Title: These Tables Are Numbered
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, OCs
Warnings: Fluff, slight smut, nothing major
Summary: Every year Jack gets sent to a Torchwood dinner but this year he brings Ianto and this year, sabotage is on the menu
Author Notes: I encourage you to listen to the song that inspired this but hey...that might ruin parts of the story xD
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Torchwood 'cause then I'd be all like "Hey, back off, Ianto belongs to me!" but I don't.
Chapter 1 - Feeling Out Of Place
"Get off me Jack!" Ianto protested, "We're in a moving car!"
"They gave us a driver which means my hands are free to roam." Jack grinned mischievously.
"Will you stop please?"
"Come on, you now I hate these stupid dinners." Jack ran a teasing hand up the Welshman's leg, "Lets just have a bit of fun before we get there."
"We'll be there in a few minutes, can't you just control yourself for one night?"
"Not when you're around." Jack nuzzled Ianto's neck, kissing with feather-like touches.
He moved to tug at Ianto's tie and was stopped by Ianto gripping his arm, "Oh no you don't. It took so long to put my suit on, let alone yours. You aren't taking it off."
Jack looked down at his suit, back at Ianto and pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll make it up to you if you behave tonight."
"Yes. We're here so be good."
Jack opened the door for the younger man, smirking at him as he got out of the car, "Is this good enough for you?"
"Shut up." Ianto groaned when he saw how many people had shown up to this dinner, "How often does this happen?"
"Every year."
"What's the point?"
"To generally find out who brings who and gossip for the rest of the year." Jack chuckled.
"And you have to go everytime?"
"Yeah. Atleast I have someone to bring this year."
"That's kind of sweet." Ianto smiled.
Jack linked arms with the Welshman, grinning and not really caring about how stupid the grin looked.
"Captain Jack Harkness!" The doorman smirked as they came to stand in front of him.
"Bernie! They have you at the register again?"
"It's better than being in there with those girls. They really let loose with the rumours and gossip. Anyway, are you going to introduce us? This is the first time you've brought anyone."
"Sorry, Ianto Jones, this is Bernie Matthews."
Ianto smiled and shook the other man's hand, "Nice to meet you."
Bernie was older than Jack, at least in looks. He looked to be in his fifties, maybe even early sixties. He had a cheery smile though, an honest face and Ianto could tell he was the type of person Jack would easily befriend.
"Look after him in there Jack. New meet in that room, it's going to be a free for all."
"I didn't really think of that." Jack sighed and turned to Ianto, "Last chance, you can go home if you want. I won't mind."
Ianto smirked, "When will you learn? You've gone to this thing alone since they started. I'm here now. I'm not going to leave you by yourself because among other things, I know how bored and lonely you'll get."
"I like you." Bernie chuckled.
"Not as much as I do." Jack grinned, pulling the younger man closer, "You always know what to say."
"You guys better get in there. Good luck."
- - - - - - - - X x X - - - - - - - - -
"Jack?" Ianto murmured, "Why are all these people staring at me?"
"Don't worry, they either want to know who you are or they think you're hot. I don't blame them really." The captain chuckled.
"It's really unnerving."
"Come on, I'm going to get a drink and I don't want to leave you for them to pounce on."
"I can take care of myself, you know?"
"Not with this crowd."
- - - - - - - - - X x X - - - - - - - - -
"Brooke." Jack smiled at the woman that had come over to them but the smile didn't reach his eyes.
"How long's it been?"
"A year. You know, these are yearly things." Jack pointed out.
"Right." She chuckled.
Her hair hung past her shoulders in curls of dark locks, her purple dress cut well above her knees and Ianto was watching her brown eyes warily.
"I've never seen this face before." She smiled, gesturing to the Welshman.
"Ianto, this is Brooke." Jack's voice was filled with boredom and Ianto tried hard to keep his laughter in.
"Pleasure to meet you."
"Ianto works at Torchwood 3, filing, coffee and generally managing to amaze on a daily basis." Jack smirked, feeling just a little bit smug.
Ianto couldn't help but blush, "I do my best."
"Wow, someone who impresses Captain Jack Harkness."
"Are you kidding? He's easy to impress." Ianto chuckled, "Anything will do it. Coffee, stopwatches..." With this Jack snorted, "Anything."
"Right." Confusion was written on her face, "Well, I see you're without a drink Ianto, can I get you one?"
Ianto smiled politely, "No thanks. If I need anything, Jack'll probably get it before I even ask. He's very perseptive."
Jack smirked, "Excuse us, I left something in my coat."
"But you didn't-" Ianto was stopped by Jack pulling him forward.
"Come on Yan.
- - - - - - - - - X x X - - - - - - - -
Jack pulled Ianto into the coat closet and held him against the wall.
"Jack, you didn't bring a coat."
"I hate that woman." Jack ignored him, "Every year she insists on coming over."
Ianto smirked, "Are you jealous because she offered me a drink?"
"No, you don't understand. Every year she hits on someone else's date and almost every year they leave with her."
"So this is a date huh?" Ianto teased.
Jack paused, looking into Ianto's piercing blue eyes, "...Only if you want it to be."
Ianto laughed, "Just so you know, I'd never leave with her."
"Well I hope you realise she'll be over you all night."
"As long as you know she's not the one I'll be looking at."
Jack grinned and pushed the younger man against the wall just a bit more and kissed him gently.
"Mmm she doesn't know what she's missing." Jack murmured.
Ianto laughed into the older man's lips, kissing him deeply and pulling him closer by his hips. Jack happily obliged, running a hand through the Welshman's hair. He tugged at Ianto's tie but once again was stopped.
"Not here Jack."
"You want me to get us a room? Because you know I'll do it."
"No, I told you, we get through the night and you'll get a reward."
"Actually, you said if I'm good and I was very close to hitting her out there but I was being good for you."
"Oh well, aren't you sweet." Ianto chuckled, giving him a quick kiss, "You're not getting lucky until we're either back at the hub or at my flat."
"Why not?" Jack moaned.
"Because I don't like the idea of someone walking in on us, Gwen does it enough."
"Like I said, I could get us a room."
"No! Just keep it in your bloody pants, okay?"
"Fine! I hope you realise what this means for you later though."
Ianto grinned, "Looking forward to it."
Almost finished next chapter, that's when things start getting interesting I promise (: Please review to tell me whether to stop or not.