Chapter 14: The Unexpected


I was in luck. Someone had left their window open while they were watching the news.

"Word has just came in! The teens currently helping out local ghost hunters, Dani Phantom and Red Huntress are the Teen Titans! I group of superheroes from Jump City."

I smiled. All my enemies in one place. Master would be proud. That girl though, she had the same name as me. I had no time to ponder on that though. I flew to where they had been spotted.

The ghost they were fighting was just a giant snake. Child's play for me. I shot some ecto-blasts around the ghost, a simple distraction that worked just long enough to freeze the ghost.

"Alright Dani!" the metal one (Cyborg?) exclaimed.

"Um, guys that wasn't me." I was shocked the girl looked just like me, but her eyes were green.

No time to worry about that, Phantom. Time to make your appearance.

I turned visible and floated down in front of them. I kept my head hung so my hair shadowed my eyes.


3rd Person

Starfire and Dani both rushed to Danny. Dani grabbed her brother around the waist while Starfire threw her arms around his neck.

"Danny! You're back!" Dani exclaimed.

"Oh, Danny! How I have missed you! Please, how did you escape Slade?" Starfire kissed his messy white hair.

Danny stiffened. What is wrong with these girls?

What… Raven thought. Why is Danny thinking like that? I sense something bad inside him… almost evil!

"Guys! Get away form him!" Raven shouted, but it was too late. With a burst of energy, Danny sent the two girls flying. He shot his head up, showing his glowing orange eyes.

"Dani! Are you OK?" Beast Boy asked after catching her as a gorilla and changing back.

"I think so," she answered, holding her head. "But why did Danny attack us like that?"

"What's you're deal, Phantom?" Valerie yelled. "You'd never attack your sister like that! You were always about protecting her!"

Danny turned his head to look at Valerie. "I assume you're Red Huntress."

Valerie stumbled. "Yes, I am."

Danny smirked at her. "Good. Defend yourself!" And he lunged at her.


I put up a shield as Phantom jumped at me. He impacted and jumped back.

"Good, I like a challenge."

"What is up with you, Phantom?" I yelled, "You never attacked me, I always attacked you!"

"I've never seen you before!" Phantom yelled. He shot a bright green ray straight at me. I dodged the blast and shot back at him with one of my guns. It hit him in the chest and he flew backward. He got to his feet.

"You think you can beat me that easily?" I shot at him again. Phantom flicked it away with his hand. "Don't. It tickles. Your move, either attack me," his hand glowed green as he turned it to Dani and Beast Boy. "Or save them."

"Get out of here!" I yelled.

"But Valerie…!"

"Just go!"

"Come on." Raven said. I felt a cold wind and I knew they were all safe.

Phantom smiled. "So, looks like it's just you and me. Shall we dance?"

"Bring it." I growled.


I landed us in the Ops Center. Dani ran up to me.

"Take us back!" she screamed.


"Yes! Valerie can't fight him herself! Danny's not himself! We have to go help them!"

"No. There's nothing we can do."

Dani's eyes flashed purple for a split second. "You're just going to give up! We have to do something! We can't just give up hope in him!"

"I agree." Starfire whispered.

Hope. Love. I gasped and held my head.

"Raven, are you alright?" Cyborg asked, holding me steady.

"I don't know. I was looking and Dani and Starfire when Dani turned light blue, and Starfire turned a pinkish purple. Then two words came into m head. Hope and love."

"It's alright, nothing happened. What do you guys think is wrong with Danny?"

"His mind is being controlled." I whispered.

"That would make a lot of sense." Beast Boy said.

"HELLO? RAVEN!" Robin was pounding on his door. "I KNOW YOU'RE UP THERE! CAN I COME OUT NOW? I FEEL FINE!"

"We probably should let him out of his room." Dani suggested.

"Yeah, before he breaks down the door." Beast Boy joked.

"Robin knows more about Slade than the rest of us. Maybe it's time to let him back into this battle."

"You're right, Starfire," I said. "Let's tell him what we found out."

"I'll call Sam and Tucker." Dani said.

"I'll make new Titans communicators." Cyborg said.

We all looked at him confused. "Why?"

"I think we'll all agree that having Team Phantom on the team will be a lot of help."

Dani smiled and nodded. "Slade better watch out, because I've got a major bone to pick with him. One that I'm going to have to tell him with my fists."

Don't we all.

End Chapter 14