"I'll see you later, Lenalee," Allen laughed as he left the dining hall, "I just need to make sure that Kanda hasn't killed Lavi over that debacle at lunch."

"Bye, Allen! Don't get yourself into any trouble!" Lenalee still sounded worried despite his assurances that things would be fine. Kanda had been livid towards the redhead seemingly out of the blue that afternoon. She didn't want Allen to get mixed up in a fight between those two.

First Allen checked Lavi's room, but all he found there were Bookman's strange, expressionless eyes staring back at him. Then he checked the library. Lavi wasn't there either. Nor in any of the other communal areas in the Order.

Normally, Allen wouldn't be bothered that the redhead wasn't in his usual places, but after seeing Kanda like that...

He shook his head, and started in the direction of Kanda's room, figuring he might as well just ask the probable source of Lavi's disappearance. That'd go down well: Hey Kanda, I don't suppose you murdered Lavi, did you?


That was an odd noise. Allen listened harder, ears straining to pick up the quiet sound.

"Oh yeah, just like that..." Allen realised it was Lavi's voice echo quietly through the empty corridor, sounding strangely low and husky.

"That feels so good...Yuu..."

Allen had half a mind to turn around and walk right back the way he came. He was afraid of what he might see if he turned the corner. At the same time though, there was no way he could be hearing what he thought he was. Kanda hated Lavi, or at the very least found him irritating beyond rational comprehension. There must be another explanation.

Eager to put his mind at ease, Allen took a few short steps, peeking around the wall just in time to see Lavi pressing Kanda against the stone wall of the corridor. He sported a large black bruise over his good eye, probably care of the other boy. He didn't seem fazed anymore, though. Kanda's face was hidden in Lavi's neck, and Lavi's was raised towards the ceiling as he moaned obscenities for anyone to hear – and anyone just happened to be him.

Kanda raised his head, his lips locking against Lavi's, in what Allen assumed was a bid to keep him quiet. The younger exorcist had no idea how to gain the couple's attention, and watching their mouths grind together was starting to make his stomach turn. In his shock, leaving didn't occur to him.

He cleared his throat loudly, trying to attract their attention.

Allen watched in shock as Lavi the pair broke apart, cringing in disgust when he noticed Kanda quickly withdraw his hand from inside Lavi's pants. They looked surprised at being caught out, but Lavi recovered quickly. He smiled widely and waved at Allen.

"Hey Allen!" he called, "—be nice, Yuu, say 'hi'."

Kanda crossed his arms over his chest. "Che."

Allen gawked.

"You okay? Allen?"

Lavi was acting completely innocent, like he hadn't been doing anything compromising less than a minute ago. Maybe his eyes were deceiving him.


"Well, we'll just be heading off to our rooms now, I'm beat!" Lavi said brightly, turning on his heal and strolling back down the hall. Kanda paused, his eyebrows drawn in contemplation. He sighed and followed Lavi.

Wait, that wasn't the direction to Lavi's room. Allen watched as Kanda opened the door to his room, allowing Lavi inside without any threats of bodily harm. The door closed.

The door lock clicked loudly behind them.