Hey everyone. Well, I've decided to start another HP fic. Yes, it is time travel (those of you who have read my other works should know how infatuated I am with that particular subject), but this time it's not Harry.

The idea struck me out of the blue a few weeks ago and has not given me a moments peace. I am aware of other stories out there have already come up with the idea of Sirius having a child and said child going back in time, but I figured one more couldn't hurt.

So little Orion (for that is what he has been dubbed, though he's not so little here) shall find himself traveling back in time with his best friend and partner in crime, Teddy Lupin. Read on if you're interested, if not, you can turn back now.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 1

"Bloody hell, Orion! That's the last time you plan our evening!"

Ted Remus Lupin, affectionately known as Teddy, was not a happy person. Not at the moment anyway. His head was pounding painfully and his stomach was churning so much he felt he would spill his dinner with the slightest movement. As soon as it passed, he would be sure his companion would pay…

Even if it was partly his fault.

Held back snickers met his ears, freezing his thoughts in place. Last time he checked, he and Orion had been quite alone. His eyes snapped open at the prospect of possible danger, but upon noticing the occupants of the room, they widened almost comically.


He resisted the urge to laugh at the look some of the women gave him. Luckily, their attention was drawn by the answering reply.

"Language, Ted," Orion said in obvious amusement while sounding completely smashed all the same. "You know your dear ol' Gram would never approve."

There was a groan and a rustle of movement.

"Oh…my head. You didn't spike the fire whisky 'gain didya Teddy?"

"'Fraid not. Now, if you'd pay more attention, you'll see we're not in the best…predicament."

"Wha-? Oh, shit."

Orion had opened his eyes and spotted the wary, yet amused group. He laid back down with a grimace.

"Harry's gonna kill us…"

Only Ted noticed how this sparked the attention of those watching them.

"Orion!" he hissed.

"I'm too young and handsome to die, Ted!" the other continued, oblivious to the warning. "Told ya we shouldn't have had that drinkin' contest in there-!"


"What? Oh…"

He smiled sheepishly at the people surrounding them.

"Pleasure. Name's Orion and that's Ted…Though I guess you knew that already…"

Ted sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"Why do I even bother?"

While some of them looked like they wanted to laugh, others looked suspicious and -dare they say it?- angry.

"Mind telling us how it is you two got here?"


Ted rubbed the back of his head. The fact that everyone had wands out and pointing at them didn't help.

"Mind giving us a calendar first," Orion interrupted with a hiccup. "Not exactly sober, as you can see. Calandar'd help me know if I was out for a week again or not."

Ted could've kissed Orion right then if the very idea didn't make him sick. He did have Victoire, after all. It was a great way to check the date without arising suspicion. Their current interrogator looked at them with suspicion before stiffly turning around, grabbing something off a shelf, and tossing it to them. Ted looked at the calendar for a few moments before his face quickly drained of color. Orion, who had leaned over to look, experienced a similar reaction.

Ted closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Merlin, I was afraid of this…"

Orion let out a somewhat disturbing giggle.

"Oh yea, Ted. We are so dead when we get home…"

Between them was the calendar, its bright red letters and numbers staring back at them almost mockingly.

September 30, 1981.


The prologue type thing is done!

Umm…not much to add, actually. I already have Orion's dear mum planned out. An original character, seeing as there's really no choice otherwise. She won't be introduced for a few chapters yet (I think), but I do hope you readers will like her when she does make an appearance.

Oh, yea. Names. I'm a bit torn on Orion's middle name. I'm trying to decide between Orion Matthew Black and Orion Vega Black. Matthew because…well, I don't really know why, but it popped into my head while writing and it fits, in a weird way. Vega because it fits with that whole 'Name members of the Black family after stars' thing. I'm leaning a bit more toward Matthew, but if you prefer Vega, let me know. If I get enough people telling me they prefer Vega, it might tip the scale.

Anyway, that's about it. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to update soon. Thanks and take care!