I do not own the lost boys. Just Kaiden, John and Morgan.
R..I.P Corey Haim may he be forever remembered.
Chapter 5
Meet Max
"Girl, you're not dressed yet?" I looked up from my journal to see Paul standing before me. "Do I have a reason to be?" I ask him. He just nods and walks away. I just get up off my bed and put my journal under my pillow. "I bought some clothing for you and laid some out on the chest." My head snaps toward the voice. I never heard Marco creep up beside me. With caution I head over to look at the clothing. "Thank you." I say giving him a smile. Out of the corner of my eye I see David approaching us. "We're going to need to change those bandages before we leave." I wasn't going to ask how he knew that. I walk over to the two of them. With a painful motion I pull off my nightgown and exposed my underwear. Carefully Marko cuts off the bandages. David steps closer to me and starts tracing the wounds. "John did this to you, didn't he?" Remembering the previous events that got me here brought tears that forced its way to my eyes. I didn't want to answer David's question. So I just nodded. "What did you do in return?" He asks me still tracing. I start shaking my head no. I didn't want to answer. I looked up at David tears start to spill out of my eyes. "I…I killed him" Whispering the last two words I look away over to Marko. Who I'm sure heard what I said. David forced my head to look at him. He wiped my tears away. "How did that make you feel?" Before answering I chose my words carefully. "It scared me." I tell him in my normal voice. "But in someway I…I kind of liked it." I say quietly. David steps back and Marko comes over to me and starts to wrap my wounds up. "Now go get dressed, Kaiden." He tells me as he finishes. I walk over to my chest and take a closer look at the clothing. There was lacey panties and a bra, along with a reveling spaghetti strap black dress, I barley went to mid thigh and tied under the bust. I could tell they were still new because the tags were still on them but the price had been crossed out. When I was done getting dressed I brushed my hair. Then put my leather jacket on.
"Come on, Kaiden get on." Paul says to me. Quickly I walk over to his bike. As I nod my head in agreement he helps me get on the back behind him. Soon after that we were on the boardwalk in front of Max's Video Store. "Are you ready to meet your birth father?" David asks me in a soft voice. A nervous feeling jolted though my body. I guess Marko sensed it because he took my hand in his. Together we walked through the store behind David and Paul and in front of Dwayne. "I thought I told you to stay out…" I hear the older man say. Paul moves out of the way so his eyes can fall upon me. "Max, this is Kaiden." David says to him. "Come with me, now." Max says then turns. We follow him to room in the back of his store.
David sits down on a black leather couch he motions for me to sit next to him. Dwayne sits next to me Paul goes sits on the arm next to him and Marko leans against the wall. Max sits on a leather chair across from me, just studying me. This made me very uncomfortable. "May I ask why you're not at home with your mother? That's where you should be." These were the first words Max has ever said to me. To me they were some what harsh I looked at the ground trying to fight the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes. "John killed her. She was pregnant with my baby brother. He shot them both. He said he didn't want another monster being born." I tell him. Not once did I look at him. "So you are aware that John is not your birth father?" All I could do was nod my head. "I told her everything she needed to know, Max." David tells him. "Did my mother really know what you are?" The question slips out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Did she know I am a vampire? Yes she knew. It never bothered her. I was very concerned about you when I found out Morgan was pregnant. No half vampire has ever survived out side its mother's womb." I found my self moving closer to David as I tried to take in all of the information. Dwayne put his hand on mine. "Did you ever try to turn her?" Quickly each word flew out of my mouth. "I wanted to, but of course I never did." This information was getting harder to process. "You're telling me she knew what I was going to become and never cared to tell me, to explain to me." I asked Max as I became angry with my own dead mother. "Yes, we agreed you would have a normal life. That she and John would raise you, that John would be your father." Max said everything so calmly, like he had rehearsed this. Almost like he new this day would come. "I didn't have a normal life. Bright lights and sunny days hurt my eyes. Sometimes I could hear blood pumping through people's veins. I could tell how fast a person's heart was beating. The whole time I was afraid to ask my mom what was happening to me. Now I found out she could have told me." Anger burns through my veins like fire. "You need to calm down, Kaiden." David whispers into my ear. "Max, I'm going to take her out of here. She's had enough for one day." David takes my hand and leads me out of the store.
"Are you ok?" Marko asks me. David went somewhere to get me something to eat. Paul and Dwayne are sitting on the bench next to us. "I want to be mad at her. But I know it's not right. I can't." Tears were falling down my cheeks. Marko pulls me into a hug. "All my life I've been beaten up and put down by John. Not once did she stop it. Not once did he hurt her. I watched as he killed her and their unborn son." Bu now I was crying pretty hard. Luckily for me hardly anyone was over at this end of the beach. I was pulled away form Marko by someone else. This person holds me tight, rubbing my back and rocks me back and forth. Mentally he told me everything would be okay. I could tell it was David by his smell. After five minutes I was ok. At least for now. David wipes my tears away and kisses my lips softly. Dwayne and Paul come and give me a hug. "Time to feed boys" With the help of David I climb on the back of his bike. It took me a minute to realize he had kissed me.
The boys sat in a tree faces morphed, staring at the group of punk rocking out around a bon fire. With out warning they jump from the tree, picking there victims as they landed. I sat in the tree finishing off the bottle of coke from my dinner. When they were done feeding David looks up at me. As I walked down to him I noticed the others picking the pockets of the bodies. When I got closer to David he picked me up. Looking in to his eyes I wrapped my legs around his waist. The blood of his victim was still around his mouth and chin. With no hesitation he kissed me. This wasn't the quick kiss from before. This one had passion. Fire. Soon I broke away so I could breathe. "Wow!" All David did was smirk.