Hi out there! This is the first fic for PsoH I'm posting – I've written a few others, but they're too bad for posting. I listen to musicals a lot and the idea for this came when I set my player on "random" and he played a few of the songs in right that order.

I know that the story is not quite the original series but I didn't know how to make the Count and Leon fit into this plot and so I made an AU. There will also be yaoi later, so if you don't like that don't read it.

Almost all of the songs I used are available on youtube so if you want to know what they sound like just look for the title. The texts of course don't belong to me and Leon and the Count don't belong to me, too.

If you enjoy this please leave some comments!

Kisses, Valy

Magic Music – the best love songs from musicals all over the world!

Starring Leon Alcott and newcomer on Broadway Count D in a breathtaking performance of the most beautiful love songs ever written in musical history!

CD One, Track One: With One Look

Sighing, Leon took his feet from the small coffee table he'd put them upon and looked at his manager. "Okay, so why do you want me to do that recording? Why me and not someone else? You know I'm busy with the preparations for Jekyll & Hyde."

Jill waved impatiently with a slip of paper. "I know, Leon. I got you that role, if you would kindly remember that," she reminded him sharply.

The blonde grimaced. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. So what do I get out of this recording?"

The woman sighed deeply and decided that her charge was particularly exhausting today. "You get out of the deal another album with your voice and name on it, and if I may remind you, it can't hurt. Plus, the guys from Musical Today want you to do the songs with that new Chinese singer. He's said to be a real wonder and from what I read in the newspapers, the critics are in head over heels for him."

"A guy? I'm going to sing with a guy? And who's gonna sing the woman part?"

Jill sent him a glance over the rim of her glasses. "Don't tell me you didn't read the critics again. Leon, how many times have I told you it is essential in this business to know what's going on on the stages?" she scolded the blonde.

He barely shrugged. "Oh, c'mon, I was busy with the rehearsals. Whaddya think I'm doing the whole day at the moment? I've got enough work without reading the newspapers."

"Well, then I've gotta inform you that he is going to sing the female part. He's famous for being able to do them, you silly. His voice is really extraordinary." Jill's grey eyes shone behind her glasses.

"I wonder how you can stay in this business with the way you fall in love with each and every good-looking guy around," Leon remarked dryly and evaded the rubber she was throwing at him.

"Out!" she cried, but laughed. "Come tomorrow, then I'll give you the song list."

Leon left her bureau, still grinning to himself. Jill was a once-in-lifetime-friend. They knew each other since childhood days, had grown up together, and later went to musical school together, too. Unfortunately for Jill, she'd caught a very nasty sickness that ruined her voice. So instead she'd become Leon's manager when he started to have success on the stage. And he couldn't wish for a better manager. He knew it was due to her that he'd gotten some quite good engagements and was now, at the age of 26, already one of the most sought-after male singers.

Record another album? Well, why not. If Jill thought it necessary… and one could never be careful enough, that was true. Competition was hard, and Leon was determined not to let himself be elbowed to the side by some other singer. Musical Today was a good record company, they were known for quality. If he did that, he would perhaps be able to get a part in one of the really big productions.

Determined the blonde knotted his scarf around his neck – one could never be too careful with his voice – and stepped outside into the clouded afternoon. It was not yet time to go to the theatre, and he turned to Central Park. He'd found a place right beside the lake where he could sit without being noticed by everyone passing by. He fell into a quick trot. One hour, and then he'd have to be on the stage of St. James again.

He grimaced. The actress playing Lucy was barely what he called an amiable colleague. She was about the most snobbish singer he'd ever met, and that meant a lot, considering they were talking Broadway singers here. He liked "Emma" much better. She was a quiet, sweet person who no one would suspect of having such a beautiful voice. But, well, he should not complain. He had what he wanted, and if he was just a bit lucky, no one would be able to take it away from him again.

Leon left the path to crawl into the bushes and sat down on a big stone, taking in the sight of the lake and sighing softly. He knew why he never read the newspaper. Being on the stage the whole day was enough. He loved his job, sure, but sometimes he wanted to have his peace.

So, the Chinese wonder had finally arrived? He'd heard the others talk about him. His fame had spread over the ocean, and everybody had been waiting to see if he was going to live up to the expectations. If Musical Today hired him at once for a whole album, he sure had to be good.

The blonde shook his head in wonder. A guy who was able to sing leading lady. Broadway for sure was a strange place sometimes. He would only believe that once he'd heard it.

Then he harked up. There was someone right beside him in the bushes. The blonde froze and silently cursed himself. Jill would kill him if he got robbed and perhaps hurt. Jekyll & Hyde was going to open in two weeks. He had to be fit.

But then whoever it was started to sing and Leon forgot his worries of being attacked. The voice was beautiful, soft and yet expressive. She wasn't sure of the melody, and only slowly warmed up to it, but then the notes floated through the air like a string of pearls.

"With one look I can break your heart

With one look I play every part

I can make your sad heart sing

With one look you'll know all you need to know.

With one smile I'm the girl next door

Or the love that you've hungered for

When I speak it's with my soul

I can play any role."

Leon smiled unwillingly. Well, he didn't know about her eyes, but her voice sure was great. He moved slightly, wanting to get a good look at the singing one, but somehow, he didn't know how, a twig snapped under his foot. Abruptly the voice stopped singing.

The blonde held his breath, as did the other one. Carefully he tried to move further without making any more noise, but fortune was not on his side. The leaves, not yet bare, rustled and before Leon knew it, a whirlwind of black hair and fine silk had rushed past him. He only got a chaste look into frightened eyes, one gold, one violet.

"Hey, wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" he called after her, but the girl would not stop. She ran away, the skirts of her Chinese styled dress swishing around her legs. Leon shook his head in surprise and drew back his hand. "Wow. Didn't know I am that scary!" he said to no one in particular and then almost smiled at himself. "If I'd believe in it, this would be the beginning of a great Hollywood love story," he told the tree beside him, glanced at his watch and realised that if he wanted to be back at the theatre in time, he'd have to hurry. So he left the lake and the strange girl with the beautiful voice behind, immediately forgetting about her.

Three weeks later, though, he was reminded of the episode arriving at the studios of Musical Today, late, because "Lucy" had decided to play diva. Cursing, knowing Jill would have his head for that, he hurried inside and promptly bumped into a slender body clad in silk. Black hair parted to reveal discoloured eyes. "I – I am so sorry!" the person stammered and retreated, bowing deeply.

Leon rubbed his elbow and took a closer look. "Hey, I know you!" he said, almost unwillingly due to surprise. "I met you in the park. You were singing beside the lake."

The pale cheeks flushed. The girl seemed to be rendered speechless.

Wait a moment. The one in front of him was not a girl, not by any means. Leon took a deep breath. "So, I guess you're Count D, then?" he said and tried to regain his composure. Well, now he knew why the guy got to play girls. His voice was high enough, and if he only had the slightest hint of bosom, no one would think he was a man.

The young Chinese blushed even more. "Yes, I am," he whispered. Leon was about to introduce himself when a harsh voice from behind made him startle.

"Leon Alcott, you three-times-damned diva! I told you to be here at ten o'clock sharp!" Jill ranted and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. Leon held up his hands in defence.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault! Lucy was convinced she had to call me to practice that duet again! What was I to do? She was already standing in my door when she called me!"

Jill let out her breath. "This woman is a nuisance even worse than you!" she growled and then realised they weren't alone. Immediately her demeanour changed. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you! Leon, this is Count D, your partner in this production. Count D, this is Leon Alcott, also called Broadway's golden boy."

They shook hands a bit awkwardly, D glancing up at Leon from under his black hair. Jill, however, didn't leave them much time to talk, she tugged at Leon impatiently. "Now c'mon, Mr. Harris is already waiting for us to turn up. We're gonna talk the songs through and then you can listen to each other for a bit to get a feeling for the duets."

"No words can tell the stories my eyes tell

Watch me when I frown, you can't write that down

You know I'm right, it's there in black and white

When I look your way, you'll hear what I say.

Yes, with one look I put words to shame

Just one look sets the screen aflame

Silent music starts to play

One tear in my eye makes the whole world cry."

Leon and Jill stood outside the recording cubicle, headphones on, and listened to D singing. From time to time his strangely mismatched eyes flickered to them, and Leon could have sworn every time a blush crept up in his porcelain cheeks.

"Well, he may be a guy, but he sure knows how to do that female stuff," the blonde mentioned and Jill blinked at him impishly.

"Told you he'd be a good counterpart to you. I'm really curious how your duets will sound," she said and checked the song list the producer had handed her. "If they continue with the planned order, you're going to do Music of the Night next. You're up to that one? It's pretty difficult."

The blonde sent her an exasperated glance. "Hey, you might want to remember I did that one in final exams at school. I can do it by heart."

"Good, because else you'll be late for today's performance," Jill answered, unimpressed, and turned to go out and talk to D's father. He welcomed the young woman with his strangely polite manner and smiled at her. Leon couldn't get rid of the feeling that the smile was simple politeness and not true, but hell, Jill knew people. She could stand her ground.

So he turned back and looked again at the Chinese, who was just listening to something the conductor was telling him. Then he nodded and started again with the last part of the song.

"With one look they'll forgive the past

They'll rejoice I've returned at last

To my people in the dark

Still out there in the dark...

Silent music starts to play

With one look you'll know all you need to know

With one look I'll ignite a blaze

I'll return to my glory days

They'll say, "Norma's back at last!"

This time I am staying, I'm staying for good

I'll be back to where I was born to be

With one look I'll be me!"

His mismatched eyes met Leon's, and for a moment it was hard to breathe. Did Count D use make-up for his eyes? The song for sure fitted them. He wasn't able to look away from them, and the warmth that crept up in his own cheeks for sure had nothing to do with the room temperature.

D blinked slowly, still looking deeply into Leon's eyes. Ignite a blaze with one look, nothing could be truer. The blonde felt like he'd been set on fire. What a fucking contrast, violet and gold… what else was there to do than stare?

Then D smiled again, that shy, unsure smile, and Leon's trance shattered. He quickly gave D the thumps-up, then he put down the earphones and went out to where Jill was discussing one of the songs with Mr. Count. "Jill, I'm off to St. James," he told her and his friend turned, surprised.

"Is it already so late?"

Leon felt his cheeks still burning. "Nope, but I wanted to talk to Emma again about that one song," he mumbled. "She'll be there already, she's always too early."

Jill looked confused. "Sure then, I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven. Don't party too long and don't forget your scarf," she called after him.

Leon turned, already half out the door. "Hey, what am I? A child? Stop mother-henning me!"

The blonde woman shook her head and watched him go with a long-suffering look on her face. Count D came out of the cubicle and smiled at her shyly. She smiled back. "You're very good," she told him. The young Chinese blushed.

"Thank you very much. What is the matter with Alcott-san? Was he not well? He left so quickly."

The boy's strange eyes actually were worried. Jill grimaced. "No, he's fine. Just wanted to flirt with the leading lady, I guess. Not that she's ugly, mind you. And perhaps she'd manage to hold him for once."

D blushed even more. "Oh, I see," he said softly. Jill scrutinized him and smiled secretly. He was cute. Really cute. Hopefully Leon would notice sometime, too.

So, what do you think? Please leave me a comment!