Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING BUT THAT OF WHICH I CREATED...which in this case is practically nothing...not anything worth while...not like Inuyasha or anything *sigh*

The Plan

Inuyasha has finally made that oh-so-important decision. But who is it? Is it Kikyo, his first love who was prematurely taken away from him? Is it Kagome, his new love who stood by his side through thick and thin?


Inuyasha walked into the chapel, fists tight with determination. He had finally made his decision and he was ready to stand by it, regardless of the cost. He knew who he loved now.

And before anyone else, he had to tell them his decision.

It wasn't difficult to find them, they were in the exact place he had left them. Both upset. Inuyasha guessed neither of them were expecting to be picked. It was confusing to him how both of them could jump to that conclusion, especially when they were so close to one another but he pushed those thoughts aside. He had something much more important to do.

They both looked up at the sound of his footsteps, expressions lighting up simultaneously.


They were so alike sometimes, it was almost frightening. Inuyasha smiled weakly at them, knowing the next few moments would be bittersweet, likely for both of them.

He turned his attention first to Kikyo and tried to ignore Kagome's crestfallen expression. "Kikyo," he placed his hands on her shoulders.

Kikyo blinked, shocked and confused. "Inuyasha, did you-" she was cut off by Inuyasha's lips meeting her own. He kissed her for a reasonable amount of time, with as much passion as he could muster given the circumstances before pulling away.

Kikyo blinked again, completely shocked but her eyes changed to understanding when she caught Inuyasha's apologetic gaze.

"I'm sorry," he replied and Kagome's head jumped back up.

Kikyo struggled to blink back tears. I was ready for this...

"It's not like I don't love you anymore," Inuyasha began, knowing Kagome did not want to hear this, "Because that's not true. It's just...you and I have already had our great romance and I..." his eyes met with Kagome for a second before turning back to Kikyo, "I want to give Kagome a real chance. She's already shown me how much she loves me. I want to return the favour." He grew more resolute as he went on. "I want to give her all of my love now. I'm sorry."

Kikyo nodded, "I know. I always had a feeling this was going to happen. You don't have to apologize." She wiped a tear from her eyes. "I just wanted to see if I had even the slightest chance. But this is okay too because I know she'll make you happy. I'll be waiting in the pews." She turned and left with as much dignity as she could, wiping away her tears fruitlessly while her back was to Inuyasha. This time, all that's important is his happiness. She repeated, clutching a hand to her heart. His happiness.

Kagome got up from the floor, looking at Inuyasha incredulously. "You really picked me?" she asked, shocked.

Inuyasha nodded, "Yes, I did Kagome, do you want me to repeat myself? I chose you Kagome and, from now on, I'll love you. Until death do us part."

Kagome blinked as tears of joy ran down her face for the first time today. She jumped into Inuyasha's arms. "You don't even know how happy I am to hear that."

After a moment, Inuyasha replied, "Um, Kagome, we've kinda got to get married soon."

Kagome shook her head. "Just a few more minutes. I want to revel in this for only a few more minutes. I was so afraid you were going to choose her, I was so afraid that today I would lose you."

Inuyasha stroked the back of her head reassuringly. "I know and I'm so sorry for putting you through that. But you're not going to lose me, Kagome, I'm always going to be by your side now. I'll be here to protect and love you for the rest of your life."

Kagome smiled, "I should have known."

"Aww, isn't this just beautiful!" Eriko's voice cut into the couple's heartwarming moment just as the click of a camera could be heard. "But you know Kagome, you're not the only who was waiting on Inuyasha's decision. In fact, there are people still waiting to find out what's happening with this wedding."

Kagome scowled as she pulled away from Inuyasha.

Inuyasha blinked, shocked at Kagome's expression. "Why are you making such a face at your own wedding? I mean, isn't that what you were screaming about not too long ago?"

Kagome blushed and shuffled her feet awkwardly. "I wanted to enjoy you for just a little longer."

Inuyasha blushed and averted his gaze, not sure what to say.

Eriko rolled her eyes. "Well, if you guys pick up the pace and get to actually marrying one another. Then you can enjoy each other till your very last moments!"

Inuyasha nodded, "For once, Eriko's right you know. Let's do this like we rehearsed, okay?" Inuyasha took Kagome's hand and Kagome smiled back at him. This is a dream come true.

Eriko proceeded to text Miroku and Sango the good news.


"Do you, Taisho Inuyasha, take you, Higurashi Kagome, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

Inuyasha nodded, smiling brightly and without a millisecond of hesitation, "Of course I do."

Kagome felt butterflies of happiness fly out of her. This was so perfect, better than any dream she had ever had.

"Do you, Higurashi Kagome, take you, Taisho Inuyasha, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

This feeling was nothing compared to the rehearsals. Tears of joy swelled in her eyes, she managed a mute nod before reply, "I do." Naturally.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Inuyasha pulled Kagome in for the best kiss of her life. Their lives. And the cheering died down after the first five minutes.

Eriko sighed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "So Inuyasha," she muttered to Sango who nodded in agreement. Miroku tried to mask his laughter.

"Inuyasha!" Izayoi stood up, "Honey, the two of you may be married, but I'm right here."

Inuyasha blushed and pulled away from Kagome, who let out a gasp of disappointment. "Sorry Mom."

"It's not your honeymoon yet," Inutaisho teased, ruffling Inuyasha's hair affectionately.

Inuyasha glared, smacking his father's hand away.

"Having fun?"

"I was," Inuyasha muttered as everyone let out a groan, "Must you talk to us now, gramps?"

Taisho ojii-dono's eye twitched at the informality of Inuyasha's speech with him now. The kid used to go white as a sheet whenever he merely walked by and now he thinks he has the balls to refer to him as 'gramps'. "I will admit, Inuyasha, that I'm quite surprised you didn't pick Kikyo after all that bitching you did after I separated you too. I guess you didn't love her after all."

Inuyasha's fists and teeth clenched as he struggled not to react to that. Kagome did not need to see him react to that. He caught Kikyo's smile as she stood away from the crowd. It was a polite, forced grin. She did not need to see him react to it either.

"I guess, if I had managed to separate you from this one, you'd have eventually found another one anyways," Taisho ojii-dono snorted.

Kagome wanted to box him. Inuyasha wanted to strangle him.

Kagome bit her lip as she tried to maintain her cool. We just got married and now you're trying to say this crap. I will fucking kill you if you don't fucking shut up. But Kagome didn't say it with her lips, that would spoil the moment even more than Taisho ojii-dono had, she merely said it with her eyes.

"Do you have a point, old man? Or are you just here to show us exactly how sore a loser you are?" Inuyasha sneered, "Nothing you say can ever make us feel bad for winning."

"Ha, The gift of youth! You think you've won? Don't forget our little bet," Taisho ojii-dono retorted, "It may have been better for both of you, if you had just picked Kikyo. Because now, you have to manage to provide for yourselves. Your own home. And paying your bills with your money. Can you handle it?"

"It was going to happen eventually," Inuyasha replied, "Your challenge doesn't scare me."

"Without dropping out of high school, of course," Taisho ojii-dono added.

Kagome laughed, "Wouldn't dream of it?"

"Like I said," Inuyasha continued, grabbing onto Kagome's hand, "We're not afraid of you."

"Not anymore," Taisho ojii-dono muttered before turning and leaving.

The moment Taisho ojii-dono left, everyone tried to continue as though he had never spoke. Basking and living vicariously through the joy of Kagome and Inuyasha.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome's smiling expression. You don't scare me old man. We've won and you know it.

I was so tempted to give this a cheesy one liner ending like "We have a plan" or "Just according to plan". If you've read TBVE, Just A Kiss and maybe even Bundle of Joy, you may be familiar with that dumb habit of mine. Geez PinkCatsy, not every romance story needs to have cliche endings.

That aside, yes, The Plan is over. However, there is likely to be a The Plan 2 or Plan B (maybe?). In other words, a sequel detailing Inuyasha and Kagome's struggles as they become financially dependant on only one another. And I'll try to get to writing this sequel as soon as possible. But I still have to write Just A Kiss 2 (and 3), Bundle of Joy 2 and finish TBVE 2. Because of this pile up of sequels I have promised myself and my fans to write, and all the stories piling up on my hard drive as well as stories I've actually posted but have neglected, there will be, for those reading Falling Star, no Falling Star sequel. For sure. I'll also try not to start any new fanfictions (but I'm already failing at that).

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed The Plan. Oh and sorry for the excruciating wait. I really hope I'm not growing tired of writing fanfiction, which would be odd since I keep thinking of all these new ideas.





Fire and Ice Inuyasha Princess






Tri-Polar Chic







Tifa Sohma
