Clank: This is the first time you've done an Apollo X Ema you sure you goanna do this?
Clink: Ah well it's my first time doing it and it's for a friend. (You know who you are!) So without further ado my first Ema x Apollo story!
Clank: Also all Klema fans must be de-armed before reading this story.
She could take his teasing, she could take his foppish attitude, but one thing she couldn't take is when he took her snakoos.
While she was away from her office Klavier had secretly taken her bag of snakoos and planed to give it to her as a "present". Of course Ema isn't easy to fool so when she noticed her snakoos went missing she knew was responsible.
"That Fop!" she screamed dashing to his office.
Ah right on time Klavier was awaiting her in his office with the snakoo bag. He simply awaited for the enraged detective to come to his office. He picked up the bag and laid it on his desk. He hummed to himself feeling content on his plan.
Soon Ema barged in infuriated. "You Fop where are my snakoos!?" She then noticed her bag on the fop's desk. "What are my snakoos doing you desk!?" she then swiped the bag of the desk.
"Fraulien those are my snakoos but if you want them I suppose you can have them" Klavier smiled as the detective helped herself to the snakoos.
"Yeah when did you get a liking for snakoos?" Ema growled.
"I tried it for awhile I can see why you like them so much"
"And the bag is half empty why?" she asked again.
"I had some before you took them" Klavier explained.
Ema pouted. "Just stay away from my things fop!" she then exited the room.
Klavier quickly blocked the doorway.
"Fop get out of the way!" She tried to move around him but he just blocked her way. "Why so tense Fraulien? Here let me ease your mind" he grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss.
After Klavier released her Ema was rubbed her lips still in shock.
"See that eased your mind didn't it Fraulien?"
Ema grinned her teeth together. Her face went red with anger. She was just about ready to go ballistic. She could barley control herself.
"Something wrong Fraulien is their something you want to say? Like maybe I love you, or I need you in my life, stop me when you hear something you like."
Ema then turned her ferocious growl into a sweet smile. "I have one Klavier" she said in a sweet tone.
"Well let's hear it" Klavier grinned happy to hear her voice enlighten.
Ema hand flew. She had slapped the fop with all her power that it left a red imprint on his cheek.
"I QUIT!" she then threw the bag of snakoos at his face and shoved him away and charged out the door.
"Fraulien wait if you leave…"
Ema waited to hear Klavier's words.
"Who will I tease on a daily basis?"
Ema began to cry. "That's all you think of me!? I should have quit a long time ago you Fop!" She ran out of the office and out of he building tears flowing from her eyes.
She ran home to talk to her sister about the situation. She told her sister Lana everything that had happened that day.
"Klavier did what!?" Lana yelled.
"Yes I know but I quit being his stupid detective I can't stand him anymore!" She was still crying.
Lana tried to comfort her by telling her she could work for a different prosecutor.
Ema refused. "I have a better idea" she said. She opened the door to go outside.
"I'll be back later" she waved.
Ema walked for awhile still deciding whether he should or shouldn't ask.
"Well I'm already there" she thought. She knocked on the door that read. "Wright Anything Agency"
Soon Trucy opened the door. "Hey hello Ema!" Trucy cheered in a happy go lucky attitude.
"A-ah hello Trucy" Ema sounded nervous.
"Something wrong Ema?"
"N-n-no…um is Apollo here at the moment?" she asked timidly.
"Yeah hold on a second. "Polly Ema wants to talk to you!"
Moments later Apollo walked to the door. "Hi Ema you wanted to see me?"
"Y-yeah…Apollo can I talk to you in private?"
"Um ok c'mon inside" Apollo and Ema walked into the small room.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Apollo asked.
"Well I couldn't take the fops attitude anymore, along with that he forced me into a kiss and taunted me about it. I just felt so enraged that I slapped him"
Apollo giggled. "What's wrong with that? That's what I would have expected from you"
Then Apollo noticed that Ema went into a state of gloominess. Apollo ahd never seen Ema sad, sure grouchy but never sad.
"Did something happen?" Apollo asked.
"I…I…I quit"
Apollo could then understand why she was so upset.
"So did you come for support?" Apollo asked holding Ema's shoulder.
"N-no I came here because…I wanted to…work for you"
Apollo was silent for a few minutes. "You want to work for me?"
"If it's alright with you that is?"
Apollo rubbed the spiky hair a bit confused as to why him.
"Um sure Ema you can work for me…"
Ema hugged him glad that she could still do detective work. "Thank you!"
Apollo blushed from Ema's sudden contact with him.
"It's no problem Ema no problem at all.