Hello! it's sakuraseason! As you can see this is a gaiaonline story. Even if you don't know what that is, please read it! The way I have the story set up, you really don't need to. Please review! This concept came at me from out of nowhere so, I hope it's good!

My love, one day you will take my and your mother's place…

My dad always told me that, then as a child, still now at my age, fifteen. My dad is a vampire hater and wants me to be one. I remember the Twilight craze, and how I felt so…out of place when I was forbidden to read it. That was all my friends talked about when the movie came out (I was forbidden to see that also). Anything that had to do with vampires, I couldn't read, or sometimes even know about. But the one very thing that my dad hated was the Van Helsons, the vampire family that ruled over all the vampires. Even if you mention their name in a soft whisper, my dad will hear it and go on a lengthy rant about how "horrible" and "treacherous they are." I wonder…

"Baby, it's time to get ready!" My mom's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I got up from the window ledge I was sitting on and found her in the parlor room. It was crowded with Mom's friends and their daughters, getting ready for the ball tonight. The air was filled with perfume, laughter, and chatter. Mom seemed like she was looking for something, before she spotted me in the doorway. "Come in. There's no need to be shy!" She walked over and led me by my arm to a mirror in the corner

She began to strip me of my clothes when I let out a squeak of protest.

"We're all women in here," she answered as she finished, "Stay here, I'll go get your dress." Thanks, Mom, for leaving me in my bra and underwear, thanks a lot. When she left the room, Lisa, one of my mom's friend's daughters, stepped up to me. I disliked her ever since we were four and broke my doll. She said it was an accident. Yeah, right.

"So, I see we can't fit into a lovely bra cup yet…" she declared, flouncing her D cup breasts, held by a two cups too small bra. Her long blond (with brown roots showing) hair was put up in rollers. She was wearing a long lacy white slip that went down to her ankles

"Well at least I didn't have to pay a fortune for mine. I understand that your mom paid what could be enough to open a clothing store, or do something else useful, am I right?"

"Well, these are useful. About fifteen guys asked me out, but I turned them all down. Got to see the selection at the ball," she sneered, "but I guess you wouldn't know."

"I have it right here", Mom said coming up behind Lisa, bearing the dress then setting it down on a nearby table. "Oh, hi, Lisa, how are you?" she asked, noticing Lisa.

"Hello, Mrs. Jennison, I'm fine. I just wanted to come here to catch up with my friend Lily Anne," she put on her sugary sweet act.

"Oh, shoot, I forgot the make up. Be right back", when it came to major things like this mom became forgetful.

My mom took so much time helping me with my dress, hair, and make up, that the ball was already 30 minutes in. It almost took 15 minutes to convince her to let me walk out of the room, to the staircase to that led to the grand ballroom. During the preparation, she mentioned, "Dear, it's about time you had a boyfriend. I talked to Lisa's mom and she told me that Lisa went on a date a few days ago. Maybe you'll meet someone at the ball."

"Mom, I don't want one."

"Sure," she said in a drawled lazy, scarstic tone, "I've read some of your stories. They all include romance. I heard what stories you make up reflect what you desire..."

Walking down, I could remember when I was younger. How Dad use to "waltz" or put my feet on top of his. The high domed ceiling and large golden windows adorned it. The windows made the stars seem brighter and the lawn a majestic place. On hot summer days, I loved to put my bare feet on the cool, beige, marble floor. Now, it only seemed like a setting for my doom.

I tugged uncomfortably at my dress. It was not like the cotton sundresses I sometimes wore. My ballroom dress was designed so the straps hung off my shoulders and was a burgundy color. My short auburn hair was parted in the middle, in spiral curls, and one side was pinned back with brown criss cross bobby pins. When I finally made it to the ballroom, I felt Lisa's eyes on me. My body turned to her to see what she was wearing, sky blue dress with a matching pearl necklace. She looks nice, at least she fixed her roots, I thought.

Here we go…I thought as I looked at Dad who smiled at me from across the ballroom. He walked to the platform, to the mike and spoke: "My lovely daughter, Lily Anne, has finally arrived!" There was applause from the guests and then the musicians started playing.

Through out the ball, I was always on the dance floor. Guy after guy asked me to dance. I wanted to be polite, so I didn't say no.

One of the guys led me into his whole life story after we danced. While I was pretending to listen, the guests' entrance opened.

The person who entered the ballroom immediately had the attention of all the ladies and the envy of all the men. The only people who didn't look at him were the musicians, still playing. He couldn't be described as any other word than gorgeous. He had ghostly pale skin that contrasted with his long dark hair; parted on the side that was tied back into a ponytail His long bangs framed his face. His eyes were an amazing gray-blue color. He walked in my direction. Lisa, with her lame self interjected his path holding out her hand, expecting him to kiss it, or at least shake it.

He said a simple, "Excuse me." The look on her face was picture worthy. I looked back at Dad. He was eyeing him suspicion. Maybe the stranger is a…vampire. The type of people my father had any grudge against. I can't tell, since being banned from any type of learning about them. There's something different abouthim than any other guy. The gentleman approached me and said…

Cliff hanger! I hope you enjoyed it. It will be updated soon. Remember to review.

Disclaimer: I do not own gaiaonline or any gaiaonline characters, only Lily Anne and other OC's.