Holding On

Bakura's POV

Monsters. There are many traits to a monster. If you posses but one you're forever branded as a monster. Seeing people in pain, causing others to be in pain, hurting others, causing hurt and pain to yourself...those are the traits of a monster. Most posses two, three at tops, but I unfortunately posses all. And I'm tired, I'm tired of being a monster, of being seen only as a monster.

I'm just so tired...

Malik's POV

I watched him carefully. He was sitting in our bathroom cutting his wrist. I never understood why he did this. It was so twisted...he was so twisted. After each cut he'd pinch the skin letting his blood drip into a jar. Then he'd seal the jar and store it away in one of the cupboards.

There are many things I don't understand about him. I don't understand the lust in his eyes when he talks of his revenge. I don't understand his obsession with hating the Pharaoh, or why he accepted Marik back into his life after he stole Bakura's Ring. But most of all, I don't understand why he cuts himself…why he wants to die. A silly wish of mine is for me to be enough in his life so he won't want to die.

I know he tries to love me, but being that he grew up in a hateful world he doesn't know anything outside of that emotion. But he tries because I love him. I don't know why I do, I guess love really does blind us.

There have been so many times I've tried to get him to stop cutting because with each cut he makes, he's this much closer to killing himself. He wants to die. He's called so many names, he's avoided by many, and hated by most, and that is why I believe he wants to die.

Feeling disgusted with myself for watching, I turn to leave, but as I am doing so I hear him call out, "Malik."

Because I cannot refuse his beckoning, I walk into the bathroom. I crouch in front of him and he hands me his knife. While he's extending his arm to me, I look at it. There seem to be less cuts than usual this time, they're even shallower than usual. I look up at him and his eyes are locked onto mine.

"Help me stop."

I nod, "I will try."

He gives me a trembling smile, "I-I love you."

My heart melts as he finally says the words I've waited so long to hear. Hearing that fuels my determination to get him to stop. "I know. I love you, too."

I can't let him go now.

A/N: This was written for IamTerra who requested on my chapter story Defiant. I hope you liked it!