So it's finally up. Sorry it took so long. Stupid school and stupid drama and stupid stupidness. I have jsut had a lot on my plate. Anyway, I was going to write another chapter talking about graduation because I wasn't liking how this one was going but by the time I got to the end I liked it a whole lot more so this will be the final chapter of my story. I hope you enjoyed it. I don't own Transformers or The song Your Love. I do own alex though. Please review and enjoy.


After the battle with Megatron, things have been pretty quite. I pretty much stopped having any dreams dealing with Cybertron and robots. I still tend to see stuff from the future but they aren't really all that important. The important thing is I'm back to the boring life of school. Don't get me wrong, being a senior is awesome. You basically run the school, not that I really use that to my advantage. It's just that it's around May and I still have no idea what I am going to school for. Not to mention I am trying to get ready for graduation.

"Knock Knock." I turned around from my computer to see Mikaela standing there with a giant black bag; it looked like a body bag. "Let me guess. My brother forgot your anniversary and you killed him but you need me to help disposing of the body." She laughed along with me before saying, "Ha Ha no, he actually remembered. These are our dresses for prom tomorrow." Oh yea. I totally forgot. Prom is the thing most girls dream about their entire lives and this isn't just any prom, it's my senior prom.

"Oh, Mikaela. That's nice of you and all but, I'm not going to prom." "What!? You have to go." I sighed. "I would like to go, but the person I wanna go with can't so I'm not gonna go."

"Bee can go. He'll just go in his human form." "No he can't. He has no record of any kind within schools so there's no way he could go." I turned back to my computer and continued typing. "But Alex. Its senior prom you have to go." "Mikaela I'm not going." I turned to look at her once more. She had this look in her eye and a smirk on her face. She was scheming. "What are you planning?" I asked. "Oh nothing, but I'm going to leave this dress here just incase you change your mind." Mikaela basically ran out of my room after that was said. Sometimes I just don't understand my best friend.

I looked at the clock and it read 6:00. Great what should I do on this wonderful Friday night? I walked downstairs and noticed no one was home. I walked over the fridge and noticed that there was a note on the fridge, two actually. One was from Sam that read: Alex, Me and Mikaela are out on a date. We took Bee. Love your bro Sam.

So not only was a bored on a Friday night, I couldn't even hang out with my boyfriend. The second one read: Alex, Your mother and I are spending the night out together. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry or you can order out. Love dad. So what did I decide to do with my boring life? I ordered pizza and watched tons of movies.

~~~~~~~~With Sam, Mikaela, and Bee~~~~~~~~

"So do you think that your plan will work Mikaela?" "Of course Sam, as long as Bee's okay with the plan." Bumblebee revved up his engine meaning yes he was up to it.

~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~

I woke up around 11 in the morning and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I popped some waffles in the toaster when Mikaela came busting threw the door. "Alright let's go." She exclaimed. "What are you talking about go where?" She started pulling me upstairs. "We're going to go get ready for prom today. Now go get dressed." "Mikaela I already told you I'm not goi…" I didn't finish my sentence as she slammed the door shut and yelled just get ready.

I walked over to my dresser and looked for something to wear. I grabbed a blue v-neck t-shirt with a picture of converse on them. The converse's shoelaces made the word love. Then I grabbed some skinny jeans and hit the shower. I took about 15 minutes in the shower and then got dressed. I put on my whole outfit then put on knee high converse over my skinny jeans. The last detail to my outfit was a black and white checkered skinny tie with music notes on them. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail then walked out of the bathroom.

Mikaela wasn't standing there like I thought she would be. I walked over to brother's room and saw them making out. "You know that if you came over here to drag me out of the house, you should really stop sucking face with my twin." I said laughing. They pulled apart quickly and Mikaela straighten out her shirt while Sam tried to hide his growing blush.

"Alright let's go." Mikaela said. I love catching people off guard. It's so funny. I started walking over to the garage to get Bee when Mikaela stopped me. "Nope, we're taking my car." "But…but…" "Nope no buts. Come on!" Mikaela drove us into the city and stopped by some type of salon. "Umm…Mikaela why am I here? I told you I don't wanna go to prom." "I know but it doesn't mean you can't get dolled up plus we have appointments." I kind of grimaced. I'm not into getting my hair and nails done.

We walked up to the desk once we got inside the building. "May I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. She was pretty but more of an average pretty. She had on minimal make up and a simple hair do. It was more on the thin side and lightly curled at the ends. It was pulled half up and half down. "Yes, I'm Mikaela and this is Alex. We're here for our 1:00 appointment." The lady flipped through her papers. "Oh yes this way please." We followed her to two hair dressers. One was a guy while the other was a girl. "Phillip, Jessica, these are your 1:00's." "Thank you Marissa."

The guy circled around us like a lion would before he attacks. It was kind of creeping me out and I started to fidget. He snapped his fingers and said, "Jessica I want you to work on Miss Banes and I'll work on Miss. Wiltwaicky." "It's Witwicky!" I semi yelled. I hate it when people get my last name wrong. Is it that hard to pronounce? I don't think so.

"Whatever sit down." He forcibly shoved me into a chair. "And relax. Now let's see. What to do? What to do?" Once again this guy was creeping me out. "Yes. Yes I got it." The guy swung my chair around and he had me put my head back so he could wash it.

Once the whole process of getting our hair done was finished, I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail, like usual, but it was curled and he made it look like it was cascading down my back. "Okay let's get you to make up." I was so caught up in how amazing my hair looked that I didn't really hear the word make up until it was too late.

About an hour and a half later, we were completely finished. Mikaela looked awesome. She had her hair in a half up half down with really long light curls. Once we paid for the hair dos, we headed back home. "So you wanna come in for awhile? You have about 2 hours before you have to go get your dress on and what not for prom." I asked her. "Umm…no I'll be here later so I can pick up Sam." I nodded then it dawned on me. "Wait you guys aren't taking Bumblebee?" "Nope he'll be busy tonight." "Really with what?" She got that smile on her face again. "You'll see." I was confused and suspicious but I got out of the car anyway.

I walked into house and up to my room. I instantly went over to my computer but noticed there was a note attached to it. It read: At 9:00, I want you to put on you prom dress and meet me in the garage. Tonight will no longer be once upon a dream. Love, Bee. So that's what they had planned.

I was really excited now. I went down to the kitchen and got something to eat. There was some left over pizza from last night. I popped it in the microwave for about a minute. I sat there thinking about what Bee had planned tonight, or actually Mikaela had planned. I knew this was all her doing. It was an amazing thought.

After my pizza was done, I went upstairs and pulled out my guitar. I played it for hours not realizing the passing time. When I looked at the clock it read 8:30. Well I better get my dress on. It was a white dress that was long and slightly poofed out. The dress had about a 6 inch black lace around my waist area. The neck line was like a square shape and the straps were two inches wide. I put on my converse, yes I wear converse with my dress, it's not a crime.

I walked out to the garage and saw Bee in his hologram form. He was wearing a tux and everything. "So what's the special occasion?" I asked him. "Well Mikaela mentioned that you weren't going to your senior prom because I couldn't go with you so Mikaela gave me the idea of spending the night together." I walked up to him and kissed him. "Thank you. So where are we going?" He opened the door for me and answered, "It's a surprise."

He drove me out to the cliff. The full moon was shining brightly in the sky giving off a beautiful glow. I stepped out of the car and then Bee's hologram popped up. His headlights turned out and a slower song started to play. It was one of my favorites, the acoustic version of Your Love by the Outfield.

Josie's on a vacation far away

Come around and talk it over

He turned to me and asked, "May I have this dance?" I nodded and we began to slow dance.

There's so many things that I wanna say

You Know I like my girls a little bit older

I just wanna use you love tonight

But I don't wanna lose you love tonight

I laid my head on his chest and he kissed my head. "This is so sweet Bee. Thanks a lot really."

I ain't got many friends left to talk to

No one's around when I'm in trouble

"I was happy to do this Alex." I looked up at him. "No not just for this. Thanks for always being there. Protecting me, making sure I'm never hurt or anything. You've never tried to hurt me and I love that you can put up with my sarcastic attitude."

You know I'd do anything for you

Stay the night and keep it under cover

I just wanna use your love tonight

I don't wanna lose your love tonight.

"Alex, you've never been a burden to me. I'll always be there for you. I'd do anything for you." I looked up at him when he said that. He said with such meaning and passion that I could tell what he said was the truth.

Trying to stop my hands from shaking

Somethin' in my mind's not making sense

It's been awhile since we've been all alone

I can't hide the way I'm feeling

I was almost on the verge of tears, I was so happy. He leaned down and kissed me with so much passion that I could tell that even though we were different species that we were meant to be together and nothing could separate us.

As you leave me please would you close the door

And don't forget what I told you

Just cause you're right that don't mean I'm wrong

Another shoulder to cry upon

I kept having flashbacks to when we first met. The fact that I could feel shudders when I rubbed the steering wheel and I thought I was crazy. Then I thought about when I first told him how I felt about him. The next one was when he chased Zack across the lawn. I saw the good, the bad and everything in between. We had been through so much together.

I just wanna use your love tonight

I don't wanna lose your love tonight

"There's one more surprise." He said. He twirled me around to look off the cliff. Bee had his arms around my waist as we still swayed to the music. All of a sudden fireworks started going off. "How did you pull this off?" I asked clearly amazed. "I had some help from the other autobots. Keep watching the best part is coming up." I looked back into the sky as the last firework went off. It created words in the sky, and it said something extremely important. In bright yellow the words said, "I love you, Alex. Will you be forever mine?"

Yeah, I just wanna use your love tonight

I don't wanna lose your love tonight

I turned to look at him. I had the biggest smile ever on my face. I nodded and said, "Yes"

He gave me a kiss that seemed to last a lifetime, even if it only was for a couple of seconds.

I just wanna use your love tonight

I don't wanna lose your love tonight



So what did you guys think? I thought it was good but thats just me. What's really important is if you liked it. So please review and thank you to all who read my story and have waited at good two or three weeks for the ending!