Disclaimer: I do not own any of House, or else House wouldn't be crazy and Huddy would have happened a million years ago lol.

A/N: I'd like to thank my beta not - lupus . everybody - lies as usual for editing this chapter. lol sorry for any OOCness as usual and I hope you all like it!!

Reunion Catastrophe

She sat in her office, finishing some last minute work before heading home. She looked lovingly at her daughter. The little baby was sound asleep in her stroller.

"Dr. Cuddy," Her assistant popped her head in, "I'm going to go home now. Is there anything you might need before I go?"

"No Judy, that's all. Thank you."

Judy nodded her head in response and left. Cuddy looked back at her now one year old daughter. She couldn't believe that it had been a year since she found Rachel in the some what abandoned house and her real mother had died. She was finally eligible to adopt Rachel and she was now her official mother. Cuddy turned her attention back to her work and was finally down to her last stack of paper. She sighed happily and smiled. She worked a good thirty minutes before she was signing her last piece of paper. She leaned back in her comfy chair and began to relax.

Before deciding to pack up to go home she began thinking about how well her life was getting. She finally had her child, she and House were finally back to normal – or as normal as they could get – and nothing seemed to be going wrong. For once everything was going exactly how she wanted it to go. She smiled once more and stood up. She gathered her things and looked at her daughter one more time before getting behind the stroller. Just as she as about to leave her office phone rang.

She slightly frowned and put down her bags and let go of the stroller. Walking calmly back to the phone she answered it and sounded as professional and awake as she could.

"Dr. Cuddy," She answered it.

"Lisa? Lisa Cuddy," A familiar voice said on the other side, but Cuddy couldn't put her finger on who it could be.

"This is she," Cuddy replied, "Who is this?" She knew it couldn't be one of her employees - they would never call her by her first name, well other than House and Wilson of course.

"This is Mrs. Michaels, do you remember me?" Cuddy paused and searched her memory for a Mrs. Michaels. She couldn't remember any patients named Michaels and after a good minute of thinking she gave in.

"I can't say that I do, I'm sorry. Who is this?" Cuddy repeated.

The woman on the other side chuckled a little, obviously not insulted. "Well I don't expect you to. I haven't heard from you in twenty years and you haven't made an effort to come to the reunions."

Cuddy just laughed nervously not knowing exactly what to say. Twenty years? What was she talking about? Suddenly something clicked in Cuddy's mind and she realized who it was. Her eyes widened in amazement and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Mrs. Michaels, oh how could I ever forget you, I am so sorry," Cuddy said, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine, Lisa. How are you? Why haven't you been to any of the reunions in the last twenty years?" She questioned.

"Oh well I'm just fine. Superb really," Lisa smiled, "As for not coming to the reunions I have just been extremely busy when you had them. I am so sorry, some how when we had a reunion I had some sort of meeting or convention to go to," She lied between her teeth.

Her high school reunions, she hated them. She would intentionally plan something on the very night just to be able to skip it. Not that she hated her teachers or didn't want to see her old friends; she just didn't think it would be best to go. She found the reunions extremely boring and somewhat embarrassing.

"Oh well are you busy in three months? Our twentieth reunion is coming up." Mrs. Michaels asked.

"Oh let me check," Cuddy paused and pretended to look through some sort of schedule before answering, "Oh three months I am extremely busy. Meetings back to back I'll be in an office all… month…" She lied once more, "If it were any other time than three months."

"Great!" Mrs. Michaels said, "Because it's actually in two months. And you have been selected to host it."

Cuddy's eyes widened in shock and she felt like she were about to choke. She began to stutter between her words, "M-me? Why me?" She asked completely shocked.

"Well don't you remember?" Her old principal asked, "You put your name in the raffle to one day host the reunion, you were chosen!"

Cuddy tried to rummage through her memories and remembered. It was yet another competition between herself and one of the most popular girls in school, Hilary Parsons. Hilary was signing up for the raffle and bet Cuddy that she was too chicken to sign up and that even if she were chosen she would never be able to throw as good of a reunion as she.

"Oh, has Hilary been chosen yet?" Cuddy asked curiously.

"Yes actually she has actually, the 15th reunion, and she is also and the reunion committee and with me right now." Mrs. Michaels told her.

"Oh I bet that that was just a blast." Cuddy tried to hold back the sarcasm.

"It was! It was so much fun she had it in one of the best hotel ballrooms, a great DJ and exquisite food."

Cuddy rolled her eyes and suddenly a competitive glow shined from her eyes. "Well of course I'll do the reunion! I'd be glad to do it. And believe me it was be spectacular!" Cuddy said before hanging up.

She took a deep breath as her competitive side began to shine up again. She was determined to make it the best damn reunion in her school's history even if it killed her. She grabbed her stuff once more and headed home with Rachel beginning to plan what she was going to do for the reunion.

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