I don't own One Tree Hill and Supernatural.

Wow. Almost four years since I last posted an update. How time flies so fast. I was so caught up with work and everything else in between, not to mention a huge writer's block that lasted for SO long; sorry to have kept you waiting this long. I do hope that I still have a few of my readers who are still there and would be happy with this update. I promise I won't take another three years to post the next chapter.

29: I Would For You

Dean Winchester was watching TV at the living room when Brooke silently walked up behind the couch. It was around midnight, and she couldn't sleep. She stood still for a moment, silently watching her husband. Even from behind, she could tell that he was tired. It was at that moment that she knew – it was time for them to talk.

Dean turned his head to the side once he saw Brooke on his peripheral view. He watched her as she quietly sat beside him. "Can't sleep?"

Brooke nodded and then rested her head on Dean's shoulder. "I miss this. I miss us."

That brought a small smile to Dean's lips. "I'm really sorry, babe, and I promise I won't do anything that stupid again."

"I know," Brooke murmured as she snuggled closer to her husband. She missed his warmth so much.

"I never wanted to hurt you," Dean said as he wrapped an arm around Brooke's shoulder. "I was going to tell you all about it, you know. Just waiting for the right time."

"And when would the 'right time' be?"

"I don't know, maybe after I fix the whole situation? I thought I could fix something, help someone, you know; such a stupid idea. For once, I wanted to be the one who helped... the one who made a change."

Brooke looked up at her husband; his eyes were filled with sincerity. "It's not stupid, Dean. It just happened that the person you tried to help was Rachel." Brooke rolled her eyes as she said the redhead's name. "I know for a fact that she's a miserable, hopeless case."

"You've already made a change, you've already helped someone." Brooke smiled and pointed at herself. "You've shown me that no matter how tough the situation is, there's hope. You were a pretty bad case then, but look where we are now." She then held Dean's hand. "We're strong. And we're going to get better at this. And ten years from now, we're going to look back at this moment and laugh because we got through this little thing."

Dean nodded and let out a small smile. "I'm really sorry, Brooke. I won't ever hurt you again."

"I know, I know," Brooke said as she patted Dean's hand. She then looked into his eyes. "No more secrets, okay?"

Dean nodded and planted a kiss on his wife's forehead. "No more secrets."

"Good," Brooke murmured. "I love you."

"I love you too," Dean said with a smirk, and then kissed his wife. "Oh God, I missed this," he said and then kissed Brooke three more times, making her giggle and blush.


Sam Winchester woke up to the sound of music emanating from somewhere inside the house. He felt something different, but he couldn't exactly tell what it was. He quickly went to the bathroom to wash his face and went downstairs, where he found Brooke in the kitchen, humming while she was frying eggs.

"Someone's a little chirpy today," he mused.

Brooke chuckled and winked at the giant in front of her. "Woke up on the good side of the bed I guess," she said.

Sam chuckled. He was happy to see that Brooke's cheery aura was back. Just by that, he knew that Brooke and Dean have finally patched things up. "I'm happy for you."

Brooke turned to look at Sam. "Thank you," she said with a sweet smile.

"I mean, you know... After all the things you've been through, you're here, very much happy with my brother." Sam chuckled and walked over to Brooke to look her deep in the eyes. "Thank you so much, Brooke."

The brunette gave her brother-in-law a tight hug. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but thank you. You're such a sweet guy."

Sam chuckled and released Brooke from his hug. "I'm just really happy." His gaze then fell onto Brooke's bulging belly. "And really excited for that baby to come out."

Brooke laughed. "Wanna know my baby's gender?"

Sam suddenly looked like an over-eager kid.

Brooke burst into laughter once again. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I won't tell you now."

"Oh come on! Don't be such a tease," Sam exasperated. "I bet it's a girl."

"You'll find out soon," Brooke said with a wink.


Lucas Scott had been writing all day; ideas flowed continuously on his mind, he thought he could finish his new book within a day. He can't quite get it, but everything just flowed into place. Just as he finished the chapter he was working on, a knock on his door startled him. He quickly walked to his front door and was surprised to see Brooke as he opened it. He still wasn't used to seeing her with a pregnant belly.

"Hi," Brooke greeted. She then lifted the basket she was carrying. "I brought some cookies."

Lucas smiled. "Cookies? So you bake now?" he asked as he let Brooke come into his house.

"Gotta work on my kitchen skills, you know," she said then chuckled. She walked over to Lucas' kitchen and placed the basket on the counter. "Come on, try one."

The lanky blonde grabbed a cookie from the basket and took a bite. He then laughed.

Brooke's eyes grew wider as she urged him to say something. "Well, what? Why are you laughing? It tastes bad, doesn't it?" she said with a pout.

Lucas chuckled once again as he finished the cookie. "It's not bad, actually. It's really nice."


"I swear, Brooke, it's nice. Are you sure you made this?"

Brooke gasped playfully and smacked Lucas' arm. "Of course I made that!"

"Well that's good," he said as he sat beside Brooke.

For a moment, the two of them were silent. Brooke was the one to break the silence.

"Dean said you wanted to talk to me," she murmured.

Lucas didn't expect that Dean would tell Brooke. "How are things between the two of you?"

"We're okay now, we've talked about our problem and it's all in the past now," Brooke replied as she watched Lucas carefully.

Lucas let out a small smile as he looked at Brooke. "As long as you're happy, then I'm fine with that."

Tears welled up in Brooke's eyes. "Here we are again," she said. "We've been through this a couple times now and… I'm sorry, I get so emotional lately."

"Yeah," Lucas chuckled. "And I'm still not used to it."

"After all we've been through..." Brooke murmured.

Lucas sighed. "I had it all planned, you know. I'd finish this book, go to college. And you'll start that clothing line you've been dreaming of. We were supposed to be perfectly happy, get married, and have kids."

"I never thought I'd get into an arrangement with the Winchesters." Brooke let out a small smile as she thought of the Winchesters. "But I accepted it. Back then, I thought it was just a couple of years with them, and then I'll be gone. I'll be back in your arms."

Lucas looked at Brooke with guilt in his eyes. "If I didn't sleep with Peyton-"

Brooke cut him off. "That broke my heart. I thought it was stupid and selfish of you to do that. I told you that I'd go back for you. Everyday with Dean was a challenge for me, but I carried on because I wanted to get over the arrangement as fast as possible so I could go back to you."

"I'm really sorry, Brooke," Lucas whispered. He looked straight into Brooke's eyes as he held her hand.

Brooke let out a small smile and gently squeezed Lucas' hand. "I know you're sorry. But what's done is done."

"I wish you didn't fall for him..."

The brunette rested her head on Lucas' shoulder. "You'll always be in my heart, Luke."

Lucas nodded and then sighed. At that moment, he knew it was finally the time for him to let it all go. He grabbed Brooke's hand and kissed it softly. "You'll always be in my heart too, pretty girl."


"So how did it go?" Haley James Scott asked as her dimpled friend sat on her couch.

Brooke went straight to Haley's house after talking to Lucas. "It was sad and okay at the same time. Luke's had a hard time letting go," she answered. "But in the end, it was all okay."

"That's good," Haley mused. "He's been moping around for a long time now. It's about time."

Brooke sighed. "I know, and I feel somewhat guilty."

"Why? Because of your arrangement with Dean?"

"I don't know," Brooke shrugged. "It all started when I went to New York."

In retrospect, Haley wondered how they would have been today if Brooke didn't go to New York. She wondered if what happened between Lucas and Peyton were inevitable, regardless if Brooke went away or not. Haley sat beside her friend and held her hand. "There are things that we don't have control over."

"I just want him to be happy," Brooke murmured.

"He will be, in time."

Brooke nodded, mostly to herself, as she assured herself that Lucas will find his happiness someday.

Haley patted Brooke's shoulder. "So, anyway, how are things between you and Mr. Winchester?"

Brooke laughed. "Mr. Winchester and I are okay now. No more worries," she giggled.

"What are you laughing about?" Haley tried to fight back a giggle.

Brooke shook her head playfully. "Nothing, Mrs. Scott. I just love you." Brooke wrapped her arms around Haley. "You're the best-est friend ever."

"You're only saying that because you're stuck with me now, whether you like it or not," Haley said with a playful tone.

Brooke stuck out her tongue and giggled. "And you're stuck with me, Tutor Mom."

The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon planning for Jamie's baptism. Brooke couldn't help but feel excited for her baby as she watched Haley go over all the details, down to every little note, for Jamie's baptism. Seeing Haley dote on Jamie made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. She never expected to be this elated over having a baby. Back in high school, having a child was the last thing she wanted.

Now all she could ever think about was the life form growing inside of her and hoped that she would be a great mother to her child. She would make sure that her daughter would get the best of everything. She would make sure that her daughter would be loved and adored by her (and Dean, of course). She promised herself that she would not become like Victoria, who was never really much of a mother to her.


Dean was watching a baseball game with Sam when Brooke got home from Haley's. Both men were so glued to the TV screen that they didn't notice Brooke come in. She stood still for a moment as she watched the brothers. They looked so different but they were so alike in many ways, though they would never admit or even acknowledge that. Brooke couldn't help but feel lucky to have both men in her life right now.

"Boys," she finally said after a minute, "I brought dinner."

Both men turned to look at her. Dean quickly got up and gave her a small peck on her cheek. "I missed you," he whispered. He then looked at the bag Brooke was carrying. "Chinese?"

Brooke smiled. "Fried rice and dumplings."

"Great," Sam chimed in. "I'm famished."

Dean laughed; his brother had his way with words. "Nerd."

"What? Because I have an extensive vocabulary?" Sam chuckled and took the bag of food from Brooke. "Jo went out, by the way. She said she wanted to walk around and maybe go shopping. Honestly, I think she's just going to video-chat with her boyfriend."

"I still haven't met that guy though, or even seen a picture of him," Brooke said as she led the way to the kitchen. She decided then that they would have their dinner on the counter as she was too tired to set the table. "Is he nice?"

Sam shrugged. "I think so. I've only met him once, and that was over dinner. I haven't talked to him much. There was too much tension between Ellen and Jo that night, I think it scared the boy a little."

"What about Dad?" Dean asked. "What did he think of the guy?"

"He said it was too early to judge. He also said that it was a good thing you weren't there that night; he thought you'd just make the guy more uncomfortable."

Dean scoffed as he grabbed a box of fried rice and handed it to Brooke. "I'm nice," he said, feigning hurt.

Brooke laughed. "You're intimidating, Dean, and I agree with John. But seriously, though, I miss everyone in New York," she said and then looked at Dean, "Could we go and visit this weekend?"

"Of course," Dean smiled. He kind of missed his Dad, too. "Anytime you want, babe."


It had been a week since Rachel Gatina last saw Dean in Savannah. She thought her little devious plan worked well, especially when she heard how hurt Brooke sounded during their very short phone conversation while Dean was asleep. She also enjoyed how Dean freaked out when he found out about it.

Now, though, she was getting a little bit bored. She wanted to make another move, but she still wasn't sure what she would do next. She had no idea whether Dean and Brooke have patched things up. For all she knows, Brooke could be threatening to walk out of her 'arranged' marriage with Dean.

There was only one way to find out. She grabbed her phone from her desk, switched to a new SIM card, and then dialed Dean's number.

"Hello," Dean picked up after the third ring.

Rachel smiled; she did the right thing by changing numbers. "Hey Dean, what's up?"

"Who is this?"

"Have you forgotten already? I'm the redhead you left in Savannah, sad and lonely in a motel room," she breathed.

There was a short pause before Dean spoke again. "Rachel," he said firmly.

"I miss you. Wanna hang out?" she said in her flirtiest tone.

"I've had enough of your bullshit, so please, just stop."

"I take it you've made up with Brooke, then."

"This is ridiculous," Dean muttered. "Stop bothering us, Rachel. This will be the last time I'll talk to you. Do yourself a favor and get your shit together."

With that, Dean dropped the call.

Rachel scoffed; she didn't like being bossed around, let alone being ignored by people. Of course she wasn't going to drop the issue. Now that she knew Dean and Brooke have made up, she started to think of ways on how to further ruin the couple just to spite them.