Guess who's back~? That old hobo who lives in the bus!!! Moving on…I have a new chapter for you guys. But before that, I have something to tell you. I had a dream about Sora and Riku!!! It was really cute, and there was lots of cuddling, but then Riku had to run off and fight some evil lady. Maybe my extra story will be about them. Also, thank you to everybody who read this story and totally thought that the end didn't suck. You guys are so nice~!

Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING~!! Except for the words right here, the clothes on my back, and the lab top in my hands. Wait…scratch that last one. This is my brothers.

Marluxia's P.O.V.

I had pretty much gone from being heartbroken to being the happiest man alive. After the little encounter I had with Vexen, he started being more open with me. Sometimes he still got angry at me, or got embarrassed, but at least he didn't hide from me. Actually, everything seemed brighter right now! Even Larxene was in a good mood.

"Oh Larx, isn't everything just amazingly perfect in the world~?" I asked, sighing happily as we walked to the garden.

She rolled her eyes. "Jeez Marly. Really, after you've said that, you can never get mad at me for calling you a fag ever again." She stated.

I pouted slightly, but then regained my cheerful grin. "Whatever~!!! I can't hide the truth. Besides, you know you love me!" I exclaimed happily. I grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek. She, of course, pushed away.

"Ewww!!! Fag germs. Come on, I don't want to turn gay like you." Larxene said, breaking out into a smile later.

"Right, right." I said with a laugh. As I looked down the hall, I spotted what had become my favorite room within the past two weeks. "Larxy babe, I need to make a little detour. Vexxy is calling me~!!!" I exclaimed as I all but ran towards the science lab.

"That's just the voice in your mind!!!!" I heard her shout. I ignored her and just kept on going. As I finally got to the door, I yank it open and walked in.

"Hello everybody~!!! Hello Vexxy~!!!" I called as I entered the room. Zexion and Lexaeus looked up, but quickly returned to whatever the hell they were doing. Vexen, who was sitting across from them, stood up and walked over to me.

"Hello Marluxia…" He said, smiling softly. Oh god he was so pretty. I must be the luckiest man in the entire world!

"Oh Vexen~!!! I haven't seen you since lunch~!!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. He seemed a bit stiff, and awkwardly patted me on the back. Oh well. He'd get used to it eventually. It'd be pretty hard for him not to.

"Hey! No PDA in here. Go get a room!" I heard somebody say. I looked up and saw that little blue haired kid staring at us. I loosened my grip on Vexen and let my arms slide down to his waist. There was now some distance between us. I was about to make a comeback, but somebody beat me to it.

"I wouldn't be talking if I were you. I see how you flirt with that sophomore. Riku, right?" Vexen said rather coolly. I looked up and him and couldn't help but smiled, though I turned my attention back to the blue-haired kid who was now totally red in the face. Wow…Vexen was good.

Lexaeus stopped his experiment for a second and glanced at Zexion. Aww…I wonder if the guy has a crush on Zexion. Then again, they could just be friends…or maybe he's a loyal servant. Well, whatever the case is, it's not my problem.

I turned back to Vexen. "Sooo…you busy right now?" I asked, smirking.

Vexen looked at me before looking at the floor. "No…not really." He murmured. I smiled.

"Perfect~!! You should totally hang out with Larx and me! We're going to go hit the town after we do a little check on the garden. I can ask her to call up one of her boytoys and it'll be like a double date." I explained a smile clear on my face.

Vexen hesitated. "Fine…just let me do something here. I'll go to the garden as soon as I'm done." He said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Awesome!!" I exclaimed, removing my arms from Vexen's waist and putting them up in the air. "See you later~!!" I left the room, feeling much happier than when I entered. Like I said, everything seemed much brighter now! I could just kiss the sun! Of course, that would kill me.

I made my way over to the garden where Larxene was watering the plants. She looked up when I arrived. "Welcome back fag. Did you have fun with your boyfriend?"

"Oh yes. It was just wonderful! By the way, I asked Vexen to come with us tonight, and he said yes. So could you please ring up one of your cute little boytoys and make it a double date?" I asked, winking at her.

Larxene let out a loud sigh to show that she was incredibly annoyed by this. I knew that it was just because she's too lazy to figure out which boytoy to bring. "Fiiiiiiine." She half-complained as she pulled out her phone. She began flipping through it before pausing and looking up at me. "How about Riku? You know, that sophomore." She suggested.

I blinked. "Isn't Riku gay…or something." I said, scratching my head.

Larxene shook her head. "Not really. More like, he's a man whore. Haven't you heard anything about that kid? He's almost famous around here."

I frowned. "I guess not. Hmm…tell me about him." I said, feeling a tad bit interested.

"So Riku is on a quest for man whore-dom or something. But everybody knows he's totally in love with his best friend Sora. Unfortunately, Sora's got the hots for this chick named Kairi. So Riku just goes around and whores himself out to everybody. He's like a host who doesn't cost money." Larxene explained.

I nodded. "Alright…I guess that makes sense. Aww…but I feel bad for the poor kid! I hope that his love will be fulfilled soon." I said, frowning.

Larxene nodded while rolling her eyes. "Right, right. Anyways, I'll call him and see if he's available for today. You go tend to the flowers." She said as she pressed a button on her phone before putting it to her ear. I smiled slightly before heading towards the back of the garden where the shed was. I needed some tools and my smock of wonder before working on any plants.

I entered the shady part of the garden and felt it get slightly cooler. I smiled at this feeling. It was so nice, working in the shade. Well, on a hot day anyways. On a cold day it wasn't as lovely, but I had coats and earmuffs and other fuzzy, pink things to keep me warm. That reminded me of something. I still had that present that I had bought for Vexen in my bag. I wonder why I had never taken it out. Well, whatever, I'll have to be sure to give this to Vexen tonight.

'I hope he likes it~!! He probably will…since he likes warm stuff.' That thought brought a smile to my face as I opened up the small little shed in the back and stepped in. I grabbed my pretty little smock, a pair of gloves, and a watering can. Everything else was in one of the many pockets of the smock. There are really only three big ones, but you know.

I exited the small shed, closing the door on the way out, and walked to the side of it where there was a small faucet. I put the watering can under it and turned it on. I waited for about thirty seconds before turning it off and picking the can up.

I then made my way around the back part of the garden, watering all the plants with the correct amount of water. You know, every plant needs a special little amount of water. You just needed to test it out for a few days to see which is correct. Ooh! I'm like a scientist of the plant world. Anyways, I also pulled out any weeds that were starting to hurt my little babies. I didn't want them to do something nasty to my little cuties.

"OI! MARLUXIA!!" I heard somebody shouted. I paused and turned around, seeing Larxene standing in the bright part of the garden with two people next to her. I quickly realized that they were Riku and Vexen. That meant it was time to go!!

"I'll be there in a second~!!! Just let me put all my stuff away!" I shouted. I quickly watered a few more plants before dumping the rest of the water in a clump of threes that didn't need a specific amount of water, but liked more water than less. As I walked to the shed, I began removing my gloves and my smock. That meant that by the time I made it to the shed, I was ready to just put everything in there and then get going.

After locking the shed up, I made my way out of the shady part of the garden, and into the bright part where everybody was waiting. The three of them were chatting when I arrived. Yay~! Everybody was getting along. Or…well, sort of. Honestly, Larxene was doing most of the talking. I knew Riku was more of a silent type, and Vexen looked a little awkward. Oh well~!

I walked up and joined the group, a smile on my face. "Hello everybody~!" I said. I stood next to Vexen and wrapped my arm around his waist. He shot me a look, but I ignored it. "So, are we all ready to go?" I asked. Everybody sort of nodded or grunted…or something. Such a lively group.

Riku looked at me, his expression a mix between blank and bored. "So, what will we be doing today?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I grinned and replied, "We'll be doing what Larxene and I do after school~! Not all the time, of course, but sometimes. We're going to hit the town and do whatever interests us." A small smirk formed on my lips. Riku nodded as a response.

"Maybe we should go get really drunk and do some karaoke." Larxene said, laughing quietly…and evilly. I smiled, that could work. I glanced at the others to see what they thought. Vexen had sort of grimaced, and Riku look indifferent. Did that kid have any emotions? Well, I'd have to find out eventually.

"Right, right. Stop scaring people and let's get going." I chuckled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So the four of us high schoolers walked around the town, occasionally stopping in a shop to look around. We even stopped at an arcade. I challenged Vexen to a shooting game, he won. Beginners luck, I swear! Anyways, everybody was getting along, so I was glad. I found out that Riku actually did have emotions. We were all getting along and laughing within about ten minutes. Right now we're exiting an Italian restaurant that we ate at.

"So where to next?" Vexen asked, a small smile on his lips.

Larxene put her hands behind her head and looked up at the sky. She hummed for about seven seconds before a grin appeared on her face. "I know! We can go to a karaoke bar now and get incredibly drunk." Her grin got a tad bit more devious.

"That's a wonderful idea~! Good thinkin' Larx." I said, winking at her.

"I guess I'm alright with that. But I'm not singing." Vexen said, shooting me a look that told me that I wasn't going to be able to drag him into that.

"Well, you might not be saying that when you're drunk." Riku said, letting out a short laugh.

"What about you? Are yoooou going to sing for us before you're drunk?" Larxene asked with a wink and a smile. She also jabbed Riku in the shoulder when she said that.

Riku let out another laugh. "Actually, that's probably the only time I'll be able to sing. Sora says I'm a terribly boring drunk. He says I get all quiet and cool and do nothing." He said, waving his hand around a little bit in some sort of a gesture.

Larxene gave him a semi-disappointed look. "Well that's darn boring. But at least you're not like Marly here. Last time he was drunk he walked up to a bouquet of dandy lions and started talking to them as if they were me." She said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes. "Pshaw. Whatever Larx, at least I don't get mood swings. I swear, first you're hugging me, and then you're smacking me." I stuck my tongue out at her before looking about Vexen. "What about you~? What are you like when you're drunk?" I asked, smiling a big smile.

Vexen glanced at the floor before looking at me. "Actually, I don't know. I've had beer, but not enough to actually get drunk." He stated plainly. Larxene giggled at his words.

"Awesome then, it'll be fun finding out what happens to you. You all better make sure to give Vexen some extra beer." She said, flashing him a wink before looking ahead. "Oh hay! There it is!" She exclaimed, pointing at a store lodged between a Laundromat and a Starbucks. How lovely. The thing that made it stand out was the huge sign it had. The thing was lit up more than it need to. The name of the place was 'Stun Kar.' Umm…what?

"What in the world is with that name?" Vexen asked, a grimace on his face. Aww…he beat me to it.

"Apparently it's short for Stunning Karaoke. I once asked the guy at the counter and that's what he said." Larxene replied, shrugging lightly.

"What~? You're been here without me!?!" I asked, looking shocked and slightly hurt, even though I really didn't care too much. I just liked making a show out of things like this.

Larxene rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a drama queen. I went here with my family once when my cousins were in town. Terrible experience really. I never, ever want to hear my uncle sing again." She said with a small shudder.

"Aww…poor baby." I said as we entered the karaoke bar. We all walked up to the counter, paid our fair share, and got a room. We were stationed at the second to last room. Seven rooms away from a bathroom, and four away from a vending machine. Oh the humanity.

The four of us entered the medium-sized rooms and sat at the booth that had a small table in front of it. Riku was the first to grab one of the two song books and start flipping through it.

"Wow…they have a whole bunch of different songs. Tons I've never even heard about." He said, cocking a brow as he muttered something under his breath, probably a song title. Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door and a girl with a uniform on entered.

The girl smiled widely. "Hello and welcome to Stun Kar. Is there anything you're like to eat or drink?" She asked. It was the standard greeting just about anywhere.

"Yeah, we'd like four beers and an order of hot wings." Larxene said. The girl nodded, that smile never fading.

"Is there anything else you'd like?" We all sort of shook out heads in response. "Alright then, your food should arrive shortly." She said before exiting the room.

I clapped my hands two times to get some attention. "Alright~! So who wants to go first?" I asked. Everybody just sort of paused and I let out a small sigh. "Wiiiiiiimps~! Fine then, I'll go first. Larx, babe, you got any songs to recommend?" I asked.

Larxene paused as she leaned towards Riku to see the list. She scanned it for about five seconds. "Sing 'Don't Feel Like Dancing' by the Scissor Sisters. That song is selection number 1203." She said. I nodded and stood up, walking over to the TV that showed the lyrics and grabbing a microphone. The mike had small buttons on the side that allowed me to select the song. So upon turning the thing on, the screen displayed was white with five boxes on it. Four number selections and the enter button. So I type in the number and pressed enter. The lyrics popped onto the screen after a musical into and I started singing.

In the background I heard Larxene laugh. "So Vexen, now you know that your man has no shame what-so-ever." She said. I looked at her and stuck my tongue out, only producing another laugh. After the song ended, Larxene fake booed me. I stuck my tongue out again before taking my seat next to Vexen.

"Hey Larx, let's see you do better." I challenged. She, of course, accepted the challenge by standing up and walking over to the mike.

"Prepare to be stunned Marly." She said with a smirk. I cocked a brow and smiled slightly. After entering the numbers, the music to the song 'Smile' by Lilly Allen came on.

I could help but let out a loud laugh when I heard it. Vexen blinked and looked at me. "What's so funny?" He asked, cocking a brow. I grinned when I looked at him.

"Just listen to the lyrics Vexxy. The reason she picked this song will be revealed shortly." I said. Within a few seconds she started singing. The song was pretty much about revenge.

"When I see you cryyy, yeah it makes me smiiile." Larxene sang, a smile on her face. During the song the girl returned and placed the beer and hot wings down.

"If you need anything, just go up to the front desk and ask. Have a good night everybody." She said softly before exiting. I flashed her a smile before gabbing my beer and taking a swig. The others pretty much did the same thing.

When Larxene finished I gave her a rather sarcastic bravo. She flipped me the bird before returning to her seat. Riku was the next one to go. He sang 'Kryptonite' by 3 Doors Down. So it pretty much went on like this. Singing, drinking, and joking with each other. I even got Vexen to sing eventually. He did 'The Scientist' by Coldplay. Riku also did a hilarious version of 'Rocket Man' while acting incredibly serious. It was a really wonderful time.

So after about six rounds, everybody was getting really drunk. Larxene was currently singing some song I didn't know the name of with a bunch of emotion. Riku was just sitting there, his arms crossed over his chest and staring ahead. Vexen was…well…I found out that he was a very clingy drunk.

After halfway through the fifth round, Vexen had wrapped his arms around my neck. This made me very, very happy. He kept on murmuring things and only let go of me when he took a sip of his beer.

"Hey Marly! It's your turn to sing!" I heard Larxene shout. I grinned and nodded before standing up, Vexen still attached to me. I looked around and grabbed what looked like a mike but felt like a faucet or something. I heard Larxene sigh loudly. "Jeez Marly~! Here, let me help you out." She said.

I watched as Larxene got up and removed the thing from hand and grabbed something else. She selected a song and handed the thing to me. Must be the mike. "Thanks babe." I said as I watched the screen, not even knowing what song it was. Apparently it was 'Girlfriend' by Avril whats-her-face.

I sang the song, hearing Vexen laugh every once in awhile. Once I was done I handed the mike back to Larxene who apparently wanted to do a duet with Riku. Fine with me. I just took a seat, making sure Vexen was good too. He laughed again.

"What's up with you?" I asked, feeling a smile creep onto my face.

Vexen laughed slightly. "It's just that I don't have a girlfriend." He stated. I blinked, confused. I then grinned upon getting the joke. I gave him a small pat on the head before realizing something.

"Oh hay! I have something for you!" I said a tad bit too loudly. I stood up and walked off elsewhere, making sure Vexen let go of me first. It took me three tries to find my bag. Eventually I found what I needed and returned to Vexen. "I have something for you~!" I half-sang before pulling out the scarf I had bought for him and wrapping it around his neck.

Wait…this was a great opportunity! I pulled his face closer to mine and planted a big kiss on those lips of his. When we parted I heard a small gasp and took a breath of my own before kissing him again. While doing this I hadn't realized when everything went sort of silent and the normal lights went on. This meant that our session was over.

"Hey lover boy! It's time to go." I heard. I stopped kissing Vexen and turned to look at Larxene. She was staring at me with her hand out stretched, two bag in it. I blinked before taking the bags, handing one to Vexen.

"Time to go~!" I half sang before standing up. Vexen's arms slid around my neck when he got up. In return, I wrapped my arm around his waist and the two of us left like that, following Riku and Larxene who were chatting quietly.

So us four teens exited the karaoke bar, stumbling slightly. We headed for the closest train station we knew of. As we walked we didn't talk much since we were…well, plastered. As we got closer, something very odd happened. Suddenly Vexen stopped, causing me to stop too. I blinked, about to ask him what was wrong when he let go of me and ran off.

"XEHA BABY~!!!" He exclaimed as he suddenly latched onto a man and kissed him on the cheek. The man seemed slightly confused, and I was pretty sure Vexen had just gotten the wrong person, so I walked over there to get him out of there.

"Huh? Vexen? What in the world? What are you doing, I mean, we already broke up." He said, looking slightly angry now.


WOAH!?! Xehanort? The heeeck!?! Well, his appearance means that you'll be hearing about Vexen's trauma soon enough. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! By the way, sorry for slowness! I was out on vacation and my brother wouldn't let me use the computer. But it's up now! Plus it's longer than all the other chapters. YAY! So I'll see you guys next time, thanks for all the support!

And hay Cara, are you pleased now?