is Wolfram's twin sister or maybe Wolfram herself.

"Hello, Aniue, Koonichan!" she smiled icily to the older men. A sweet voice mixed with contempt. "I thought chiniichan was safe here and now I heard from Uncle of this! Where the FUCK is he?"

Yuuri was astounded how she address the Lion of Ruttenburg and his Chief Administrator with such anger and hurt.

"Cariss… You have grown…" Gwendal was shocked, he didn't know that the girl who was sticking by Wolf's side day in and day out would be this beautiful He knew now what pain Lord Waltorana suffers to shoo away the suitors.

"Of course, Aniue, You think I will stay that small? Just cut the crap and show me chiniichan!"

Yuuri was gaping like a fish on how crude the young lady was and somehow he knew that hell is opening its doors.

"Just what the fuck are you doing here sire? I wish to see my brother without you trying to infect the air he breathes. Can you scoot away go on any pending adventures and leave the crap my brother alone? Go find a harpy like my mother to fuck, impregnate here and leave us alone! You already have your fucking wish so leave my family alone!" Yuuri never saw such ferocity and hatred reflecting from those eyes before. The very same eyes he was dying to see from Wolfram.

"Cariss! Enough!" Gwendal was chastising the girl.

"Oh no, Aniue, You can never stop me. If you restrained yourself and did not protected chi-niichan, its your folly and ont fucking think that I will forgive you for forsaking him. I will not be the same as you and kooniicgan who were cowards serving this imbecile you call a king." She went straight to the bedchamber slamming and locking the door.

Yuuri whimpered and looked at the forlorn faces and ashamed looks the brothers have while finding the floor interesting and fidgeting. He knew that wall between him and Wolfram has just got thicker.

Sin: Are? Got loads of typos wahahaha thanks for the support and the reviews and to everyone who are tuning in to this fic.. La-li-hooo!