Right next chapter dont like it at all really i mean i think im screwing this story up but yeh=/

Naruto had decided that he was going to move back home so he could give Sasuke and Itachi some space, he didn't want to get in the way of the brothers building up their relationship.

'Right I guess I better tell Sasuke , I would rather stay here though but I know they need their space' Naruto sighed and walked into the kitchen to see Itachi drinking a coffee but no Sasuke.

'Tough luck Kit, looks like your gonna have to wait even longer now'

Kyuubi laughed at Naruto's obvious disappointment he didn't want the blonde to leave Sasuke's house he would rather the boy be near him just in case Iruka decided to show again.

"What's the matter Naruto-kun you look slightly annoyed"

Naruto looked at Itachi and smiled he admitted it was weird talking to him without the older Uchiha trying to capture him "Oh I was just looking for Sasuke I needed to tell him something , guess it will have to wait now" Naruto made to leave but Itachi halted his steps by carrying on the conversation.

"So you finally decided to confess your feelings then?"

Naruto whirled around to face Itachi and a blush tainting his cheeks.

"What the hell you mean confess?"

Itachi just chuckled at the boys face (A/N: Omg Itachi chuckled Kawaii)

"I can see how you feel about my brother Naruto-kun. Im not surprised really he does look after you very well" Naruto didn't know what to say sure he had thought about his feelings for Sasuke and that time they nearly kissed but he had never thought about confessing feelings for the younger Uchiha he still wasn't sure if he could fully trust Sasuke even if Kyuubi did keep telling him not to be so paranoid.

"I take your silence to be that I was correct"

"What! No! I don't know what the hell you're talking about"

With that Naruto stormed out of the room a blush still across his face Itachi just laughed "Stubborn boy"

'Hey Kyuubi I know it has been a long time but want to try out that Jutsu again?'

Kyuubi looked slightly worried fearful of what might become of him but knew that even if he objected Naruto would still try.

'I guess we could, but if I end up being stuck in a body like last time I will seriously take over your body and molester Sasuke!'

Naruto blushed but didn't have ago at Kyuubi like he would normally instead thoughts of him and Sasuke doing things they shouldn't ran through his head.

"Yosh, here we go Kyuubi no Jutsu" (Sorry it wasn't very creative name =/)

A cloud of smoke appeared and inside that cloud was a human male but not a regular one he had fox ears and a tail. The male stood in front of Naruto and looked at his body besides having ears and a tail he didn't mind how he looked, he had long red hair that fell down to his back that was tied with a white ribbon somewhere near the end; he was in a red and black kimono with Naruto's seal marks on it. His eyes were a shade darker blue then Naruto's and he was only and little bit taller then the blonde.

"Wow, Naruto you did it on the first try! Although not to sure about the ears and tail"

Naruto laughed but ran to the male

"Kyuubi you look amazing!"

Naruto dragged a reluctant Kyuubi into the Uchiha household to introduce him to Itachi and Sasuke. As Itachi was now leaving there he had learned about the truth behind the Kyuubi attack and believed in what the blonde had said. Naruto didn't actually want him to know at first but Sasuke promised that Itachi would be fine with it and that they could trust him. Sasuke was now in the kitchen with Itachi and heard Naruto walk in laughing with a slightly embarrassed looking man 'Who the hell is that? And why is Naruto clinging to him' Sasuke tried to keep his jealously down and smiled at Naruto

"Who's that Naruto?" Naruto ran over to Sasuke and smiled up at him

"That's Kyu-kun Sasuke!" Sasuke face turned to a look of shocked and turned to look at Kyuubi

"Well its nice to finally meet you in person Kyuubi-san" Kyuubi smiled at Sasuke and looked over to Itachi who was just sitting there staring

"Erm.. Itachi-nii-san?" No one expected what happened next, Itachi fell off his chair in a fit of laughter.

"You have ears and a tail! Hahaha, sorry sorry, it's nice to finally meet you Kyuubi"

Kyuubi glared at Itachi 'Even though he is laughing at me I must admit he is hot!'

Naruto's face scrunched up in a look of disgust

"Kyuubi we did not need to know that!"

Everyone looked at Naruto as if he had gone insane

"What did I say?"

Kyuubi realised something that he was not going to enjoy

"Naruto you can still hear my thoughts?"

Naruto looked over to Kyuubi with a horrified look on his face 'Great I was hoping that when we completed this Jutsu I wouldn't have to listen to him all the time!'

"Hey! That was mean Naruto"

Kyuubi pouted, crossed his arms and turned away from Naruto

"Great you can hear mine as well! This sucks!"

'But hey Kyuubi you like Itachi then?'

Kyuubi turned around and ran to Naruto a blush creeping to his cheeks

"Don't you dare breathe a word!"

Itachi chuckled again "Well looks like life in the Uchiha household is going to become quiet interesting"

They all looked round to look at Itachi who had pulled himself back into his chair and was sipping at yet another coffee.

"That reminds me Sasuke I wanted to talk to you about something!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto 'I wonder what he wants…'

"Erm… ok what's up?"

'Don't you dare kit, I want to stay here and so do you I don't think Sasuke would let you go anyway plus like Itachi-san said it's going to get interesting'

"Naruto? What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Naruto looked at Kyuubi and decided that he was right he didn't want to leave anyway plus he was starting to believe that he wouldn't be able to last without seeing the young Uchiha's face anymore

"Well I was gonna ask if we could go out or something to celebrate the fact that Kyuubi now has his own body or something although we probably shouldn't I haven't been on a mission in so long so I don't have much money"

Sasuke smiled 'I was slightly worried for a minute then'

"That sounds like a good idea Naruto-kun. Don't you think so little brother?"

Sasuke nodded "Sounds like a great idea"

Kyuubi didn't want to go he was to embarrassed about his ears and didn't want people staring at him.

"Here Kyuubi-kun this should help"

Before Kyuubi could do anything Itachi formed a few hand signs and the fox's ears and tail went

"Erm... Thank you Uchiha-san"

Itachi snorted "Please call me Itachi Kyuubi-kun it makes me sound like an old man when you say Uchiha-san"

Kyuubi nodded and walked over to Naruto "Can I speak to you for a minute Naruto"

Before Naruto answered he was dragged from the room

"Naruto would you hate me if I started to fall for Itachi?"


Sorry short =/

I have decided to add a little ita/kyu into this as they are another of my fave couples

I dont know if it will be one-sided or returned yet

still trying to think about what i can add to this story

i have a tiny bit of writers block thats why this chapter was short and most probably boring =/