Hey everyone! I'm back with a sequel. Haha. I do ownthe plot this time but I don't know any characters besides Alex and Ashley.(she really only appears in this chapter.) Haha. Thanks to all who reviewed my last Transformers story and I hope you enjoy this one. Oh just to warn you though. The first couple chapters will be kinda boring and slow due to the fact that, well just because it needs to happen, but there are a lot of BeexAlex moments. Haha...speed racer...haha...anyway...please enjoy and review please!


We had three days until school started up again. Mikaela and I were trying to get some last minute shopping in before than. It was about 8 months ago when we helped save the human race from being extinguished by Megatron and the decepticons. After the incident, Mikaela and I became the best of friends, Sam and Mikaela started dating, and I started to date my car. Trust me its not like it sounds.

The Camaro, Sam, my twin brother, and I bought, happened to be an alien robot from the planet Cybertron. He is an autobot named Bumblebee and he just happens to be our guardian. So yes I fell in love with my car. At first it was a bit difficult, you know him being a robot, but then he had worked with Ratchet to create a solid hologram for us. It just makes me wonder though if that's what he really wanted. I mean I was happy being with him, robot or not. I kept meaning to ask him but it always slips my mind.

Anyway, like I was saying, Mikaela and I were shopping for clothes before we started our senior year. A lot of the time people are so happy it's their senior year. I am really devastated, but not so much in a depressed way. I don't want senior year to come. Well I do but I don't. After this I will be going off to college, work on getting an occupation, and then I don't know what happens after that. I don't even know what I wanna go to college for yet. It's all so confusing, but I'm trying not to think about that. I am only concentrating on the present.

"You know Alex, you should wear more skirts." I laughed at Mikaela's comment. "Why? I love pants they are so much more comfortable." "Well you can always get a straight jean skirt, wear some leggings underneath; It'll be like you're wearing jeans but not." I sighed.

"I have a feeling that no matter how much I argue with you about this, some how you will still get me into a skirt and get me to buy it." She laughed and replied, "Yea that sounds about right."

We laughed and I said, "Alright let's get this over with." I'm not really a big fan of skirts but I do wear them, when Mikaela makes me. "But if I let you put me in a skirt, then you have to let me pick out a whole new outfit for you." Its not that she doesn't like my outfits; she just has a different style then I do. Mikaela thought about it for a moment.

"Alright fine." "YES!" We headed out of the food court and towards my favorite store in the whole wide world. Hot Topic. I told Mikaela that I had to pick up a new CD there along with a 10 dollar t-shirt. As soon as I walked in the store, Attack Attack's cover song I kissed a girl, originally done by Katy Perry, was playing.

Normally in the front of the store, they have the movie t shirts. On one side they have band t shirts and CDs and then on the other side they have miscellaneous shirts, like shirts from TV shows and anime. In the back they have the clearance items along with big time shows and movies that never get old, like Invader Zim or the Nightmare before Christmas.

I walked over to the CDs and got the new The Academy Is CD Fast Times Barrington High. I wasn't sure which T shirt I wanted but I finally decided to go with the kind if bright colored one with a girl and a deer on it.

Mikaela came in the store and just looked around. I paid for my stuff then it was off to Aeropostale so Mikaela could pick me out some skirts. It was long but bearable. We found something that was in my taste but also in hers.

Now it was my turn. I dragged Mikaela over to Pac Sun. I picked out a pair of skinny flare jeans and a metal mulisha double skull scoop necked tee that was pink. I gave her a tank top with lace on the bottom and told her to try it all on. When she was done, I told that she looked awesome and that she had to get the outfit which she did.

We got home around 7:00 because Sam and Mikaela had a date, which they were also taking Bumblebee on, so I wasn't going to be able to see him tonight. It was okay though; I'm not one of those girls who need to be constantly clinging to their boyfriend. I was exhausted; most people may not know this but shopping takes a lot out of ya…I'm not kidding. Why do you think guys always fall asleep on the benches outside stores? It's actually pretty funny though.

"Hey Mom, hey dad." I said while walking through the front door. "Hey sweetie. Come show me what you got shopping." My mom said walking out of the kitchen. I showed her everything, including the outfit Mikaela made me get and she was surprised until she heard Mikaela picked it out for me.

"I'm glad Mikaela got you to buy something other then pants for once." "Yea and what she picked out for me was not actually that bad and still within my taste, but it's still a skirt." My mom laughed. "I think I am going to go upstairs. I'm pretty tired." I stated. "Yea but knowing you, you won't go to sleep until late hours of the night." I laughed because it's true. I hate to sleep at night for some reason so I'll stay up way into the night so I can sleep longer in the day.

This time was different though. As soon as I got upstairs, I plopped on my bed and was out like a light.

Dream mode:

"You're sure it's still here on earth." I heard someone say menacingly. I turned and saw someone I believed to be dead. "Yes Megatron. The real cube is still somewhere on the earth and the cube's power can be used to our advantage very greatly." Wait?! So the cube wasn't actually destroyed? But Optimus said… "I want more than the cube!" Megatron said while kicking Starscream across the room. "What is it you require, mi lord?" "I want that power the girl possesses." "And what would that be Megatron?" "The power to see the past, present, and future. The power of premonitions." "And how would that benefit us?" "You fool. With that power we would know all the moves the autobots are going to make and we won't fail, like the countless times you've failed me." I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as I was dragged into another part of my dream. It was the cube, or it looked like it, but there was something off about it. This one seemed to give off more power, more energy.

End dream mode:

I woke up with a jolt and I was gasping as if I hadn't taken a breath in hours. My heart was racing and pounding through my chest so much it almost hurt. I tried to breathe deeply to calm down so I wouldn't hyperventilate. I looked at my clock and it read 10:30. I was wondering if Mikaela and Sam were back yet. If not they should be home soon because our curfew is 11:00. I decided I would go down and grab something to eat. My parents were in the living room watching television.

"Hey mom did you make anything for dinner?" "Ummm…yea it's in the fridge." I went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. Apparently she had made spaghetti. I didn't really feel like having spaghetti but I was hungry so I didn't have much of a choice. I warmed some up in the microwave then I heard Bumblebee pull in the driveway.

I heard Sam and Mikaela walk into the house and make their way to the kitchen. "Hey Alex what's up?" Sam said. "Oh you know the usual, just blowing things up in the microwave." "What? Alex what are you thinking?" I started busting up laughing. "Relax. I'm just kidding. I'm warming up some spaghetti."

"You have got to stop doing that to me." "Hey I'm your twin. It's my mission in life to scare the living daylights out of you." Mikaela couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed along with me. "What, are you taking my sister's side now?" Sam asked pretending to be hurt. "Oh you." She said while giving him a kiss. "All is forgiven." He said.

I heard the microwave go off. "Well I'm gonna go talk to Bee." "Speaking of which when are you going to tell mom and dad you're dating him?" "Soon…I was planning the day before school starts. It's not like they're gonna be angry. They love Bumblebee. Is Mikaela staying here tonight?" "Yea that is if that's okay with you?" Mikaela said.

She's worried that with her dating my brother that our new friendship may be ruined, but I have no worries. We all hang out together no problem. "Yea totally it's cool. I'll be back in a bit."

I walked outside with my plate of spaghetti and went into the garage. Bee was already transformed. "Hey Bee." "Hey Alex." I tried to climb up to sit on his knee but it was proving to be difficult because of the fact I had spaghetti in my hand. He started laughing and suddenly music blared through his speakers. "It's the Climb. It's all about the climb." He was enjoying this. "Haha very funny Bee." I said finally getting up there and laughing along with him.

"So I've been meaning to ask you something Bee." He gave me a look telling me to continue. "Ummm….do you mind being in your human form?" "No. Why?" "Well it's because I know you made that hologram it make it easier for us to be together, but I was wondering if that's what you really wanted because I mean I love you in whatever form you take, but I was wondering if that's what you wanted."

He thought about it for a moment then spoke. "Alex I don't care what form I'm in. I actually like the human form cause it easier for me to show affection that way. Why? Do you not like my human form?"

"No…no no…I love your human form but I love your robotic form too. I guess what I am trying to say is I'll love you in any form you decide to take and I just wanted you to know that. I didn't want you to think that I only loved your human form." He picked me up then nuzzled into me with his head. He used his finger to rub up and down my back.

"Thank you for considering my feelings, but I am keeping the human form. It's the one way we can truly be together." I smiled then said. "Fine by me." We laughed but my laughed died down a bit too soon. My thoughts drifted back to my dreams. "There's something else bothering you Alex. I can sense it." I sighed. Nothing got passed Bee.

"Are you positive the cubes destroyed?" "Yes, the cube was shoved into Megatron destroying both him and the cube. Why do you ask?" "No reason. The thought just keeps popping up in my head." He could sense there was more to it but, he could also sense I didn't wanna talk about it. Bee knows I will tell him when I am ready.

"I suppose I better get back inside." I said finishing my spaghetti off. I was still in his hand in front of his face so I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. "Night Bee." I said while he replied with "Sweet Dreams." It was a term he looked up on the internet and hopefully I would have sweet dreams.


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