
Main Cast: Sakura | Gaara | Naruto | Itachi | Sasuke | Hinata

Mine: Caroline Haruno | Ryuu Haruno | Aiko Takahashi | Akira Tanaka |

Extra: This takes place in the "World of Naruto" aka Konohagakure and Sunagakure. But I have modern-rized it, but it still has some of the "oldness" to it at times.

Questions and Reviews.

*Sobs uncontrollably* You are all the best...Within a Day [at most] I had 17 Reviews. Big Thanx! I feel special Guys...y'all are what keeps me writing. Thank you to all of those who have been here since the beginning, the editing, and the finishing - Means a lot.

What. A. Carriwichet | Guest | Tsuki Sakura Hitsugaya | Haruka | miikodesu | SakuraLover80548 | Xx4ying4yang4xX | withloveagain | Mirrorsdeath17 | cherrys-and-strawberrys | hyuugahinata247 | Ev3ningStar | VeeandreaHart | NaruSaku. Cha | JeanyDeiXzz | The Fangirl With A 1000 Names | Jade Eyed | Aspen of the Fae | 2 la-Z 2 log in

Previously: Chapter 19 - Ask Me To Stay

Aishiteru, My Blossom.

Aishiteru, My Sandman.



The Engagement Date
Chapter One
The Dream Date

The Ambience of True Never Ending Love. It's Cold, Difficult, and Rare. If True Love was Kind, Easy, and Everywhere. It Wouldn't Be Worth Much.
True Love is Worth Oxygen Itself, Simply For The Fact That It's Cruel, Difficult and Rare. - L.K.P. [me]


Sakura sniffled lightly. Her heart clenched. Sakura bit her lower lip, fighting against every fiber that told her to go after him. Suddenly, the wind nipped at her face. Her pink tresses playing in the wind. And her feet. Her feet were moving. She was on a one way course - Gaara. She wouldn't let him go.

Gaara heaved a sigh and shook his head. Why didn't I ask her to stay. "It's better off. She's better off." He muttered under his breath. The aching grew stronger. He winced.

Sakura held her arms out and picked up speed. She was going to get him and wrap him in her arms and never let him go. Not again. Not ever.

Gaara grunted as he was hit from behind. Arms wrapped around his waist. "I love you!"

Sakura breathed in a deep ragged breath. "I love you." She smiled as Gaara wrapped his hands around her arms. "I love you." It burst out of her mouth without her control. "I love you."


She loosened her grip and allowed him to turn in her arms. "I love you." She said once more. A wide smile covered her lips as a weight lifted off of her chest. "I love you so very much." Tears clouded her vision. "Don't leave me." She sniffled as tears began to slide down her face. "I love you, ask me to stay."

Gaara smiled and cupped her cheeks. He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "I...

Sakura blinked. Her brows furrowed.

"I can't." Gaara's brows furrowed.

Sakura's eyes shimmered with more unshed tears. "Gaara?" Her jaw slackened as Gaara stepped back. "But . . . I love you."

Gaara shook his head. "That's not enough." He twisted around and began to walk away.

Sakura squeezed her eeys shut as her tears began to fall. What . . .? She looked up. A determined look filled her turbulent green orbs. She wasn't going to let him get away. Sakura had just gotten him. She broke out into a run. Her brows furrowed as he seemed to get further and further away from her.


Sakura screamed as she bolted up straight and stiff. Her hand was stretched out in front of her - grasping at the air. Her chest heaved as if she had been running a marathon. Beads of sweat rolled down her neck. Her head ached - a deep throb that pounded in tempo with her racing heart. Her eyes were swollen. Her nose stuffy.

It had happened again.

That dream. That never ending dream. More of a nightmare than a dream. Dreams were kind and sweet. Nightmares were cruel and taunting.

Frustration seeped into her bones. Sakura fell back with a groan. She squeezed her eyes shut. She could still feel the tear traces from crying in her sleep. Sakura breathed in slowly. The calming scents of lavender and vanilla hugging her senses.

The headache dulled as her heart returned to normal. Though, the ache. It stayed. As it had since their departure.

Why does he affect me so much? Why can't I just get over him? I thought with time every heals? Why aren't I HEALING? Why won't he leave me alone?

Sakura whimpered softly into the silent apartment. She reached for her chest and tried to clutch at her heart through her ribs. It was breaking. And she couldn't do anything to get to it and stop it. It was dying and she didn't know how to restart it.


It was a question that had began to plague her.

Sakura's lower lip trembled. Her hands clenched into fists. Hadn't she cried enough already? When was enough, enough? Never, enough was never enough.

Sakura squeezed her eyes shut - willing the tears away. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Sakura breathed in hollowly. With a groan Sakura rolled onto her side. Twisting and stretching, she reached for the lamp and pulled the small chain. A soft white light filled the room through the light purple lamp shade.

Her deep green eyes looked for the small black clock sitting on the nightstand. She stared at the bright red numbers. Sakura hissed in frustration.

3:20 am.

He's a drug. Sakura shook her head. A very, very addicting drug. A very bad drug. A drug she didn't want anything to do with anymore. A drug she wanted to quit.

With a slump of her pale shoulders, Sakura leaned against her soft pillow. Her eyes shut - hiding the frustration and exhaustion that laced them. Her turbulent orbs shimmered slightly. With a shake of her head - Sakura jumbled the thoughts in her head and reached for her phone.


Sakura's brows furrowed as she heard the sound in the silent room. What was that? She flung the covers back and leaned over the side of the bed. Sakura groaned as she stretched down and picked up the small object.

The ring.

Sakura froze. The breath caught in her throat. A lump formed, making it hard to swallow. Her blood ran cold. Her eyes squeezed shut as the headache returned. Tears pushed against her eyes threatening to spill freely.

Sakura knew from the beginning. It would have been better to throw it away. To give it away. To miss place it. But every time she tried. Her heart ached. Chipping off. More pieces adding to the growing pile of her broken heart. She couldn't seem to rid herself of this object no matter how hard she tried to.


This was his fault.

He was the reason.

The reason she couldn't sleep. The reason she hurt. Her heart. Her body. Her soul. They ached. More so with each passing day. The reason her dreams taunted her. The reason her dreams were nightmares. The reason she hated sleeping. The reason she avoided her friends. The reason she had to pretend everything was okay.

He was the reason.

This was his fault.


Sakura closed her eyes and breathed in. She could smell him. His scent lingured long after their departure.


There was that question again.


Why couldn't she let him go? Why did she let him go? Why wasn't her heart healing? Why did it break into smaller pieces everytime she thought of him? Why could she still feel his arms wrapped securely around her when she closed her eyes? Why couldn't she delete his number from her phone? Why did she dream of him? Why did he constantly taunt her? Why wouldn't he leave her along? Why couldn't she get him out of her head?

Why? Why? Why?

Her cheeks puffed as she cut her train of thought off. Sakura set the ring back on the table and pulled the lamp chain.

Darkness enveloped the room. Its embrace was soothing and cool.

Sakura rolled over onto her side. She shoved lucid thoughts and the real world out. Sakura tried to force herself into a dreamless sleep. Thought she knew it was impossible... She just wasn't ready to face another day of harsh, cold reality yet. No, not just yet.

So what did you think? Review? Comment? Alert?