Disclaimer: All characters and Transformer related universe are property of Hasbro. The plot of this fic was created by Quentin Tarintino and Uma Thurman and is taken from their movie Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2.

A/N: I thought every fandom had at least ONE Kill Bill fanfic but apparently no one has yet to do a TF version of it. So, since I love the movie and basically all fanfiction Xovers of it, I decided to create one!

Omg...I just wrote fanfiction for the first time in 7 years! Hoshit! MARK THIS DAY! XD


Kill Megs

In the shadows of Cybertron, in a small backwater town hardly anyone remembered these days, there stood a tiny chapel, where only moments before two lovers would celebrate the joining of their sparks in bonding before friends and Primus, a most joyous occasion, interrupted by a shrill scream of denial followed by the deafening roar of several laser rifles firing at once.

The beatings continued upward of a groon before the steady voice of command, without a hint of sorrow or anger, called it to a halt.

Starscream fell to the smooth, chrome floors of the fluid stained chapel in a broken and bleeding heap. From where he lay he could see the burned and punctured remains of his once beloved Skyfire, a practical and kind mech who never judged Starscream or his past, optics dark and colorless. But in that moment, Starscream was in too much pain, in too much terror, too really give a frag. He'd cry later…If there was a later. Right now…He had his own problems. Five of them to be exact, and he recognized all of them. They looked down on him with anger, disgust, disappointment, some last, lingering fear and, most horrendous of all, the barest traces of pity. Even in his agony and fear Starscream could feel that old, illogical, unstoppable rage building in the center of his spark, and raked his energon stained claws against the cool floor for a moment, grinding his denta and bearing his sharp fangs. How dare they!

He was pleased to see the look of unease that passed between at least three of his tormentors, the other one was to much a fool to know when to be scared, but they dared not show it, not with the fifth member of Starscream's ill-wishers standing so near by.

"Am I sadistic?"

Pain, fear, and anger warred within Starscream as they so often did when this particular mech was involved. Before Starscream would have meet those words, and the glaring red optics, with an evil little smirk or a defiant glare of his own, but now, at this moment, in this place, with these people and these dead bodies, the seeker found he no longer had the strength of will and had to look away.

The larger mech clicked his glossa in disapproval of this action.

A rough, gunmetal hand wrapped itself around Starscream's faceplate and forced him to once more face the optics of his most hated…anything! Slag he hated this mech!

"Yes…I am." The mech answered his own question, releasing Starscream now that the fliers attention, and optics, where once more on him. He hunkered down to look more closely at the broken seeker. Well…Almost broken. "But not with you. No…With you…This is an act of masochism."

Under normal circumstance Starscream would have bitten the digit that dared to caress his dented faceplate with such care on sheer principle! But this was not normal circumstances…
"You disappoint me again Starscream…" The mech rose to tower once more above the quivering seeker like a demi-god among mortal bots," And for the last time…"

Starscream starred with a kind of wonder at the purple light gathering in the business end of the fusion cannon, a not entirely unfamiliar sight, but it never got any less terrifying. The seeker could feel the heat radiating off the weapon. Starscream thought frantically but could think of no other option than the one that had worked, sometimes, in the past. He begged for his life, hoping to appeal to whatever small, fractious bit of affections his once Lord might still hold for him.

"Megatron…Please…I'm carry-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a fusion energy blast, mere seconds after it had torn its way through his chassis.

The walls shook and the steel chapel bells of Primus rung out.