Hey!!! I'm back again!! I'm late again, right? Its just soooo hard to type it all in one day, and also, I'm soooooo busy with school, the events, the exams... I'm just soooo busy. Sorry, and please review on this chapter to see if I'm doing a nice job. Thanks for waiting and keeping on reading my stories!!!!! Thank you, Thank you very much!!!

Chapter 4: That Almost Perfect Night

~7: 46~

Sapphire turned away from Crystal for a while thinking "Ruby's gonna ask me to dance with him tonight?! It cant be! Crystal is lying! But what if he really does?"

"Sapphire?What's the matter?" Crystal asked. She turned back immediately and shook her head "Nothing! Nothing!" she exclaimed.

"I see you're bothered with what I've just said. Do you think I'd lie to you? Dont worry. Blue wont give up until she's convinced Ruby."

Sapphire blushed "Its not that I'm thinking you're lying! Its just that... that..."

"You're nervous because you dont know how to dance and you might ruin all we've all worked out for?" Crystal interrupted.

Sapphire smiled, a bit embarrassed "Yeah..."

Crystal just smiled "Dont worry." She noticed Blue by the door, giving her a signal to come to where she is. "Excuse me, Sapphire." she said then stood up, going to the door. Sapphire was left there, sitting and a bit confused.

~Outside the Door~

"What is it, Blue?" Crystal asked "Where's Ruby? We only have an hour and several minutes to do what you and Ruby planned to do before the cruise will leave."

"They wont go with you so we have more time." Blue replied. "I wont go, either. Everything will be fine!

"But I want to witness it all before we take the tour. They have to do the dancing now!"

Blue sighed "Very well." she said then gave Ruby the sign to do what he must do. He slowly moved towards Sapphire and held out his hand in front of her. Sapphire's heartbeat grew faster. She remembered what Crystal told her a while ago. Ruby's actually gonna ask her to dance.

"Sure." she said without making Ruby open his mouth. He immediately knew that Crystal told her everything already, well, not everything. He pulled her to a hug. Sapphire blushed and puzzled. Why isnt she driving that annoying brat away? But she realized that Ruby is not that annoying little brat that night. Instead, she thought he was... he was handsome...? What was she thinking, thinking he was handsome?! It was awkward at first but later on, Sapphire realized what falling for a person is and how it felt.

She closed her eyes and the next thing she knew, she was dancing with Ruby on the dance floor. On the other hand, Blue is squealing with delight! Crys stares at her completely annoyed. She has yet to discover Ruby's plan of kissing the chestnut-haired girl.

"Please lead her outside! I cant wait!" Blue kept on repeating.

"What are you planning them to do next? You know, I'm curious of that because of your exclaimations, Blue.."

"Yay!! Go Ruby!!" Blue kept on cheering. Crystal sweat-dropped. "I guess I'll just have to wait until then." she said with a sigh.

Ruby, who heard all of Blue's annoying cheers, stopped dancing that made Sapphire ask "Is something wrong?"

There was no reply. He grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. "Ruby where... where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." Ruby replied that made her heart beat a little faster than before. Crystal watched Ruby drag Sapphire out of the ballroom and asked Blue "Are we going to follow them?"

"Of course but let's hide behind the bushes." Blue said, grabbed Crystal's arm then dragged her out like Ruby did to Sapphire.

Ruby let go of Sapphire's hand and sat on the bench. Sapphire blushed "What are we doing here?"

"Just to get some fresh air? I thought you would like to feel it blow against your skin."

Sapphire sat beside him. "Its a beautiful night tonight, isnt it?"

Ruby wrapped an arm around her shoulder that made her blush even harder. "You know," he said "You look gorgeous tonight."

Sapphire punched him in the stomach. "Ouch!!" he yelped "What was that all about?"

"Stop mocking me!!!" Sapphire exclaimed, standing up, blushing like she's never blushed before. Ruby stood up after her and grabbed her arm. Sapphire froze. He lifted her chin up. This time his face was terribly close to hers. Sapphire nearly had a nose bleed. On the other hand, Blue was smiling widely, her face showing the expression of excitement. Crystal was blushing, she especially did ot expect all of it to happen.

Sapphire was speechless. Ruby only moved his face closer to hers. He forgot to tell her what he felt because he was so into kissing her that night. Sapphire, realizing what's going to happen next, closed her eyes, gulped and hoped her breath does not stink. When their lips were almost to touch, a little wooper splashed water on their faces.

Ruby wiped the water off his face and said "Guess, it doesnt want us to do that here, in front of them."

Sapphire blushed "Yeah, maybe."

"Let's go back inside." Ruby said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"That will be refreshing," she said, resting her head on Ruby's shoulder.

~Back With Crys and Blue, 8:32 PM~

"Awww Man!!" Blue cried "Stupid cute, little Wooper!!"

"B-Blue, c-calm down!" Crystal said, trying her best to calm Blue down.

"But how could I? That Wooper ruined my plans!!!"

"Hey, at least Sapphire and Ruby are not fighting anymore."

"You're right," Blue agreed with a sigh. "At least made up already."

The two went inside. Crystal packed up her bags and put it at her side. Professor Oak went upstage and announced "Okay, everyone move out and assemble in front of the cruise. The cruise is located on the resort's beach and I think everyone knows where it is so lets start walking to the beach."

Red laughed and exclaimed "I never knew there was a beach in this resort! This place is fancy! Its got everything!"

"I know! We better go fishing tomorrow!" Yellow suggested shyly then moved a little closer to Red.

"Great idea! Who wants to go fishing?!" Red asked the others.

Sapphire raised her arm, so did Blue and Ruby. Red turned to Green. The professor's grandson sighed then nodded his head. Red smiled then noticed Crystal. "How about you Crystal?" he asked the blue-haired young lady.

"I'm sorry, I'll be going with the professors on their trip around the Hoenn seas. I cant go fishing with you guys." Crys replied.

"That explains those bags and why prefer going on a boring trip with those old people than to have fun fishing with us, young people?" Red asked.

"Because I'm professor Oak's assistant and I can have time to study or catch water pokemon from Hoenn. I think its not going to be boring at all." Crystal replied that made Red sigh and said "That's your decision!"

"Okay! People who will come with us, please put your bags on the cruise, we'll be leaving soon." Professor Birch announced.

"Guess, I'll be going now." Crystal said then went up the cruise but before she went up she whispered something on Sapphire's ears. "Hey, too bad that your lips did not touch Ruby's.."

Sapphire blushed hard "You saw that?!" she screamed that made everyone's heads turn. Crystal winked. "So did Blue," she said then walked up the cruise. Sapphire turned to Blue an glared at her.

"What?" Blue asked in confusion.

Sapphire turned back, crossed her arms and replied "Nothing! Nothing at all!"

Blue blinked for a while then turned to everyone "So, who's up for camping here tonight?"

Everyone raised there hands except for Green and Ruby.

"Dont you want to have fun telling stories under the stars?" Blue asked.

"Nah!! I'd rather stay in my suite than to sleep outside where the mud is dirty and sticky." Ruby replied with a disgusted expression on his face. Everyone then, turned to Green.

"What? I just dont want to hear much more of this pesky girl's foolish ideas."

Blue looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He groaned, sighed and said "Okay."

"Alright!! First thing in the morning, we'll go here and fish, fish and fish for fishes!!" Blue cheered.

"Does that mean we're not sleeping here outside?" Ruby asked.

"We'll have to stay in our rooms tonight." Blue said then turned to Sapphire "You can sleep with me and Yellow if you want to."

"Thanks.." Sapphire said.

"That's a relief. I'm safe from those muddy germs.." Ruby said with a happy face...

Sorry for being late!! I'm toooooo lazy!