Hey everyone! Just a note to clear up some things before the story starts:

Nagi did cross-dress as Nadeshiko, but Nadeshiko does exist. So let's pretend it's like he did cross-dress as Nadeshiko in 5th grade, he did go to Europe, he did come back, and he told Amu about the whole cross-dressing thing, and then he admitted to everyone he actually did have a twin sister (the real Nadeshiko). Then, the real Nadeshiko comes back from...five years of training in France (or something) and joins her brother in Seiyo...High School...

Alright? Just to clear up some stuff.

Enjoy the story!

(Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara)

"Nagi? Nagi? He-llloooooo?" Nadeshiko caringly waved her hand in front of her twin brother's eyes. The two were walking home but Nagihiko's mind just seemed to keep trailing off into…nowhere.

"Hmm…hmm?" Nagihiko snapped back into reality and turned towards Nadeshiko, who was smiling at him kindly.

"Nagi? You okay?" Nadeshiko asked like a caring sister would. She even put her hand on his forehead to make sure he didn't have a fever.

"Ne, I'm fine." Nagihiko shrugged off his sister's hand and let his bangs cover his eyes to prevent his sister from reading any emotion from his face.

"Nagi…" Nadeshiko trailed off, with concern in her voice, but Nagihiko was too busy sorting out his own trail of muddled thoughts. The twins continued walking in silence, but after awhile, Nadeshiko couldn't take it anymore. She jumped in front of him, blocking his path, forcing him to look up at her eyes.

"Nagi! What's wrong?" Nadeshiko exclaimed. She had never seen her brother so depressed before. Sure, he had his fair share of crying and moping time to time, but this type of sadness was different. It was…depression…and melancholy.

Nagihiko avoided eye contact with his sister, knowing too well that once the contact was made, Nadeshiko would have a rough understanding of what was troubling him.

"You're sick." Nadeshiko concluded. Nagihiko sighed.

"No, Nade. I'm not sick." He muttered, still turning his head away from Nadeshiko.

"I can tell." Nadeshiko insisted.

"I'm not." Nagihiko insisted back.

"I think we're having a miscommunication." Nadeshiko said. Nagihiko decided to look up into his sister's eyes.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" he asked. Nadeshiko smirked.

"You're love-sick." Nadeshiko said smugly, causing Nagihiko to blush a faint pink, just enough for Nadeshiko to notice. "And I'm right on." She smirked proudly.

"Nade…" Nagihiko began, but Nadeshiko cut him off.

"You, my friend, are in obvious need of a love consultant." Nadeshiko took Nagihiko's wrist and dragged him home in record time. Once she got in, she hollered to her mom, "I'LL PRACTICE DANCE IN 20 MINUTES!" and dragged her brother to her room.

"Nade, what—" Nagihiko's words were cut off when Nadeshiko put her hand over his mouth.

"Shh…let the master do her work here." Nadeshiko smiled and set up her 'Counseling Office,' in which all she did was pull over a small desk, set up two chairs, put on a pair of glasses, and grabbed a box. "Mr. Nagihiko, please take a seat." Nadeshiko said professionally. Nagihiko decided to humor his sister and sat down.

"Now, Mr. Nagihiko, what are your problems? Love?" Nadeshiko asked rhetorically while grabbing out a small notebook and pen.

"That's what you said…" Nagihiko trailed off. Nadeshiko seemed slightly irritated and pointed out she was only trying to be professional.

"Alright, alright. So, who is the lucky girl we're talking about?" Nadeshiko asked. Nagihiko was growing annoyed of all of his thoughts of Rima that unexpectedly, when Nadeshiko asked the question, he let all his feelings tumble out, something he didn't do often. Nadeshiko jotted down notes, offered him some Pocky that she 'conveniently' had in her box she'd grabbed, and patted his back at the right times. Finally, Nagihiko drew to a stop on the spill of his emotions.

"What should I do?" Nagihiko looked at his twin sister with a pair of innocent, awe-stricken eyes. Nadeshiko looked back and realized he was seriously in love. And he claimed he's loved her since first sight in 6th grade. "Heck, that meant…he's been in love with her for 5 years?" Nadeshiko thought to herself. She then realized that all those times her brother went on dates with other girls, he seemed to be plotting. Perhaps plotting how to get Rima jealous?

"Nagihiko. I hate to say it like this, but you've got to suck it up, you wuss." Nadeshiko said as bluntly as she could. Nagihiko was slightly taken aback by her comment but listened carefully. "You've gone out with other girls. Why can't you just go ask Rima-chan out?" Nadeshiko asked, her voice changing to a caring tone at the end.

Nagihiko rolled his eyes. "You realize if it was so easy, I wouldn't be here spilling my guts to you, now would I?" Nagihiko asked rhetorically.

Nadeshiko sighed. "Why won't you ask her out? It's not like you haven't asked anyone out before." Nagihiko sighed, flashbacks of thegirls he's gone out with darting through his mind.

"She hates me. Even after the whole I-am-not-Amu's-best-friend thing. Why? What did I do wrong to her?" Nagihiko asked. Nadeshiko smiled.

"Ah. Now this is when your sister comes in useful." A smirk tugged on Nadeshiko's lips. "She's got that stubborn streak, just like Amu-chan." Nagihiko looked up at Nadeshiko like she was his last ray of hope. Which, in a sense, she was, cause Rima was simply driving him mad.

"Explain." Nagihiko said, half-demanding, half curious. Nadeshiko smiled.

"She's got everyone thinking she doesn't like you, so why would she suddenly say, 'Everyone, I don't hate Purplehead anymore.' She's got that stubborn streak." Nadeshiko repeated. Nagihiko nodded his head, processing the information his sister had just enlightened him on.

"So…it means…I have a chance?" Nagihiko asked his sister. Nadeshiko laughed out loud.

"You do. You always did. You just gotta try." Nadeshiko smiled. For once in the conversation, Nagihiko smiled back at his sister.

"NADESHIKO!" The Fujisaki twins' mother yelled from downstairs. Nadeshiko's eyes darted towards the clock on her desk.

"Crud, it's 18 minutes. I don't want to sit on my knees for 3 hours. See ya Nagi." Nadeshiko grabbed a pink kimono from her closet and darted downstairs to switch, leaving a befuddled Nagihiko.

"So…it means…I have a chance…" Nagihiko thought, the idea repeating itself in his mind again and again, like a broken radio. Nagihiko suddenly smiled real wide.

He'd confess. Tomorrow. And proceed from there.

He had a chance…

So did you like it? If I get enough reviews, I might write the scene when Nagihiko confesses to Rima. Otherwise, I'll leave it as a one-shot.

Thanks for reading!